• 可能参加工作面试或者陌生人约会完全吹干头发

    It is impossible to get it completely dry when one is in a rush to get to a job interview or a blind date.


  • 不像其他人如果朋友或者陌生大吼大叫打赌肯定吃不了兜

    Unlike others, if you yelling to friends or strangers, I bet you may have bitten off more than you can chew.


  • 比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌用法,也用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。

    Casual or Business casual. A polite way to end the letter. Can be used between friends or strangers.


  • 他们可以孙子,孙女,侄子侄女或者是外甥,外甥女,或者邻居家小女孩,或者陌生人孩子啊。所有孩子魔术师符,稻草变成黄金

    They can be grandchildren, nieces or nephews, a neighbor's children, or a stranger's child. All children are sorcerers, enchanters, casting spells, turning straw into gold.


  • 有一天,一个陌生人没有得到允许的情况下阅读你的电子邮件或者浏览访问网站

    Someday a stranger will read your e-mail without your permission or scan the Website you've visited.


  • 远不要告诉一个陌生人你住在哪里或者你的电话号码。

    Never tell a stranger where you live or your phone number.


  • 但是平均来说他们陌生人道歉次数(占总数的22%)通常爱人(11%)或者家人(7%)多得多。

    But, on average, they offer up these apologies much more often to strangers (22% of the time) than to romantic partners (11%) or family members (7%).


  • 野营场所那些陌生人进入自己的房子但是荒野比较近或者一个白昼节日这里也有露营那里者赚到的机会。

    Camping space: For those who don't necessarily want strangers in the house but live near the wilderness or a multi-day festival, there's money to be earned from campers.


  • 如果门口出现陌生人或者是一个敌人向寻求庇护,这是他的荣耀就取决于他是否这个进来。

    If a stranger or an enemy turns up on his doorstep and asks for shelter, his honor depends on taking that person in.


  • 痴呆症患者一些事情比如陌生人按摩或者他人盘子里吃东西似乎并不会让他们感到尴尬

    Many things that those with dementia do, such as giving strangers massages or eating off of others' plates, don't seem to embarrass them.


  • 归结件事理解陌生人交谈好处明白怎样应付偶然出现拒绝或者使人生厌遭遇通过练习克服恐惧

    It comes down to three things: Understanding the benefits of talking to strangers. Knowing how to deal with the occasional rejection or unpleasant encounter. Breaking down your fear through practice.


  • 人们不能盯着陌生人或者跟他们说话,不能马路对面朋友大声喊叫。

    People would not look or talk to strangers passing and would never call out to a friend on the other side of the street.


  • 记住每次填写参赛表抽奖或者完成项调查表的时候个人信息会被收集存储某处陌生人计算机服务器上。

    Remember, every time that you fill-out a contest or sweepstakes entry form or complete a survey your personal information is being collected and stored in some stranger’s computer server somewhere.


  • 我们杂货店销售员或者派对上陌生人闲聊

    It's the chitchat we share with the clerk at the grocery store or a stranger at a party.


  • 热爱摄影工程感恩30工程”(每年十一月),也喜欢做“清晨”或者31天31个陌生人”。

    I also love doing photographic projects such as The 30 Days of Gratitude Project (every November) and also doing A Year of Mornings or 31 Strangers in 31 Days.


  • 受测女性观看的图片多种多样,有她们伴侣陌生人或者固体物体

    The women stared at pictures varying from their partner, strangers, or solid objects.


  • 虽然公共大众认为儿童容易陌生人绑架,但事实上大多数小孩他们认识的所诱拐的,比如说他们的家长或者是家长朋友

    Though the public believes that strangers are likely to kidnap children, most child abductions are committed by someone the child knows-usually a parent or friend of the family.


  • 再举个例子来说陌生人侮辱挑衅,比如高速公路上粗鲁行为或者网上猥琐评论,最好是视而不见,不然得不偿失。

    As another example, it would be smart to treat the insults and provocations of strangersrude behavior on the highway, nasty remarkson the internet—as irrelevant.


  • 不论是否喜欢是否自愿参加当地一次公路比赛,都自然地陌生人交谈比赛或者跑步有关的话题。

    Whether you're running or volunteering at a local road race, it's easy to start up a conversation with someone about the race or running in general.


  • 离开或者陌生人公用一张餐桌时,你可能会享受高音屏幕粤语话剧

    You might get to enjoy a Cantonese drama blaring off screens while you slurp away and possibly have to share a table with strangers.


  • 预言 :“现在起10年以后,当某次在家拿起电话可能的结果却是陌生人或者的电话号码骚扰了,你只能无奈地摇摇头

    Predication: "A decade from now, you may shake your head that there was ever a time when any stranger or wrong number could interrupt you at home with a phone call.


  • 任何超市排队或者是在餐厅时不得不忍受某个陌生人大声讲电话,类似经历都能够读懂接下来这个故事

    Anyone who has been forced to endure a stranger's loud and public cellphone conversation in a supermarket line or a restaurant will understand this story.


  • 可以从小事做起,比如跟陌生人说话或者告诉某人你的真实感受如果平常你会对这件事情犹豫不决,那么现在你就要勇敢的面对,并且实际的行动起来。

    You can start small by talking to stranger or telling someone how you really feel when you would normally hold back.


  • 笔者本人就因为有钱或者被人认为有钱,结果完全的陌生人甚至自身富裕那里亲身体验到了几乎不加掩饰敌意

    I've experienced firsthand the barely veiled hostility that being rich-or merely being perceived as rich-can elicit from veritable strangers, even those who are themselves well-off.


  • 患有社交恐惧症和社交焦虑症的儿童,陌生人面前陌生环境中会极其害羞和害怕他们可能害怕主动跟别人说话或者不敢参加小朋友的生日宴会。

    They may, for example, be afraid to initiate a conversation or to attend a birthday party.


  • 如果喜欢陌生人在一起,或者陌生人家里,你还可以安排交换住宅他们来的时候你家,你去的时候他们家。

    If you'd rather not stay with a stranger, or have one in your home, arrange an apartment or house swap so they're in your place while you crash at theirs.


  • 如果一样智能手机,你永远不会看见那些可怜、悲剧或者可爱陌生人

    If you use a smart phone like I do, you never see the pitiable stranger, the tragic stranger, or the lovable stranger.


  • 如果一样智能手机,你永远不会看见那些可怜、悲剧或者可爱陌生人

    If you use a smart phone like I do, you never see the pitiable stranger, the tragic stranger, or the lovable stranger.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定