• 可以使用标记标签返回变更保存撤销变更或者审计特定的变更。

    You can use the tag or label to get back to the point where the changes were saved, to undo a change, or to audit a particular change.


  • 审计单位应当接到审计报告书面意见送交审计或者审计机关

    The auditees shall, within ten days from the date of receiving the audit reports, send their comments in writing to the audit teams or audit institutions.


  • 第十三条审计人员办理审计事项,与被审计单位或者审计事项利害关系应当回避

    Article 13 in handling audit matters, if auditors have an interest in the auditees or the audit items, they shall withdraw.


  • 第十三审计人员办理审计事项,与被审计单位或者审计事项利害关系的,应当回避

    Article 13 in handling audit matters, an auditor shall withdraw if he has an interest in the auditee or the matters under audit.


  • 评审形式与很多因素有关比如开发过程成熟度任何法律或者规范要求或者审计需求。

    The formality of a review process is related to factors such as the maturity of the development process, any legal or regulatory requirements or the need for an audit trail.


  • 验资报告注册会计师签字或者盖章会计师事务所或者审计事务所加盖公章后方为有效

    The capital verification report must be signed or sealed by certified public accountants, and sealed by a certified public accountant firm or an auditor firm and shall be valid.


  • 如果我们写入数据库外部文件或者发送一个消息队列审计记录又该如何做呢?

    What if we want to write to a file outside the database or send the auditing record on a message queue?


  • 配置指定把审计信息存储什么地方——每个系统本地存储,或者远程存储在另一个系统上。

    This configuration designates where the audit information will be stored, either locally on each system or remotely on another system.


  • 决定审计哪些类型事件之后,可以指定记录成功的事件,或者只记录失败的事件,还是两种事件都记录。

    Once you decide which types of events you want to audit, you can also specify whether only successful or failed events, or both, should be logged.


  • 可能使用消息记录器事件发射器或者调用审计服务JDBC适配器来实现此目的

    You would likely do this using the message logger, event emitter primitives, or service invokes to auditing services or JDBC adapters.


  • 开放源码软件要求许可方审计使用证明任何应用程序或者记录部署

    Open source software doesn't require the licensee to audit usage, justify any application, or document the deployment.


  • 对于专门目的通常需要这个细节级别比如性能测量事务审计跟踪或者小于事务

    You usually need this level of detail for specialized purposes; such as performance measurements, transaction audit trails, or transactions that take less than a second.


  • 常常需要增加新的业务战略目标审计指标或者调整当前应用业务的审计实践

    It often included adding new business objectives and metrics for auditing or refocusing the current audit practices to be applied across the business.


  • 然后审计可以寻找这些以便识别那些没有安装病毒软件或者杀毒软件需要更新机器

    An audit could then go looking for these values to identify machines that don't have the anti-virus software installed, or require updating.


  • 例如财政审计领域储备领域两个极不相关领域,它们关注不同方面或者相同系统不同视角

    For example, the financial auditing domain and the reservations domain are two largely unrelated fields that focus on very different aspects, or viewpoints, of the same system.


  • 审计功能可以监控不同类型数据库事件可以指定记录成功的事件还是只记录失败的事件,或者种事件都记录。

    The audit facility can monitor different types of database events and you can specify whether only successful or failed events, or both, should be logged.


  • 删除敏感保留那些列中的数据,以便用于审计或者确保可以执行撤销

    Deleting the sensitive columns from the old table and preserving the data from those columns for audit purposes or to ensure the ability to do an undo.


  • AIX审计可以配置为三种模式二进制或者二进制。

    AIX audit can be configured to operate in three modes: stream, bin, or stream and bin.


  • 很多监管机构审计机关认为,管理团队贷款借贷程序非常合理的,并且给予满意或者更佳的评价。

    Loans and lending procedures from this management team were regularly reviewed by multiple regulators and auditors, and given satisfactory marks or better.


  • log文件默认情况下并不存在只有在生成审计记录或者刷新审计缓冲区的情况下,该文件出现。

    The db2audit.log file does not exist by default and will not exist until audit records are generated or the audit buffer is flushed.


  • 就是美联储系统,这个系统不对任何人负责,没有预算接受审计国会里没有任何委员会能够知道或者监管运作

    The Federal Reserve System is accountable to no one; it has no budget; it is subject to no audit; and no Congressional committee knows of, or can truly supervise, its operations.


  • 如果显示管理或者遵守项目管理协会标准初衷一个审计,我很可能包括从RUP关键元素PMBOK元素的所有映射

    If I were trying to show my management or an auditor that I am complying with the intent of the PMI Standard, I would probably have to include all the mappings of RUP key elements to PMBOK elements.


  • 一些更加激进监管者任命公司审计或者会计师事务所那样的,提供各种专业服务的庞然大物

    Some are more dramatic: having auditors appointed by regulators, or stripping out audit firms from the multidisciplinary monsters the Big Four have become.


  • 组织系统流程或者产品进行评估的行为。外包审计三种形式安全票据绩效

    An evaluation of an organization, system, process or product. Outsourcing audits take three forms: security, billing and performance.


  • 多长时间或者什么情况下原料供应商进行一次审计?是现场审计还是通过文件审计

    How often or under what conditions will you audit the suppliers of starting materials? Do you audit by visiting or by documents?


  • 审计人员确定控制程序实施测试的时候,他们可能会发现进一步的控制程序,或者预想的控制程序被没有得到实施

    When they go on to test the controls that they have identified, they may discover further controls or that some controls are not actually operating as expected.


  • 法律法规明确规定可以提起行政诉讼或者可以申请复议其他审计具体行政行为

    Other specific administrative acts of audit which may be applied for review or against which legal proceedings may be taken according to explicit stipulations of relevant laws and regulations.


  • 内部审计人员可以根据这些文件内部控制适当性,或者至少能够了解管理层对内部控制的态度

    Internal auditors may consider that the adequacy or otherwise of documentation is an indication of the attitude of management to internal control.


  • 内部审计人员可以根据这些文件内部控制适当性,或者至少能够了解管理层对内部控制的态度

    Internal auditors may consider that the adequacy or otherwise of documentation is an indication of the attitude of management to internal control.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定