• 患者的艾滋病毒检测不得违背意志让其知情、不提供充分信息其提供检测结果

    They should not be tested for HIV against their will, without their knowledge, without adequate information or without receiving their test results.


  • 知情人士,公司管理人士董事讨论了其他金融机构合并出售主要业务可能

    Executives and directors have discussed potential mergers with other financial institutions or selling major business lines, people familiar with the situation said.


  • 会谈涉及大约40潜在合作领域知情人士透露,讨论重点将是如何节省经费如何保存现有军事实力比较实际的议题。

    The discussions will involve some 40 different areas for potential co-operation, but informed sources say the emphasis will be on practical things that save money or preserve capabilities.


  • 知情人士波音空客接受某些条件的话,那么联合航空可能最早于今秋签订一份订单

    United could sign a major order as early as the fall, the people familiar with the matter said, if Boeing or Airbus agree to certain conditions.


  • 他们声称利用伪造篡改文件”,在他们知情的情况下筹资资金

    He raised money without their knowledge, they contend, "using forged or falsified documents".


  • 10月份,文着协号召作者反对[gm66nd]这项提案。 文着协称,在作者知情未得到报酬的情况下,中国数百位作者的数千部作品[gm66nd]发表

    The Chinese group said thousands of works by hundreds of local authors were published by [gm99nd] even though the authors were not informed or paid.


  • 可能使知情妇女(她们伴侣们)产生抵触因为她们担心自己婴儿将受到不良影响。

    This could have implications for women who do not wish to be informed (and thus have their partners told, too) because they fear the repercussions for themselves or their babies.


  • 知情人士表示苹果目前计划三月发货的这种平板设备带有一个大约1011英寸的触摸屏

    The tablet, which Apple currently plans to ship in March, will have about a 10 - to 11-inch touch screen, say people familiar with the situation.


  • 但是如果CEO周末晚间仍电话会议工作晚餐演讲助理们不会知情

    But an assistant would know about a CEO's weekend or evening conference call, a dinner or a speech.


  • 新的程序旨在恶意软件施加压力程序可以网络攻击开始之前禁用渗透变换的方法阻止计算机在不知情的情况下成为僵尸电脑。

    A new program aims to put the squeeze on malicious software that can disable, infiltrate or transform a computer system into an unwitting zombie - before the cyber attack ever materializes.


  • 知情人士透露,家跨国公司已经计划公司车队的车辆购置有单有双车牌方便车辆出行。

    Several multinational companies already have purchased or made arrangements to purchase alternate license plates for their fleets to enable ease of movement, people familiar with the matter said.


  • 袭击者往往倾向查找出现不安全感知情妇女

    Attackers tend to look for women who appear insecure or unsuspecting.


  • 消费者贷款人知情草率贷款借款决定使家庭处于令人难以置信的债务之下对金融体系稳定造成影响

    Consumers and lenders whose unwitting or reckless credit and borrowing decisions placed families under staggering debts and contributed to the instability of the financial system.


  • 专利怪物(patenttroll)那些申请“纸面专利”(paper patent)潜水艇专利”(submarine patent)的公司,它们从不打算开发这些专利,只是将其用作起诉知情侵权者工具

    Patent trolls are those who file "paper patents" or "submarine patents" that they never intend to exploit, but merely use as tools to Sue unwitting infringers.


  • 知情人士雅虎计划此举作为一项大型重塑品牌计划一部分,今年9月底10月份推出,雅虎的电子邮件项目也将进行升级。

    The company was planning on unveiling it as part of a broader rebranding in late September or October, the people familiar with the matter said, along with updates to Yahoo's email program.


  • 了解苹果公司战略知情人士透露,苹果正在开发新的iPhone手机便携设备便携设备小于目前笔记本电脑大于iPhoneiPod Touch。

    People privy to the company's strategy say Apple is working on new iPhone models and a portable device that is smaller than its current laptop computers but bigger than the iPhone or iPod Touch.


  • 我们其他伙伴发现做到事情了解得越多,我们越有准备做出知情决定尽可能的速度采取正确下一步

    The more we know about what other partners have discovered or achieved, the better equipped we will be to make informed decisions and take the right next steps with the greatest possible speed.


  • 攻击大多数基于web的攻击类似,均为哄骗不知情用户访问感染的恶意网站被非法操纵合法网站。

    The attack begins like most Web-based infections: an unsuspecting user visits an infected Website — either a malicious or rigged legitimate one.


  • 如果有意地,怀有恶意地,只蚂蚁上,所怀恶意相同的的程度,你也毫不知情地踩在你自己身上。

    If you purposefully, now, or with malice, step upon an ant, then to the extent of your malice you step upon yourself all unknowing.


  • 至于夫人其他很多,”补充说,“没有授权他们,对当时南越任何接触知情,我让他们不要这么。”

    "As far as Madame Chennault or any number of other people," he added, "I did not authorize them and I had no knowledge of any contact with the South Vietnamese at that point, urging them not to."


  • 科学有关的问题不在知情的条件下误导他人不容许他人误导诚实精确地总结展示科学证据理论解释

    Do not knowingly mislead, or allow others to be misled, about scientific matters. Present and review scientific evidence, theory or interpretation honestly and accurately.


  • 过去10年间是否曾担任有披露义务发行人董事高级职员推广商知情控股

    Are you or have you during the last 10 years ever been a director, officer, promoter, insider or control person for any reporting issuer?


  • 员工销售商其它知情人事交谈

    Speak to employees, vendors or other contacts with inside knowledge.


  • 员工销售商其它知情人事交谈

    Speak to employees, vendors or other contacts with inside knowledge.


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