• 或许人们能够作为游客参观月球

    Perhaps people will be able to visit the moon as tourists.


  • 或许,“社会企业家如何定义并不重要只要这些让人难忘人们能够因为自己群体中的份子感到开心

    Perhaps it does not really matter exactly how "social entrepreneur" is defined if such impressive people feel good and part of a supportive community when they use the term to describe themselves.


  • 可能意味着超重几磅或许能够增强人们疾病损伤抵抗力

    This could indicate that a little extra weight might fortify people against illness and injury as they age.


  • 或许就是平凡世界人们能够想象监狱景象

    Probably this how people of our ordinary world imagine a prison camp.


  • 随着埃及强有力的国家重新组织力量继续利用人们对于安全缺失恐惧,穆巴拉克一派或许能够如愿以偿。

    As Egypt's powerful state regroups its forces and continues to capitalise on fears of insecurity, Mr Mubarak's men may have their way.


  • 如今科学家发现,“慰藉食物确实一个分子水平上帮助人们提升情绪或许能够解释为什么有那么多人压力很大体重却直线上升。

    Now scientists have found "comfort" eating really does work at a molecular level to lift our mood, which could explain why so many people spiral into obesity when facing stressful situations.


  • 科学家研究显示,开心果制成不含咖啡因健康饮品或许能够取代咖啡人们心中的地位,成为备受追捧的新一代热饮。

    Coffee made from a type of pistachio nuts could provide a caffeine free and healthy alternative to the popular hot beverage, according to research by scientists.


  • 如今这项发现预示将来,从人类基因组原本认为次要的部分中,人们或许能够得到惊人发现

    That such a discovery has been made in what was regarded as the less interesting parts of the human genome is a presage of where exciting genomic finds may lie in the future.


  • 下面人力资源经理职场人们推荐面试不可不问七个问题或许能够解决燃眉之急

    Below is a human resource manager and workplace to seven questions in the interview may not ask people recommended, may be able to address you as pressing danger.


  • 假如人们能够一个小孩子龙卷风灾害领悟到一些人生的道理或许还有点意思。

    It would help if people could see some sense in the death of a child or in the devastation done by a tornado.


  • 或许当今社会中,人们能够最多希望就是产生高层次的不满足感——对于真正重要的事情产生的不满足感。

    Perhaps the most that can be hoped for is to have high-order discontent in today's society, discontent about things that really matter.


  • 目前还没有简单办法能够解决……问题但是,使人们普遍认识到……必要性/重要性或许有效一步

    No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of … , but the general awareness of the necessity / importance of … might be the first step on the right way .


  • 或许人们能够月球空间站生活

    Perhaps people will be able to live in space stations on the moon.


  • 不但打破人们大陆股市传统看法或许启示人们到哪里寻找能够的股票。

    This will not only break the people's traditional views on the mainland stock market, may also find inspiration wherever people can Buy low stocks.


  • 所以或许能够支持鼓励那些处境不好的人们

    As a result you may be able to support or cheer up someone who is not feeling very well.


  • 我们或许能够类似于察看人们基因序列,察看他们的启动序列等工作,在此基础上对人们进行基因型分类,把分类结果他们的忠诚度关联起来”,young博士作如是想。

    "we may be able to do things like look at their gene sequence, look at their promoter sequence, to genotype people and correlate that with their fidelity, " he muses.


  • 那么对于那些把木星卫星伽利略望远镜的产物的人们我们或许能够原谅的。

    We can perhaps forgive those who said the moons of Jupiter were produced by Galileo's spy-glass.


  • 或许知道吧,但是才华耀眼小说唤起人类悲伤渴望地肯定隐喻如何能够到时光和记忆人们的感觉中,你眼前看着的这些文字一样真实

    Perhaps not. But Le's novel is a brilliant evocation of human sorrow and desire, a stunning affirmation of how metaphor can make time and memory as real as the newspaper you are holding in your hands.


  • 研讨小组停止这二心理学课题研讨,能够促使人们改动他们的约会交友方式、或许交友网站上的局部行为以及网站图片使用的习气等。

    The research, carried out by a team of psychologists, may prompt men to change their dating behavior and update profile pictures used on dating websites.


  • 对于那些把木星卫星说成伽利略小望远镜的产物的人们我们或许能够原谅的。

    One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the seventh in distance from the planet. It was originally sighted by Galileo.


  • 那么对于那些木星卫星成是伽利略小望远镜的产物人们我们或许能够原谅的。

    One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the ninth in distance from the planet. It was first sighted by Galileo.


  • 那么对于那些木星卫星成是伽利略小望远镜的产物人们我们或许能够原谅的。

    One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the ninth in distance from the planet. It was first sighted by Galileo.


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