• 第二不能看的那个人(见证这一幕的人)反感

    Two, it’s not OK to make the person you’re gazing at (or other people who witness you looking) uncomfortable.


  • 未能自己得着,很难事奉见证基督

    When a person is not sure of his salvation he is not able to serve Christ or to witness for him as he should.


  • 第三浪潮大约发生在一万九千见证东北亚祖先群体现代爱斯基摩人和阿留申人的迁移。

    The third wave, perhaps 10,000 or 9,000 years ago, saw the migration from North-east Asia of groups ancestral to the modern Eskimo and Aleut.


  • 是一种观测台,按照河流自身的时间框架揭示了河流的“行为”,并让我们能够通过智能手表智能手机见证这些变化。

    It's a sort of observatory that reveals how the rivers are behaving from their own temporal frame, and allows us to witness those changes on our smartwatches or phones.


  • 有人听见发誓声音(作若有人听见叫人发誓的声音),见证,却把所看见的,所知道出来,这就是,他担当罪孽

    And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity.


  • 辩护律师责米勒其他任何记者作为见证的可信度。

    The defence doubted that she-or any journalist-could be a reliable witness.


  • 依赖AIG表现最近起伏不定市场环境(见证了一公开募股行为取消推迟)。

    That will depend on AIG's performance and on market conditions, which have been choppy of late (witness the wave of cancelled or postponed public offerings).


  • 走进儿童收容所坐在生命垂危难民病榻前,无疑见证这位女人从未背离自己的内心,从未掩饰过自己情感

    Yet to accompany her to a children's hospice or the bedside of a dying refugee was to witness a woman who never let her emotions take charge - but who never entirely masked them either.


  • 60亿之后见证太阳死亡地球地球之外任何生物可能是人类——那些生物和人类的区别人类细菌之别。

    Any creatures witnessing the sun's demise 6 billion years hence, here on Earth or beyond, won't be human-they'll be as different from us as we are from bacteria.


  • 财富渴望财富积累本身见证贪婪

    Is the desire for wealth, or the accumulation of wealth, per se, evidence of greed?


  • 律师其他证人见证张借据

    Write out a promissory note with the assistance of a lawyer or other witness.


  • 公开婚礼相当于变了一份私人协议口头其它方式),将为你们伴侣关系下基石,这些露丝阿姨老爸头头见证下完成。

    Weddings publicly codify the private agreements (spoken or otherwise) that underpin your partnership, and they do it in front of your Great Aunt Ruth and your father's boss.


  • 如果Android好奇,电脑尝试一下,那么一个见证移动操作系统运行在上网桌面电脑上的绝好方式。

    If you're curious about how Android works and would like to try it out on a real machine, this is a great way to see how fast a mobile OS can be on a netbook or desktop.


  • Roellinger的自有品牌混合调料最多可以包含有二十种知名秘密成份可是亲自见证它们的点睛魔力

    Roellinger's signature spice blends can contain up to twenty named and secret ingredients. I can vouch for their power to transform.


  • 永远不要言弃因为在2012年春天初夏一个极好的机会见证目标达成。

    Never give up, for you have an excellent chance at seeing your goal materialize by spring or early summer 2012.


  • 除此之外,普西还有一项重任在肩,即保管22个装满野外科考数据档案柜,这些英语瓦西里语(Swahili)记录笔记本日记表格就是五十贝黑猩猩研究的最好见证

    Among other duties, she curates the 22 file cabinets full of field datathe notebooks and journal pages and check sheets, some in English, some in Swahili—from 50 years of chimp study at Gombe.


  • 只要想想他们定下那么目标投入那么多邀请全世界见证梦想成真分崩离析,到底意义何在。

    Just think about what it means to aim that high, commit that much and invite the eyes of the world to see it all come together or all fall apart.


  • 本人宣誓(作为牌法雇员)本人已见证验证上述客户之签署及有关身分证明公司成立文件正本

    I solemnly swear (as employee of a Licensed Corporation) that I have witnessed the signature and inspected the original identity or company establishment documents of the above-named client.


  • 见证别的文化人们当下的活动想象他们平常的事情你想到的一样。

    Witness people of another culture doing whatever you think they would do during a normal day or whatever comes to mind.


  • 上帝我们亲友见证下,郑重宣誓成为忠实伴侣无论疾病健康、顺境逆境、欢乐痛苦

    In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow.


  • 夏夜其它见证

    Or other testimony of summer nights.


  • 证人却常常庭上说谎话即使会被罚款入狱,仍不能完全杜绝见证

    But witnesses often lie in court. Potential penalties of a fine or jail time do not completely suppress false testimony.


  • 北京的胡同线巷弄形成线四合院凡北京居民生活见证变迁城市

    Beijing 's hutongs, lanes or alleys formed by lines of siheyuan (a compound with houses around a courtyard) where old Beijing residents live, witness the vicissitude of the city.


  • 初次入教者可以只是神秘见证参与者受感动者,经由仪式活动看到自己成为一体者。

    The initiate may either be a mere witness of the divine drama or take part in it or be moved by it, or he may see himself identified through the ritual action with the god.


  • 过去10见证越来越多的关于使用智力加强剂智力争论

    The last 10 years have witnessed increasing debate over the use of drugs known as cognitive enhancers or intelligence drugs.


  • 过去10见证越来越多的关于使用智力加强剂智力争论

    The last 10 years have witnessed increasing debate over the use of drugs known as cognitive enhancers or intelligence drugs.


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