• 及时地负面或者问题的内容进行回复可以让管理好酒店的社会媒体形象

    Timely responses to negative or problematic mentions are the actions that allow you to manage your social media presence.


  • ,我应该什么或者点什么最大的问题什么?

    I suppose I ought to eat or drink something or other; but the great question is, what?


  • 韧性的人怀着乐观思维,往往把每一个问题都当作挑战,当作任何一种改进的机会,或者当作个人成长的机会。

    Resilient people who think positively tend to treat every problem as a challenge, a chance for improvement of any kind, or as an opportunity for personal growth.


  • 之后,如果他们问题或者需要更多信息的话,卡面另一面给出了联系方式

    After that, I mention my contact info is on the other side in case they have a question or need more information.


  • 告诉说,如果任何问题或者想得到学习方面的建议的话可以来找他。

    He told me I could come again if I had any other questions, or if I wanted advice on my studies.


  • 如果他们开始呼吸方面问题或者由于病毒脱水应该马上医生

    If they start to have respiratory problems, or are dehydrated because of a bug, they should go to the doctor.


  • 多胞胎它们可能相互拥挤或者其他一些问题造成了这些缺陷

    In pigs where you have multiple births, you could have crowding or some other issue that creates the defect [later on].


  • 你在一个酗酒或者其他健康处理问题方式身边成长,你很可能效仿了。

    When we grow up around people who turn to alcohol or other unhealthy ways of dealing with problems, they become our example.


  • 你在一个酗酒或者其他健康处理问题方式身边成长,你很可能效仿了。

    When we grow up around people who turn to alcohol or other unhealthy ways of dealing with problems, they become our example.


  • 也许因为他们过去酗酒或者某些健康问题允许他们喝酒

    It may be because they used to be heavy drinkers or have some other health problem that prevents them from drinking.


  • 一些这个题材文章,如果任何问题或者需要什么建议,可以写邮件.如果实在不好意思, 也可以匿名哦.....

    I’m going to write more posts about this subject but until then, feel free to send me an e-mail with any questions you have, or if you need suggestions. You can be anonymous.


  • 不确定自己能够处理个人问题或者变化几率高?

    How often have you felt unsure of your ability to handle personal problems or deal with change?


  • 分析收集数据确定哪些测试或者方法看起来问题

    Analyze the collected data, determining which tests or methods look like problems.


  • 酗酒问题应当负起责任!饮酒习惯或者酗酒成瘾的人,应当寻求治疗中心的帮助。

    The person with the drinking problem has to take charge. Someone who has a bad habit or an addiction to alcohol needs to get help from a treatment center.


  • 如果对本系列文章什么建议或者问题请参与论坛中的讨论(请参阅参考资料)。

    If you have comments or questions about this series, join the discussion in the forum (see Resources).


  • 他们多数观点是,远程客户或者远程开发不是问题

    Most of them were of the opinion that having a remote client or doing remote development was not an issue.


  • 除非非常严重的害喜或者其它医疗问题,你应该能够照常工作

    Unless you have extreme morning sickness or other medical issues, you should be able to continue to do your work as usual.


  • 这种难以治愈伤口患者主要卧病医院病床轮椅老年病人或者循环系统问题糖尿病患者。

    Sufferers of these hard-to-heal wounds mostly include elderly patients restricted to hospital beds or wheelchairs and diabetics beset by circulation problems.


  • 测试一个奇怪问题右侧或者左侧偏好吗?对于任何事情。

    Here's a test. It's an odd question... but do you tend to prefer the right side or the left side of anything?


  • 报告模板问题或者不可用时用户可以请求清除报告类别

    In the event that there are issues with report templates or that they are otherwise not usable, users can request that the report catalog is cleared.


  • 确保上课以前告诉导师是否受过伤或者其他健康上的问题

    PLEASE, make sure you tell the instructor BEFORE class if you are injured, have past injuries that need to be considered, or have any other health concerns.


  • 他们类似于,‘哪里问题?’或者幼时是不是打过?’

    They ask me questions like, 'What's your problem?' or 'Were you beaten as a child?'


  • 浏览器发送一个响应表明用户注册问题或者servlet需要调试

    This sends a response to the browser indicating that there was a problem with the user registration or that the servlet needs debugging.


  • 问问关于增加怀孕几率最好方法或者是否怀孕障碍的问题

    Ask about the best ways to boost the odds of conception - and options if you have trouble conceiving.


  • 如果更多问题或者说说自己想法文章后发表评论。

    If you have more, or you want to chime in with your thoughts, please post a comment to this article.


  • 可以认为CEO他们的家庭搞定问题但是表明家庭生活或者家庭生活另一个问题

    You might think a CEO could talk over their problems with their family, but it turns out that family life, or lack of it, can be another problem.


  • 如果就绪状态4而且状态是 200,就可以处理服务器数据了,而且这些数据应该就是要求数据(不是错误或者其他有问题信息)。

    With a ready state of 4 and a status code of 200, you're ready to process the server's data and that data should be what you asked for (and not an error or other problematic piece of information).


  • 要当心个假象就是问题很容易解决,或者一部分需要解决问题

    Beware the illusion that all problems are easy or that problems needing solving only apply to some people.


  • 要当心个假象就是问题很容易解决,或者一部分需要解决问题

    Beware the illusion that all problems are easy or that problems needing solving only apply to some people.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定