• 或许将来研究应该更多注意力放在如何使两者变得更加完善

    Perhaps future studies should focus more on how to make both of those things even better.


  • 为了提供这些服务互联网体系结构传递服务所通过商业模型两者或许改变

    To provide these services, both the architecture of the Internet and the business models through which services are delivered will probably have to change.


  • 两者使用方法或许不同设想一样的:那就是构建适应公司业务需求通过网络互连IT系统

    The approaches may be different but the vision is the same: to create IT systems that adapt to the business needs of companies and allow them to connect.


  • 或许莫伊尔,或许编辑或者两者都是,错误地判断实时网络传播信息速度规模,也低估了社会媒体曝光新闻快速施加压力方面的力量

    Moir, or her editors, or both, misjudged the speed and breadth of the real-time web and social media in their power to highlight and pressurise at speed and with force.


  • 他们或许通过组合营销计划依赖直觉经验取得了某种成功两者可能在瞬息万变的营销市场中误入歧途

    They may have some success putting their plans together by relying on intuition and experience, but both can be misleading in a rapidly changing marketing world.


  • 两者有区别吗?或许没有

    Would it make any difference, perhaps not?


  • 两家公司人才争夺或许衡量两者竞争最直观的指标,双方工程师或者高管跳槽对方的情况容易统计

    Nowhere is keeping score easier than in the battle for talent, where every engineer or executive who defects from one company or the other is easily tabulated.


  • 伊壁教导人们,身体苦痛快速消退,而且可以精神控制住,而精神上的痛苦糟糕的多,两者控制的不好或许导致死亡

    Of the two, Epicurus taught, mental pain is the worse, for severe physical pain either soon abates and can be brought under control of the mind, or results in death.


  • 或者某种方式上将,这两者正确的,或许LexisNexis这个报告中的古板律师们并不关心什么博客但是这个行业之外还有其他许多婴儿潮一代

    Or maybe, in a way, they both are. Maybe the stuffy old lawyers interviewed for this latest study don't care for blogs, but there are plenty of Boomers out there who do.


  • 相关人士解释道:“虽然目前不能两者之间的必然联系,或许是因为这样健康也苗条遵循健康饮食的倡导,早餐便是其中之一。”

    Why that's so isn't clearit could be that, as Szalavitz put it, "people who are healthier and thinner to start are more likely to follow advice about diet, which has been to have breakfast."


  • 两者都不完美,但是还是喜欢记住方向如果安卓上的turn-by-turn导航至死不渝,Gizmodo或许成为你的新宠。

    Neither are perfect and I still prefer to memorize my directions, but if you're dying for free turn-by-turn navigation like you get on Android, this is as close as you'll get.


  • 或许应该愤怒甚至是武力的手段两者都用代理处离开之后

    Perhaps I should have taken angry or even militant steps, both when I was in the agency, or after I left it.


  • 或许是因为两者受人关注的女性米歇尔•巴克曼只是名气稍弱,媒体就习惯性地将位于8月13日赢得艾姆民意测验的女士视为佩林二代。

    PRESUMABLY because both are attractive women, and she the lesser-known, the media used to disparage Michele Bachmann, who won the Ames straw poll on August 13th, as “Palin-lite”.


  • 或许是因为两者受人关注的女性米歇尔·巴克曼只是名气稍弱,媒体就习惯性地将位于8月13日赢得艾姆民意测验的女士视为佩林二代。

    PRESUMABLY because both are attractive women, and she the lesser-known, the media used to disparage Michele Bachmann, who won the Ames straw poll on August 13th, as "Palin-lite".


  • 有一点非常赞同:循环利用或许两者都有利的解决办法。

    But I do agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.


  • 研究发现,对男孩来说两者之间关系没有女孩那么紧密,或许反映出孩子们交往中的性别差异。 。

    Thee study also found that the link was weaker for boys than girls, perhaps reflecting gender differences in how children relate to each other.


  • 两者超级的这些尊敬激光唱碟媒体终极表现或许限制更多超过被他们自己本质能力

    Both were superb in these respects, probably limited more by the ultimate performance of the CD medium than by their own intrinsic abilities.


  • 两者产生的机理不同。推荐看看清华大学温诗铸教授上面或许解答

    Recommend you go take a look at Tsinghua University, Professor Shi-Zhu Wen's book, the above may not be answered.


  • 两者产生的机理不同。推荐看看清华大学温诗铸教授上面或许解答

    Recommend you go take a look at Tsinghua University, Professor Shi-Zhu Wen's book, the above may not be answered.


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