• 比如计划自己之内套正年内买辆车或者内买房子。

    For example, you plan to have a formal dress in one year, to own a car in two years' time or to buy an apartment in five years.


  • 也许这个计划可能需要6个月或者但是最终到达那里如果你有那么期望的话

    It might be a plan that will take 6 months, a year, two years or 5, but you can get there eventually, if you want it enough.


  • 最近毕业所有毕业生中,超过一半人没有工作或者从事需要学位的工作。并且1999年以来,学生贷款债务家庭数额增加了

    More than half of all recent graduates are unemployed or in jobs that do not require a degree, and the amount of student-loan debt carried by households has increased more than five times since 1999.


  • 这本第一英国出版24年前然而,当第四遍或者是第五遍再这本书时,我仍然觉得周期表》是我心目中理想的科学书籍。

    And yet, on the fourth or fifth reading in the 24 years since UK publication, the Periodic Table still seems to me to be the nearest match to the ideal science book.


  • 老弱病人中的某几位,或者全部可能顺利渡过接下来一年

    Some or all of these five old and frail men will pass away next year.


  • 现在起之内,完成了何事而感到骄傲,或者何事而感到失落呢?

    What will you be proud to have accomplished or disappointed that you didn't do five years from now?


  • 可能我遇到第二或者第三因为大雪休假了。” 单位过去好像有问过一次类似的选择题。

    She said this wasmaybe the second or third timeher employer had an optional snow day in the last five years.


  • 住户们替换掉一个燃油设备他们如果不用等更久的话,那么五年或者时间里回因节约燃料而得到的补偿的

    When homeowners replace a working oil system, it can take five or ten years, if not longer, to get their money back in fuel savings.


  • 经过长达六观察,科学家发现颗行星质量是地球的13-25或者,与海王星的质量差不多,它们围绕恒星的旋转周期在6600之间

    Six years of observations revealed the presence of five planets between 13 and 25 times the mass of Earth, or about the mass of Neptune, that orbit the parent star once every 6 to 600 days.


  • 联储持有债券平均到期日,联储必须办法时间除,或者清理相关银行储备

    Since the average maturity of the Fed's bond holdings is five to ten years, the Fed will have to find a way to mop up, or "sterilise", the related bank reserves for a long time.


  • 把注意力集中舷窗外的海平线上或者想象达尔文的比格海峡之旅中寻求一点安慰:达尔文因晕船痛苦不堪,但是坚持海上呆了

    I focused on the horizon through my porthole or sought solace in Darwin's Beagle journal: he suffered terribly from seasickness, and he was at sea for nearly five years.


  • 过了的时间,科学家们通过25只雌性身上打上标签,通过或者他们上的卫星追踪装置,追踪了他们离开非洲穿越大西洋寻找食物的过程。

    Over five years, the researchers tagged 25 females with satellite tracking devices strapped or drilled to their shells as they left their hatching grounds in Africa to seek food across the Atlantic.


  • 故意阻碍武装部队军事行动,造成严重后果的,处以下有期徒刑或者拘役

    Whoever intentionally obstructs military operations of armed forces, if the consequences are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention.


  • 或者接下来希望这么)。

    Or end up wishing you had done so five years from now.


  • 为了债务降低一个可操作水平需要经过或者更长时间的不得分的球

    In order to bring my debt down to a manageable level, I need to have five or more years of "scoreless innings."


  • 遗弃重要或者大量武器装备或者其他严重情节的,处以上有期徒刑

    If important or large quantities of weapons and equipment are abandoned or other serious circumstances exist, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years.


  • 未来我们可能拥有非常庞大零售规模,”说道,“或者也有可能倒闭。”

    In five years we may have a very big retail business,” he says. “Or we may be closed.”


  • 个人认为仅仅是个噱头,无多大意义。 ——佩戴3-D眼镜,同时需要兼容的播放设备(电视或者投影仪)——但是这个又不得不使你提起兴趣关注一下,也许五年之后,也如HD一般,成立了一个行业标准。

    Personally, we think this technology is not quite ready for prime time —you still need to wear those dopey glasses and have a compatible TV or displaybut it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on.


  • 然而走近一看却发现一个庞然大物327英尺(100),或者它是美国20世纪70年代发射363英尺(111米)高土星五号卫星火箭以来发射最大火箭。

    But up close, it's huge: about 327 ft. (100 m) tall, or the biggest thing the U.S. has launched since the 363-ft. (111 m) Saturn V moon rockets of the early 1970s.


  • 而且不管出自什么原因失败总是常有的:过去,已有二十廉价航空公司倒闭或者被兼并。

    And failure, for whatever reason, is common: a score of budget airlines have either collapsed or lost their independence in the past five years.


  • 基恩说到关于贝拉米未来规划,“是个职业的球员,以后,当然不是现在可能至少以后,采访他的时候他可能就是英格兰或者威尔士队的主教练了。”

    I like him, he is a fantastic professional. I think in the future - certainly not soon but in maybe five or so years - you could be interviewing him as a manager somewhere in England or Wales.


  • 现在之内完成了何事而感到骄傲,或者因未何事而感到失落呢?

    What will you be proud to have accomplished, or disappointed that you didn’t do, five years from now?


  • 一般之后私人股权公司通过出售重组公司形式,或者在重组公司找到其他投资者的情况下套现。

    The private equity firm typically cashes out after five years, often through the sale of the company or when the business brings on another investor.


  • 现在之内完成了何事而感到骄傲,或者何事而感到失落呢?

    What will you be proud to have accomplished, or disappointed that you didn't do, five years from now?


  • 或者要求团队提前思考预期三年他们需求吗?

    Or did you ask the team to think ahead and anticipate what their needs might be in three or five years?


  • 或者要求团队提前思考预期三年他们需求吗?

    Or did you ask the team to think ahead and anticipate what their needs might be in three or five years?


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