• 尽管确定是否可行或者你不知道是否答案只有个,但是请着去做。

    Even if you're not sure if this possible or that there'll be a single answer to those questions, try it.


  • 应该目的地建模如果知道为什么正在某些东西或者你不知道模型/文件实际需要什么观众那么应该工作它上面

    You should model with a purpose, if you don't know why you are working on something or you don't know what the audience of the model/document actually requires then you shouldn't be working on it.


  • 至少吃点,知道也许吃点麦片或者水果

    You have to have at least, I don't know, cereal or maybe a piece of fruit?


  • 永远都知道究竟发生些什么有谁或者什么事情之相随

    You never knew where it was going to go, who or what it was going to follow.


  • 知道什么时候可能清理滤镜或者镜头盖之类,因为寒冷环境中,镜头很容易变得潮湿

    Who knows when you might want to clean your filter or front element that has become moist from going in and out of cold temperatures?


  • 有意识尝试一些设计或者学习编写一些从前知道东西

    Make a conscious effort to try one new thing with a design or learn how to code one thing you didn't know how before.


  • 如果知道流行话题受欢迎的用户,可以访问Listorious网站查找或者通过查看他们的资料

    If you don't know who the best users are on a favorite topic, look for Lists on sites like Listorious or by checking profiles.


  • 或者刚好所说的它无精打采的样子,知道是这个样子的。

    Or he's just, I don't know, what you'd call lethargic.


  • 对于一个知道什么Facebook或者知道怎么Google什么反应

    How would you react to someone who didn't know what Facebook was, or how to use Google (GOOG - news - people)?


  • 意思是老爸,我知道或者在哪里或者你什么或者任何事情但是来吧,分钟爸爸那个句子花费那么长的时间

    I mean, come on dad, I don't know who you are, or where you are or what you do or anything, but come on, be a dad for a minute. For as long as it takes not to write that sentence.


  • 组织中的每个人一样,也有自己的强项弱项那么就承认或者不知道某些事吧

    Like everyone in your organization, you have your own strengths and weaknesses, so admit that you cannot do or know everything.


  • 生活中没有时间这些或者也许知道怎么所以我们做这些事情

    You don't have time in your life to do that, or you may not know how to do it, so we're going to do that for you.


  • 我们知道名字个人数据或者银行账户

    We know neither your name nor your personal data, nor your bank account.


  • 正在宣誓加入姐妹会,或者男朋友在一起,或者甚至知道还做什么

    You were pledging your sorority. Or with your boyfriend or I don't even know what else you do.


  • 假设构建一个服务消费者消费或者组合一些功能但是知道这个功能在哪儿,或者甚至不知道如何与其通信。

    Let's say you want to build a Service Consumer to consume or compose some functionality, but you don't know where that functionality is or even how to communicate with it.


  • 或者老板负责普兰过来的热线——但是不知道现在是否有人办公室接电话?

    Or perhaps your boss has handed you a hot lead from Laplandwill anyone be in the office to take your call?


  • 想有没有觉得自己别人交流自认为观点十分清晰然而还是他人还是会误解获取错误信息或者完全知道观点呢?

    Have you ever thought you were being utterly clear in your communication with someone - and yet somehow they still managed to misunderstand, get the wrong message or completely miss your point?


  • 同样,该服务会每天几个问题,可以自己回答或者朋友请教,当然如果知道答案可以回答。

    You then decide to either answer the question or refer it to another friend. Of course, you can also always pass if you don't know the answer.


  • 害怕,不知道什么以及怎么说,所以,为了避免引起任何争议很可能随声附和或者赞同任何正在谈论内容。

    You're frightened of what to say and how to say it, so you pretty much agree or go along with everything that is being discussed in order to avoid ANY sort of controversy.


  • 如果知道这些,那应该去听听……或者这只能说明了。

    If you don't know these songs, you should. Or maybe I'm just getting old.


  • 如果正在生活漂流或者感到生活失控或者知道自己怎么变成了今天这样那么下定决心,清醒生活唯一做的、重要事情

    If you're drifting through life, or feel out of control, or don't know how you got here... deciding to live consciously could be the single most important thing you do.


  • 有时应当强迫自己出行——尽管可能喜欢外出——知道下一秒遇见或者发生什么事情。

    Sometimes, you should try to get out there even if you don't feel like it, you never know who you'll meet or what might happen.


  • 可能会,又或者一些热量没有营养价值食物不知道

    You may be eating more than you should or the foods you eat may be high in calories and low in nutrition value.


  • 可能因为多个原因登录或者由于一个知道原因。

    You might be logging on for a combination of reasons, or for a reason you don't yet know.


  • 或者即使了这种检查知道究竟会怎么样……

    Or perhaps, even if you do check, you'll still never know...Gulp.


  • 这些压力通常来自她们孩子朋友—她们会说'知道失去了什么或者应该成为一名伟大的母亲'。

    Often this pressure comes from friends who have had children - 'you don't know what you're missing' or 'you'd make a great mum'.


  • 一些而言,接待朋友或者一些其他事情变得困难重重,因为永远知道父母怎么反应

    For some people, it feels like too much trouble to have a friend over or do the things that everyone else does. You just never know how your parent will act.


  • 甚至知道状况如何,因为没有任何诸如疼痛肿胀发红或者发热症状

    You would not even know that this process is going on because there are no identifiable symptoms such as pain, swelling, redness and heat.


  • 知道自己为何这般反应,也许过于紧张或者如此靠近个人,很难他微笑

    I don't know why I did that. Perhaps it was nervousness, perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very hard not to smile.


  • 知道自己为何这般反应,也许过于紧张或者如此靠近个人,很难他微笑

    I don't know why I did that. Perhaps it was nervousness, perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very hard not to smile.


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