• 取代直发这种波波很适合波浪或者卷曲头发

    Instead of straight hair, this bob works well with wavy or crimped hair.


  • 葫芦一种植物的草绿色果实称为瓠子或者

    A calabash is a light-green vine fruit, also known as opo squash or long melon.


  • 龙虾随后被放置可操纵环境中或者它们失去一个两个爪子后再生时这种不寻常对称爪子的结构没有改变

    This unusual configuration of symmetrical cutter claws did not change when the lobsters were subsequently placed in a manipulatable environment or when they lost and regenerated one or both claws.


  • 可以做成小馅饼,排骨或者把他们煮成例如春卷的肉条。

    You can make patties, cook steaks, or cook them in strips like fajitas.


  • 但是对于金属对金属介面人工髋关节来说,由于设计拙劣或者植入技术不良球体有时可能压迫臼的边缘

    But in metal-on-metal hips, either because of poor design or poor implant technique, the ball can sometimes press against the cup's edge.


  • 末端两个部分大象可以精细的动作地上捡起枚浆果或者是从树上采摘一片叶子。

    Two fingerlike parts on the tip of the trunk allow the elephant to perform delicate maneuvers such as picking a berry from the ground or plucking a single leaf off a tree.


  • 蔓藤植物心叶洋绣球或者瑞士藤,我认为常青藤同样可以令人非常愉快。

    I'd try using vining plants like heartleaf philodendron or Swiss cheese plant, though ivy would also look lovely as well.


  • 当地干旱并非美国西南部或者澳大利亚内陆地区那种地表龟裂的干旱,确实抑制甚至扼杀了当地许多树木的生存。

    It wasn't the earth-cracking kind of drought that happens in the American Southwest or the Australian outback, but it did stunt or kill lots of trees.


  • 锅盖慢炖15分钟或者奎奴藜软化或呈半透明每个一颗粒应该一点细丝附着。

    Cover and simmer 15 minutes or until the quinoa is tender and translucent; each grain should have a little thread.


  • 当然了,这可靠的虚幻感甚至不能长久解雇或者下岗的时候,你就会立刻意识到这份幻觉多么不堪一击

    But of course, even convincing illusions don't last. If you're ever fired or laid off, you quickly realize how flimsy the illusion really was.


  • 除之外,脱毛药(等等)也可以拿来使用或者拔掉剪掉

    Depilatory agents (waxing, sugaring, etc.) may be used instead of shaving, or the hair may be plucked or cut.


  • 出人意料是,此举引起环保者的愤慨。他们支持清洁能源厌恶这些物(或者风能厂)破坏自然美景

    Unexpectedly, it has also drawn the ire of some environmentalists, who love renewable energy but hate the mirrors (or wind farms) that ruin landscapes.


  • 这种器官类似于位于主末端锥形棒物,可能用来刺激雌性或者雌性拉近身边——Long表示这些只是猜测

    These organs, which resemble a spiked club at the end of a stalk, may be used to stimulate a female or to pull her closer-though these are still assumptions, Long said.


  • 取代直发这种波波很适合波浪或者卷曲头发

    Instead of straight locks, this Bob works well with wavy or crimped hair.


  • 是不是就意味着宇宙就是平面封闭球体或者马鞍

    Does this mean space is shaped like a flat plane, a sphere or a saddle?


  • 此款融化钟表其设计灵感源自达利世界名画永恒记忆”,它适合架子或者办公桌上。

    Inspired by famous Dali painting "the Persistence of Memory" the Melting Clock was designed to be used on a shelf or hanging on your office desk.


  • 对龙翼描述基本上有种-一对连接脊椎上的第三或者是蹼前肢

    Dragon wings are usually depicted in one of two ways-a third pair of limbs connected to the backbone, or webbed forearms.


  • 接下来天文学家们检测了近期发生星系碰撞微妙标志例如扭曲中心或者拖着尾巴恒星

    Next, the astronomers checked the galaxies for the subtle signs of a recent galactic collision, such as a warped disk or a trailing tail of stars.


  • 科学家们补充说星系暗物质可能会影响到星系自身演化过程决定星系的形态——椭圆或者涡旋

    The behavior of a galaxy's dark matter halo could affect its evolution and help determine whether it becomes a spiral or an elliptical, they added.


  • 签名签,就会逐渐产生花押符号,可如今一些年轻人开始那么做,螺旋字符或者小桃

    Most signatures, with long use, develop into ciphers or symbols; some of the young, though, now start off that way, appending their personal signs in the form of a spiral or a heart.


  • 其他特征还有,疼痛呈辐射大腿腿部发散,或者越过关节腹腔内部发散。

    Other signs include pain radiating into the hip socket, or down the outside of the leg, or deep inside the belly over the anterior surface of the S-I joint.


  • 这些波纹波浪或者扩散向四周漫延,仿佛波纹,汩汩流淌。”艺术家表示

    "These are waves, like sound waves or diffusions. But also like those of water, or flux," said the artist.


  • 同时考虑维生素补充剂形态JENNINGS如果消化系统比较脆弱,那么液态维生素或者粉末的超级食品都药片更易消化。”

    Consider the form you buy them in, too, says Jennings. ‘Liquid vitamins or powdered superfoods may be easier to digest than hard tablets, especially if your digestion is delicate.’


  • 相对我们熟知球形或者雪茄内部充满轻于空气高空气球Skylifter开发一个铁饼的。

    Rather than use either a spherical or a cigar-shaped aerostat, as the gas-filled envelope of a lighter-than-air craft is known, Skylifter has developed a discus-shaped one.


  • 简单机器区段所指出的,螺丝钉一个行动行事而且圆形圆筒(或者切断了圆锥体)一螺旋的在它里面的凹槽

    As indicated in the section on simple machines, a screw ACTS with a wedging action and consists of a circular cylinder (or truncated cone) with a helical groove in it.


  • 增强扫描变化较大,个别囊肿囊可以出现上皮化生或者周边被移位垂体组织所环绕。

    Variability in ct contrast enhancement among individual cysts may reflect squamous metaplasia in the wall or a peripherally displaced rim of pituitary tissue.


  • 他们眼睛青色双手覆盖或者有吸盘样的指尖

    They have deep turquoise eyes, and each hand is capped with finned or suction-cup tipped fingers.


  • 在此基础设计了用于12个电极的卡肤电极或者10个电极点电极通道神经信号激励模块

    Based on the module, a four channel module for the FES of neurons is designed for 12 sites cuff electrode or 10 sites shaft electrode.


  • 在此基础设计了用于12个电极的卡肤电极或者10个电极点电极通道神经信号激励模块

    Based on the module, a four channel module for the FES of neurons is designed for 12 sites cuff electrode or 10 sites shaft electrode.


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