• 如果过去遭受过挫折,有过不成功面试工作的经历,现在把它们忘了

    If you have suffered frustrations in the past, as a result of an unsuccessful previous job interview or job search, forget about them!


  • (千里之行,始于足下。)是个建议工作家里工作

    That is good advice when working around your home or looking for a job.


  • 有些人本身就是孩子幼年父母带来这里,在这里作为美国孩子长大;但他们只是申请读大学工作才发现自己原来竟是非法移民身份

    Some are children themselves, brought here by their parents at a very young age, growing up as American kids, only to discover their illegal status when they apply for college or a job.


  • 如果正在工作大学生又担心自己没有足够的时间完成课业那么你可以考虑去自习室图书馆管理员

    If you are a college student looking for work but worried you won't have enough time to devote to academic subjects, consider working as a study hall or library monitor.


  • 我国大多数互联网用户上网进行主要活动是聊天娱乐不是工作从事商务活动。

    Most of the country's Internet users go online to chat or seek entertainment rather than look for jobs or conduct business.


  • 工作困难的工作。”承受着99共有的巨大压力,她笑透露出一点幽默开心的味道。

    "Looking for a job is the hardest I have ever worked," she said with a smile that conveyed no humour or happiness, only the deep stress that is common to many 99ers.


  • 失业率是因为许多丧失劳动力;那些失业正在工作人连续降到了6最低点

    Unemployment is low in part because so many people have left the workforce; the percentage of the population that is either working or looking for work has fallen substantially in the past six years.


  • 将来准备毕业(工作)还是专业学院(继续攻读)?如果这样,一方愿意重新安置工作一方支付教育费用吗?

    Is graduate or professional school is the future? If so, will the other be willing to relocate or work to pay for the other's education?


  • 有助于工作因为如果需要的话,你能够副业将能够公司扩展业务,当然,你获得更多收入

    This should help your job-hunting prospects, for you will be able to get a side job if you need one or develop more business for your company, with better fees, too.


  • 网络不仅为了工作客户

    Networking is not only for finding jobs or clients.


  • 失业期间,一直在寻工作通常每天上午两个小时

    During that time, I did do my share of job searching, usually an hour or two every morning.


  • 萨利姆·卡汉就是这样的放债者,坐在一家店铺里,大言不惭表示说孩子生病出门工作需要时,人们借贷款

    Sitting in a small shop, Salim Khan said people approach him for loans when a child is sick or if they need cash to travel for migrant work.


  • 在2010努力工作避免止赎通知数百万计的美国人来说,一年很快过去了

    The old year could not have ended soon enough for the millions of Americans who spent 2010 struggling to find jobs or avoid foreclosure notices.


  • 不要任何的限制担心而阻碍工作他人交际

    Don't let your qualifications or concerns stop you from applying for a job or networking with someone.


  • 正像任何工作想方设法支付帐单美国都会告诉的,我们没有脱离险境

    As any American who is still looking for work or a way to pay their bills will tell you, we are by no means out of the woods.


  • 过去为了找工作追求女人,足迹遍布全国那时完全失去女儿感觉,也感受不到呵护

    When he had moved across the country, in search of a job or a woman, she had completely lost the sense of being his child, of being under his protection.


  • 调查发现自己配偶生病需要支付巨额医药费用也是老年人重新找工作原因之一

    Huge medical bills due to a personal illness or that of a spouse were also reasons for coming out of retirement, the survey found.


  • 如果是个大学生毕业生,你找工作一步应该拜访打电话发电邮给学校职业指导办公室

    If you are a college student or graduate the first step is to visit, call or email your institution's Career Office.


  • 工作展示想法项目发明提议拒绝时被掌(事实)【译者:翻不清】了,不要浪费时间有多糟糕。不要认为这仅是对自己的;不是你个人的错。

    When you get that metaphorical slap in the face (or literal one) after your job application, idea, project, invention or proposal has been rejected, don't waste time feeling bad about it.


  • 但是我们知道那些收入不如我们努力工作正在工作

    BUT, we recognize that those below us on the income ladder are also working hard or are seeking work.


  • 无论留在家中出去工作这都权利应该受到其他人想法干扰

    Whether she wants to stay at home or go and find a job, it is her right and it should not be affected by other's ideas.


  • 应该职业介绍所查询分类广告工作

    You should check the employment office and the classified ads for job openings.


  • 话题工作进一步学习出国选择如何准备实现一目标

    Topic: Finding a job, further study or going abroad, which will you choose and how do you prepare to achieve the goal?


  • 在校园里校园附近工作可能回家好得为什么在校园里呢,休息休息,外快

    Job openings on or near campus may be much better than your options back at home. Why not stay on campus, relax a little, and earn some extra money?


  • 一天里面抽点时间出来帮助失业朋友家人找工作

    Take some time out of your day to help an unemployed friend or family member.


  • 别人知道工作你应该公开宣告(提醒别人)你正在工作这样他们才能帮助你和那些正需要招人的人联系

    Let people know you're on the hunt: it's good to announce (and remind people) that you're searching for a job so they can put you in touch with anyone who can help.


  • 别人知道工作你应该公开宣告(提醒别人)你正在工作这样他们才能帮助你和那些正需要招人的人联系

    Let people know you're on the hunt: it's good to announce (and remind people) that you're searching for a job so they can put you in touch with anyone who can help.


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