• 电视街头因特网上看到真功夫广告

    You have seen the advertising of Kungfu in television, outdoors or the Internet.


  • 雇主不会报纸上因特网登广告他们有空的名额。

    The employers don't advertise that they have a vacant job in the newspaper or on the Internet.


  • 但是来控制通过卫星电视因特网营销不健康生活方式包括饮食药品烟草制品

    But who regulates the marketing, by satellite TV or Internet, of unhealthy lifestyles, including diets, tobacco products and pharmaceuticals of questionable quality?


  • 此外如果客户在广域网因特网上的分布比较分散,一个好的解决方案

    Furthermore, if your many clients are spread widely across a WAN or the Internet, it's an even better solution.


  • 医疗专业人士指出,大多数替代药物通过非处方销售因特网进入市场任何监管

    As medical professionals argue, most alternative medicines are introduced onto the market, via over-the-counter sales or the Internet, without any regulatory oversight.


  • 软件直接安装主体计算机上在可通过通信网络使用远程服务器诸如本地网因特网

    The software may be directly installed on the subject's computer or may be on a remote server accessible through a communication network, such as a local network or the Internet.


  • 因此他们已经建立网际因特网关系了,我们希望他们机会形成一种货真价实的关系——相互认识,相互理解

    And so they are already building cyber or Internet relationships, and we want to give them a chance to form the real deal - getting to know each other, getting to understand each other.


  • DToC服务器依附HTTP协议上(缺省情况下使用端口 80),以通过网络LAN因特网)为“远程台式机提供服务。

    The DToC server piggybacks on the HTTP protocol (and by default uses port 80) to serve a "remote desktop" across a network -- either a LAN or the Internet.


  • 根据既定因特网用法任何外部网站提供世界卫生组织网站其任何页面超级链接而无需申请授权

    In line with established Internet usage, any external web site may provide a hyperlink to the WHO web site or to any of its pages without requesting permission.


  • 这些流氓因特网药店国际性经营,它们没有任何注册营业地址出售产品产地不明不清

    These rogue Internet pharmacies are operated internationally, they have no registered business address and sell products that have an unknown or unclear origin.


  • 19501980年因特网诞生之前,提这个问题合理的。

    This was a reasonable interview question in 1950 or in 1980, before the Internet existed.


  • 还有一些因特网药店是非法经营出售药物时无需处方使用未经批准假冒产品

    Other Internet pharmacies operate illegally, selling medications without prescriptions and using unapproved or counterfeit products.


  • 甚至就是经验丰富的业内人士,移动宽带兴起感到意外。移动宽带使用内置接收器外接传输器”,通过高速移动网络笔记本提供因特网连接

    Even industry veterans have been surprised by the rapid take-up of mobile broadband-using built-in receivers or plug-in "dongles" to provide Internet access to laptops via high-speed mobile networks.


  • eMarketer声称今年百分之八十七点五美国十四以上因特网用户,共一亿七千八百五十万,在线浏览产品对其进行调查

    According to eMarketer, 87.5% of U.S. Internet users over age 14, or 178.5 million people, will browse or research products online this year.


  • 最有可能的情况通过因特网电子邮件潜在伙伴通信

    Most likely you will be communicating with potential partners via the Internet or through e-mail.


  • 日本正在引领一潮流。2005年,日本92%手机用户每月至少会有一通过手机浏览因特网下载电子邮件

    Japan is leading the growth, with 92 percent of mobile phone users having browsed the Internet or downloaded E-mail at least once a month on their phone in 2005.


  • 意味着实际加密数据密钥出现别的地方(可能是因特网某个地方),不是xml加密文件内。

    This means that actual encrypted data or keys will be present somewhere else (perhaps somewhere on the Internet) and not inside our XML Encryption file.


  • 因特网上信息繁多有时候还是很难找到所需答案例如明星绯闻某电子设备的最新消息

    The Internet is all about information, but sometimes it can be hard to sort out the answer you really need from the celebrity gossip and gadget rumors.


  • MSN雅虎购买部分全部美国在线,这家时代华纳旗下规模庞大而身陷困境因特网服务供应商。

    MSN and Yahoo! Both wanted to buy some or all of AOL, a big, troubled internet-access company owned by Time Warner, a media conglomerate.


  • IP基本协议- - - - - -所有因特网服务器必须使用IP接收发送成组数据

    IP is the most basic protocol: all Internet servers must use IP to receive or send grouped data.


  • 因特网缩短新闻周期许多标题新闻都智能手机Twitter即时发出,这也要求媒体进行即时分析观点论述

    The Internet has also compressed the news cycle, with headlines delivered instantly by smartphone or Twitter, creating a demand for immediate analysis and opinion.


  • 可伸缩性适应管理少数设备服务管理因特网时代企业可能拥有数万管理端点能力

    Scalability: the ability to adapt from the management of a handful of devices or services to the tens of thousands of manageable endpoints that an Internet-age enterprise may have.


  • 由于因特网他们家里购物做生意

    Thanks to the Internet, people can do shopping and do business at home.


  • 对于计算机要想其他计算机进行通信应用因特网Web服务(电子邮件等各种网络服务,译者),那么它必须要IP地址

    For a computer to communicate with other computers and Web servers on the Internet, it must have an IP address.


  • 因特网一个互动网络客户因特网发布消息参加讨论进行投票甚至聊天

    Internet is an interactive network on which the customers can release news, join in discussion, perform voting or even chatting.


  • 因特网一个互动网络客户因特网发布消息参加讨论进行投票甚至聊天

    Internet is an interactive network on which the customers can release news, join in discussion, perform voting or even chatting.


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