• 除此之外,它们别的方式出现,例如推进工作进程承担责任毫无根据地赞成达成共识

    But it surfaces in other ways too, like not taking responsibility for moving work forward or punting in favor of trying to reach consensus.


  • 如果因为某人的隐瞒失败导致问题升级,那么他们必须立即承担责任

    But if anyone conceals or fails to escalate a problem, they must be held accountable immediately.


  • 有些人认为神秘能量线超能力漩涡应当承担责任而其他人此归因为怪

    Some believe that mysterious energy lines or supernatural vortices are to blame; still others attribute them to freak wind patterns.


  • 档案公布大量从没有媒体公布过,但是大部分死亡受伤承担责任灾难

    This archive shows the vast range of small tragedies that are almost never reported by the press but which account for the overwhelming majority of deaths and injuries.


  • IBM不会本文所包含信息中的错误遗漏不充分性承担责任并为此做出解释

    IBM shall have no liability for errors, omissions, or inadequacies in the information contained herein or interpretation thereof.


  • 行李内装物品他人、他人的财产包括其它行李其内装物品和我们的财产造成损害的,应当承担责任

    You shall be responsible for any Damage caused by your Baggage or its contents to other people and property, including other Baggage or contents and our property.


  • 我们行李内装物品导致的任何损害承担责任

    We are not liable for any Damage caused by your Baggage or its contents.


  • 都会因为微不足道事而哭泣停下来仔细看看我们毕业从事哪种工作我们决定承担责任Wilee

    Where you or I might cry in our beer, or wait and see what kind of job we can get after getting out of school, or take responsibility for our decisions, he decided on the kind of plan that Wile e.


  • 戴姆勒—克莱斯勒股份公司这些网站包含信息安全性任何方面承担责任使用这些链接须风险自负

    DaimlerChrysler is not in any way responsible for the information contained on those sites or their security and you use these links at your own risk.


  • 若出现这种情况我们不能蒙受任何损失损害其它后果承担责任

    In the event of this, we cannot be responsible for any loss, damage or other consequences you may suffer.


  • 对于此种检查过程中产生任何损失损害未遵守这些要求而产生的任何损失损害,我们承担责任

    We are not liable to you for any loss or damage sustained by you in the course of such inspection or through your failure to comply with this requirement.


  • 厦航责任超过经证明损害的赔偿数额。厦航间接随之引发的损害不承担责任

    Xiamen Airlines' liability shall not exceed the amount of proven damages. Xiamen Airlines shall not be liable for indirect or consequential damages.


  • 员工私人物品随时更衣柜内。酒店对摆放更衣柜内员工私人物品的损坏丢失承担责任

    Personal belongings should be securely kept inside lockers at all times. Hotel will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to personal properties kept in lockers.


  • 不过如果孩子表现不好我们不能认为父母承担责任接受惩罚。

    However, we can't think that parents should accept responsibility and be punished if their children behave badly.


  • 卖方承担责任造成损失损害疏忽RTD

    Seller will only be liable for loss or damage caused by negligence of RTD.


  • 装运此项货物所造成任何灭失损害费用承运人承担责任

    The Merchant shall be liable to the Carrier for any loss, damage or expense resulting from such shipment.


  • 我们出现错误疏忽时,我们会立即承担责任迅速改正。

    When we make errors or omissions, we take ownership and make corrections promptly.


  • 工程未经验收甲方提前使用擅自动用,由此而发生的质量其他问题,由甲方承担责任

    Party A shall take responsibility for quality problem or others if Party A puts the project into advance use before acceptance or without authorization.


  • 卖方应对下述规定不可抗力原因导致货物延迟未能交付承担责任

    The Seller shall not be held in delivery or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure as stipulated below.


  • 承包方不对买方提供原料买方规定指定设计造成的瑕疵承担责任

    The Contractor is not liable for defects arising out of materials provided, or a design stipulated or specified by the Purchaser.


  • 因此未经授权访问变更导致可能直接间接遭受发生损失的,我们承担责任

    We will not be liable for any losses that you may suffer or incur directly or indirectly as a result of such unauthorised access or alteration.


  • 说明是否数据完整性问题承担责任个人仍有能力公司CGMP相关药物应用数据产生影响

    Indicate whether individuals responsible for data integrity lapses remain able to influence CGMP-related or drug application data at your firm.


  • 除第2065条提及者外,雇主无论何时不对任何上述承包商设备、临时工程材料损失损坏承担责任

    The Employer shall not at any time be liable, save as mentioned in Clauses 20 and 65, for the loss of or damage to any of the said Contractor's Equipment, Temporary Works or materials.


  • 排除质量合法缺陷补偿无意义费用索赔除非根据第9规定乐普承担责任

    Claims for compensation as well as claims for futile expenditures due to quality or legal deficiencies are excluded, unless LPKF is liable according to the provisions in article 9.


  • 我们已经采取一切合理要求措施可能采取该措施的,我们承担责任

    We shall not be liable if it proves that we took all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the damage or that it was impossible for us to take such measures.


  • 责任免除– 对存储于单元房屋其他地点的属于任何人任何货物,迷你仓储承担责任客户单独承担一切该等风险

    Ministorage shall not be responsible for any Goods, to whomsoever belonging, stored within the Unit or left elsewhere in the Premises – the Client solely assumes all such risk.


  • 游戏弗利尔不会承担责任如果所面对任何损失由于不稳定无法服务。

    Game Flier will not take the responsibility if you faced any loss due to the instability or unavailability or service.


  • 游戏弗利尔不会承担责任如果所面对任何损失由于不稳定无法服务。

    Game Flier will not take the responsibility if you faced any loss due to the instability or unavailability or service.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定