• 外表外在容貌样子

    Outward appearance or aspect; semblance.


  • 大多数时候我们会把注意力放在车姿势或样子(gestures orgraphics)上,但是忽略很多隐藏着东西

    Most of the times, it has the gestures or graphics over which our attention falls. But there are a lot of hidden things that escape from our sight.


  • 我们只能想象14世纪古典希腊生活什么样子

    We can only imagine what life was like in the 14th century or in classical Greece.


  • 我们设计理想自我形象我们现在的样子不相同。

    We design our ideal self or an image that is quite different from what we are now.


  • 无法想象少了国际交流职业社交生活会是什么样子

    I can't imagine living my professional or social life without international interactions.


  • 现在放弃了,就乌云接近太阳烟雾因此这个宗教瞬间破碎了不管之前什么样子

    She gave up presently as if a cloud had approached the sun or the smog thickened and so broken the religious instant, whatever it might have been.


  • 们用它来描述人们不舒服时的样子感觉。

    We use it to describe how people look or feel when they are unwell.


  • 疫系统将识别“病毒”的样子,并派遣B细胞(淋巴细胞)抗体去找到并杀死它们。

    The immune system will know what the "viruses" look like, and send B cells (lymphocytes) or antibodies to find and kill them.


  • 练习时,使用镜子录像等物品,可以展示演讲者在面对观众时他们的样子和声音。

    Using objects such as mirrors or video recordings as they practice can show speakers what they look and sound like to the audience.


  • 如果复杂公式分解好几个部分,你可以尝试想象如果是一个图表的话会是什么样子每个部分是如何相互影响的。

    If you break apart a complex formula into components, you can try to imagine what it would like as a graph or how each component influences each other.


  • 每个产品后面都有三个链接这样我们可以显示产品、编辑删除看到产品的样子

    Each product has three links after it so we can see how the product looks when we display it, edit the item, or remove it.


  • 可以选择剪掉头发一个黑人西班牙人亚洲人自降生就无法隐藏样子(他也不是必须要这样做)。

    I had the option of cutting my hair, but a person who is black, Hispanic, or of Asian descent cannot hide the way he looks (nor should he have to).


  • 所以我们处于我们视线以外时,我们仍然知道它们在哪里是什么样子

    So when our hands or feet are out of sight, we still know pretty much where they are and what they look like.


  • 真正重要孩子们感受到是什么样子他们是否不管做对、做错做得不够都感受到了父母不变的关爱

    But what counts is how things look from the perspective of the children - whether they feel just as loved when they mess up or fall short.


  • 看看特定页面屏幕截图然后指出希望自己网站下一步页面视图是什么样子

    Take a screen shot of a particular page, and then figure out what you want the next page or view of your site to look like.


  • 描述一样事物长什么样子,这好,描述它闻起来感觉怎么样就能使你对它有深入了解。

    Describing how something looks is great, but describing how it smells or feels will pull them even deeper in.


  • 什么都没看上去若有所思样子母亲说起孩子家务的事时他总是这幅表情。

    He said nothing and looked thoughtful, the way he always did when my mother talked to him about children or the household.


  • 提倡建成公元1267年蒙古人统治元朝皇都样子历史没有哪个首都样子重新改建,而且还是如此这般规模如此这般的速度

    Promoted to capital of the Empire in 1267 by the Mongolian Yuan dynasty, no other historic capital has been remodelled in this way, at such a scale or at such speed.


  • 好奇地打量没有半点生气烦恼样子,“告诉我,”他说,“为什么要这样做呢?”

    He looked at me with much curiosity, not at all angry or upset. Tell me, he asked, why did you do it?


  • 一种情况下可以建议(有时候甚至规定)输入输出数据是什么样子两方面都有

    In the other case, you can make Suggestions (or sometimes even mandates) about how the data looks, either at input or output, or in some cases both.


  • 没有什么,她站厨房里的样子打开双层一个房间另一个房间,观察父亲那些书坐下来吃饭样子就告诉了我这些。

    She didn't say it in so many words, but in the way she stood in the kitchen or in the open double doors, or walked from room to room, inspected my father's books and sat with me at dinner.


  • 例如如果周围喜欢抨击猜忌他人,你就会认为生活中的所有人都这个样子

    For example, if you are around people that are always criticizing other people or are jealous, you will think that that is how everyone in life is.


  • 一点上我们不能告诉他们演示被限定成什么样子需要经过一两个我们更多理解系统关键高风险领域时才能被确定。

    At this point we couldn't tell them what the demo would entail; it would crystallize over the next month or two as we'd come to understand more about the critical and high-risk areas of the system.


  • 全球化技术增长它们自身并非正面负面它们人性它们塑造而成样子

    GLOBALISATION, technology and growth are in themselves neither positive or negative; they are whatever humanity makes of them.


  • 然而,这些使用穿上广告中的产品,却发现他们还是他们以前的那个样子,他们倍受打击。

    These people may then become further discouraged when they use or wear the product and find out that they are the same person that they were before.


  • 使用基本形状不要单一图形上花太多时间,只要找到了你想要的基本构图创意什么样子就可以停止继续下一步。

    Use basic shapes and don't spend too long on a single image, as soon as you can get a feel for what that basic layout idea might look like, move along.


  • 同意的观点,我们不该改变我们爱的人,我们应该接受原本的样子

    I agree with you in that we shouldn't try to change the beloved, that should accept him or her as they are.


  • 喜欢条深监色裙子黑色鞋子搭配,裙子和棕色肉色鞋子搭配样子

    I love the look of a navy blue dress with black shoes, or a black dress with light brown or nude shoes.


  • 喜欢条深监色裙子黑色鞋子搭配,裙子和棕色肉色鞋子搭配样子

    I love the look of a navy blue dress with black shoes, or a black dress with light brown or nude shoes.


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