• 如果拒绝或者只是按声喇叭,便离开,那又会怎么样呢?

    What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away?


  • 英国可以说胳臂或者正像的狗’。

    In English we can say 'my arm' or 'my leg' just as we might say 'my dog' or 'my car'.


  • 开始只是直勾勾地或者玩具放在耳边副在正打电话样子

    She looked at me, then put the car up to her ear like a phone.


  • 打算维持这种生活方式除非找到更好的混合或者燃料电池并且不会超出财力机动

    I plan to live without a car until I find the perfect hybrid, electric or fuel cell vehicle that won't break my bank account.


  • 记得曾经202530也许如果13面包或者15加仑牛奶们就不会价格这么大惊小怪了。

    I remember when I filled my tank for $20 and $25 and $30! Maybe if we bought 13 loaves of bread at a time or 15 gallons of milk we might become just as sensitive to how much we spend on those items.


  • 认为可能回到感到疏离技术上去,们不会再买常常坏掉的或者阴极射线管电视机一样

    I can't see how we'll ever retreat back to technologies that alienate us, just like we won't go back to buying cars that break down a lot or cathode ray tube TVs.


  • 而当不太适合步行城市时,总会有好心司机以为或者需要帮助,于是停靠过来载

    When I visit less pedestrian-friendly cities, kindhearted motorists regularly pull over and offer me a ride, assuming that my car has broken down or I'm in need of some help.


  • 去年每天来回步行4.5英里上班有时回家会做公交或者妻子去接大多数都是步行。

    Last year I started walking to work daily, about 4.5 miles each way. Sometimes I would take the bus home, or my wife would pick me up, but for the most part I walked.


  • 可以沿着太平洋海岸一路骑行有时在食物敞篷货前停下,还能直接骑公园不用为了徘徊不已——或者糟的是,还得找照看的人。

    I could pedal down the Pacific coast, pause at food trucks and pop into parks uninterrupted by the need to find a parking spotor worse, a valet.


  • 有时不得不到路边一会儿,以便把文章标题或者创建产品下来

    I occasionally have to pull my car over on the side of the road for a moment to write down an article title or a new product I want to create.


  • 可以希望速度任何地方-或者至少如果机动达到的-而不是这辆自行

    I can get anywhere as fast as I wish-or at least I could if I had a motor-cycle instead of this old bike!


  • 觉得女士们之所以选择参与活动)只是为了省钱或者丈夫加满油。觉得这只是出于上的考虑,而不是为了取乐。”一位顾客评论道

    "I think (women do it ) in order to save their money, or to fill in their husband's car. I think it's mostly about money, not about fun. " said one customer.


  • 想知道太空捕捉信号到底有多难或者就事说捕捉这个月球的信号好了?

    I amwondering how complicated it could be to catch signals coming from space, orfor that matter, from such vehicle.


  • 不得不每天工作长时间没有太多出租或者

    I have to work very long every day and I don't have too much money to take a taxi or buy a car.


  • 好吧那么干吗加油站或者至少电话

    OK, well, why don't we take my car and . . . uh, we'll try to find a gas station or at least a pay phone.


  • 芝加哥直达吗?或者需要布法罗转

    Is this a through train to Chicago, or do I have to change at Buffalo?


  • 如果或者朋友家人什么地方可以让自己变成这样的话就可以短期地方了。

    If I want to goanywhere or my friends and families would like to go some places, I can changemyself into a car, so that we can get to the place we want in a short time.


  • 现在请回答钥匙交给一个完全陌生吗?办公室或者家里钥匙?答案当然是不会

    Now here's my question: Would you hand over your car keys to a perfect stranger? What about those to your office or home? Of course not!


  • 如果或者朋友家人什么地方可以自己变成这样的话就可以短期内去们想去地方了。

    If I want to go anywhere or my friends and families would like to go some places, I can change myself into a car, so that we can get to the place we want in a short time.


  • 全天都开着黑色这款最后发现全新奢华轿或者应该说是过度的奢华—。

    I'll take her in black any day. Finally, I discovered a whole other level of luxury - or, shall we say, nimiety.


  • 不是单纯放下的手机平板电脑钥匙或者随便什么握手里的东西。

    And I don't mean just set down your cell phone or your tablet or your car keys or whatever is in your hand.


  • 或者来说宁愿脚踏兜风:交通正如中国所有地方疯狂而且好像没有交通规则可服从

    Or, in my case, rather cycling it: Traffic, as everywhere in China, is mad and seems to obey no traffic rules whatsoever.


  • 不必了。还有很多呢,而且公交或者去,那样便宜点。知道,现在油价飞涨啊

    No need. I think it's still plenty full. Even so, I'd rather travel by bus or train. It would cost much LCSS than driving Oil prices are soaring nowadays, you know.


  • 或者麦克里焦点转移解决问题上去:“发现咱们很难及时出门赶上公交。”

    Or, McCready says, shift the focus to problem solving: "I've noticed we've had difficulty getting out the door in time for the bus."


  • 或者麦克里焦点转移解决问题上去:“发现咱们很难及时出门赶上公交。”

    Or, McCready says, shift the focus to problem solving: "I've noticed we've had difficulty getting out the door in time for the bus."


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定