• 许你会说“开始”,或者打开某一首或者其他什么。

    Maybe you say "go", or turn on a certain song, or whatever.


  • 因为要让我的内容写文章时有材料,又或者孩子之间东西

    I wanted to have something to sing about, or write about, or tell my kids about.


  • 这些念头可能永远不会变成一首或者一支可却是一位母亲思想经历

    These thoughts may never become a poem or a song. But they are an exercise in the mother's thoughtfulness.


  • 如果知道这些,那你应该去听听……或者这只能说明了。

    If you don't know these songs, you should. Or maybe I'm just getting old.


  • 不要担心一些特别或者做一些其他活动会让觉得痛苦,因为使你想起曾经的记忆

    Don't worry if listening to particular songs or doing other activities is painful because it brings back memories of the person that you lost; this is common.


  • 鹰头狮继续说,“或者愿意甲鱼吗?”

    'Or would you like the Mock Turtle to sing you a song?'


  • 使一些大家都知道东西出丑——比如一首流行一部电影或者文件电视节目——观众一个参考关联内容

    By playing off of something that everyone already knows--for example, a popular song, movie or a TV show--people will have a reference point to relate to your content.


  • 或许会遇到心目中的另一半,或者声音机里听到的舅舅(叔叔)喜爱的一首,又或者是在街上邂逅一位老友

    You might meet someone new who you really like, or hear a song on the radio that's your uncle's favorite, or maybe you run into an old friend on the street.


  • 有人生活看成幅照片一首或者一部短篇小说梅尔眼里,生活就是一专利接着另一项专利。

    Some people see life in terms of a photograph or a song or a short story; Lemelson sees it in terms of a patent.


  • 花些心思在找到完美背景或者5个最喜欢的想想创造一些人们愿意关注的东西。

    Worry less about finding the perfect background or your 5 favorite songs and more about creating something people want to pay attention to.


  • 用户只要选出艺人或者一首就可以建立一个始终播放类似音乐的电台。

    The user just needs to pick one artist, or a song, to create a station that instantly plays similar music.


  • 切记要是根本一首拯救生活抑或完全不懂编曲,又或者演出现场没有做好必要的功课上面那些步骤也是白搭。

    Remember that the above steps won't work if you can't write a song to save your life, your arranging ability is hopeless, or you don't put the requisite work into the show.


  • 幻灯片或者图片也行啊,用最喜欢做背景音乐吧

    You could always prepare a slide show of pictures set to some of your favorite music.


  • 静静地着,说话要是可以或者你可以说一首又有趣的——你答应过的;或者讲个故事。

    Sit quite still and don't talk: but you may sing a song, if you can sing; or you may say a nice long interesting ballad — one of those you promised to teach me: or a story.


  • 从而让我们产生多样新颖想法比如共同出门度假一首或者重新整理装修房子

    This may, in turn, bring to mind more diverse and original ideas, such as going on a joint vacation, writing a song, or cleaning and remodeling the house.


  • 制作大部分或者一首全部

    I produce most of the music or all of it.


  • 首先可以告诉影响了音乐哪些吗?哪些或者流派带给你最基本的吸引力吗?

    First of all, Could you tell me what some of your musical influences are? What songs or genres are you generally attracted to?


  • 通常意味着我会随着曲子打着拍子,或者要是鼓槌跟着一块演奏起来,爸妈气疯了

    This usually meant that I would start to tap along or if I had my drumsticks handy, I would start playing along, which must have driven my parents mad.


  • 偶尔不同曲风的混在一起或者techno。

    But occasionally he'll mix things up and listen to some techno.


  • 现在有650多个店铺注册,名单存有25万——大多数首0.99美元,或者8.99美元一张专辑

    There are more than 650 stores currently, with over 250, 000 songs in the catalogue - most appear to be available at $0.99 per song or $8.99 per album.


  • 大多数都是分手沧桑无奈的,或者多年后老朋友相遇情景

    Most of his songs are written about sadness and helpless after breaking up or the scene which the old meet.


  • 这时候,很一支,很一声口哨或者干脆桃花天空,想云朵,想很久很久以前往事

    At this time, wanted to sing a song, want to hit soon as whistle, or simply sit under Peach, like the sky, like clouds, like a long time ago past.


  • 现在有很多MP 3文件一个集合里面,一定很多一首重复了,然后存在不同目录或者保存名字不同。

    In a large collection of MP3 files, there may be more than one copy of the same song, stored in different directories or with different file names.


  • 希望偶像选手错了他们的优势一下子没了,他们会被限制了、或者看上去像酒吧手、或者非常无聊。

    When Idol hopefuls choose the "wrong" song, something just seems off. They're pitchy.


  • 可以每次乘车都必听一首傻傻的握手或者能懂手势或者只有的一周一次的活动

    That could be a song you belt out on every car ride, a goofy handshake or gesture that no one else understands, or a weekly ritual just for the two of you.


  • 吟唱法期间,眼魔法师不能交谈或者作其他需要动嘴的事情包括进行啮咬攻击

    The song takes effort; a beholder mage that is casting spells cannot speak or use its mouth to do anything else that round, including making bite attacks.


  • 人类内耳耳朵感染时候,将不再重新反思一天计划或者需要记忆清单中的事物而是被一个个音乐片段或者一首里面的同一句词阻碍,下入了遍又一遍的重复回环之中。

    When it gets infected with earworms, rather than review our plans for the day, or lists of things to remember, the inner ear gets stuck on a few short bars of music or a couple of phrases from a song.


  • 人类内耳耳朵感染时候,将不再重新反思一天计划或者需要记忆清单中的事物而是被一个个音乐片段或者一首里面的同一句词阻碍,下入了遍又一遍的重复回环之中。

    When it gets infected with earworms, rather than review our plans for the day, or lists of things to remember, the inner ear gets stuck on a few short bars of music or a couple of phrases from a song.


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