• 观察发动机指示灯其他计算机故障指示灯

    Observe check engine lamps or other computer fault indicators. C.


  • 一个路由跟踪显示路径计算机连接网站其他计算机需要

    A trace route shows that path that a connection takes from your computer to a website, or another computer.


  • 随着信息时代到来电子商务其他计算机犯罪案件中数据电文证据价值功能日显重要

    With the coming of information times, in Electronic commerce or other computer criminal cases, the evidential price and function of data message becomes more and more important.


  • 说到表演计算机行业任何其他相关行业,没有人能比得上史蒂夫·乔布斯

    When it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match Steve Jobs.


  • 前,提交了一份契约,来保护形象在2039年之前使用防止其他使用计算机生成图像技术电影电视节目全息图再现的形象。

    Before his death, he filed a deed protecting the use of his image until 2039, preventing others from recreating him using CGI to appear in a film, TV show or as a hologram


  • 计算机安全研究协会2007调查发现50%的受访者过去的一年里有笔记本电脑其他移动设备偷。

    A 2007 survey by the Computer Security Institute found that 50 percent of respondents had a laptop or other mobile device sto-len in the past year.


  • 域名系统(DNS)服务器IP地址解释其他计算机网站域名地址

    A domain name System (DNS) server interprets IP addresses into domain names and locations of other computers or Web sites.


  • 全国各地其他医院他们考虑推迟购买计算机系统数百万美元磁共振成像机这样的昂贵设备

    Other hospitals around the country say they are thinking about deferring the purchase of expensive new equipment like computer systems or multimillion-dollar M.R.I. machines.


  • 目前如果需要许多计算机进行BIOSBMC其他固件更新会遇到一个问题

    Currently, if you need to flash many computers for BIOS, BMC, or other firmware updates, you are presented with a large problem.


  • 非常有用安全预防措施但是如果需要另一计算机计算机管理Samba服务器,那么您可以指定其他地址

    This is a useful security precaution, but if you need to administer your Samba server from another computer or a set of computers, you can specify other addresses.


  • 这种可移植性意义重大,其中个方面是如果某个计算机网络使用Rexx工作,则无论其他任何位置,也可以应用这些知识

    Among other things, all this portability means that, if you work in Rexx on one computer or network, you'll be able to apply that knowledge wherever else you go.


  • 其他shell脚本需要参数处理对象——文件目录计算机名称——的动态列表

    Other shell scripts require arguments, or a dynamic list of thingsfiles, directories, computer namesto process.


  • 对于计算机要想其他计算机进行通信应用因特网Web服务(电子邮件等各种网络服务,译者),那么它必须要IP地址

    For a computer to communicate with other computers and Web servers on the Internet, it must have an IP address.


  • 例如如果提供计算机/软件可以实现向人们提供他们无法以其他方式获得的教育

    For example, computers and/or software, if made available, can see education offered to those for whom it would, otherwise, be beyond reach.


  • 其他人则坚称视频游戏形式计算机程序使人们变得更聪明提高特定技能空间感知能力

    But others argue that computer programs in the form of video games can make people smarter or improve specific skills, such as spatial awareness.


  • 角色一个实体(计算机任何其他类型参与者)实体,其具有执行某任务相同权利义务

    A role is an entity (a person, computer, or any other type of actor) or group of entities that have the same rights and obligations with respect to performing a task or a group of tasks.


  • 如果计算机放在不平的表面例如膝盖上发生紧急情况,允许我们有力地检测震动其他动作

    This will allow us to more robustly detect shaking or other movements if the panic occurred while the machine was on a nonflat surface, such as a person's knees.


  • 可由计算机处理方法概念应该服务接口描述(wsdl)扩展所有其他形式的声明信息元数据

    The concept of a machine readable approach should be expanded from the description of service interface, such as WSDL, to all other forms of declarative information or meta-data.


  • 但是出于自动化降低用户使用计算机难度其他原因,用户忘记从未了解CLI的细节。

    But for reasons of automation, making computing easier for users, or something else, users have either forgotten or never learned the ins and outs of the CLI.


  • 一些计算机报警兴趣,一些人需要监视性能指标,一些人需要作业分析其他希望知道某些服务应用程序是否在运行

    Some people are interested only in machine alerting, others in performance metrics, others in job profiling, and others just want to know if certain services or applications are running.


  • 意味着为了避免计算机崩溃带来的损失(计算机终究会崩溃的),我们必须文件备份远程磁盘中(其他硬盘CD - ROM媒介)。

    What this has meant is that, in order to insure against computer crashes (which are eventually inevitable), you've had to back up your files to a remote disk (another drive, a CD-ROM, etc.).


  • 主板计算机身体主机所有其他组件通过它而连接

    Motherboard is the "body" or mainframe of the computer, through which all other components interface.


  • 任何计算机系统嵌入其他的,一个死线

    Any computer system, embedded or otherwise, that has deadlines.


  • NPN240的设计目的通用智能平台公司的IPN250(3月11日公布),SBC620任何其他OpenVPX兼容单板计算机主机同时使用。

    It is designed to be used in conjunction with the ge Intelligent Platforms IPN250 (announced March 11) or SBC620, or any other OpenVPX-compatible host single board computer.


  • 远程登录因特同任何地方用户可以使用TelnetRlogin其他程序登录具有帐号其他计算机上。

    Remote login.Using the TelnetRlogin, or other programsthe user anywhere on Internet can log into any other machine on which he has an account


  • 电脑我们不用听收音机看电视其他东西因为计算机代替他们

    As we have computers, we needn't buy books, radios, TVs and anyother things, because computer can take place of them.


  • 限制的计算机组件应用程序其他联机资源无意中留下的不受保护入口点。

    An unintentionally unprotected entry point into an otherwise restricted computer, component, application, or other online resource.


  • 电脑我们不用听收音机看电视其他东西因为计算机代替他们

    As we have computers, we needn't buy books, radios, TVs and any other things, because computer can take place of them.


  • 电脑我们不用听收音机看电视其他东西因为计算机代替他们

    As we have computers, we needn't buy books, radios, TVs and any other things, because computer can take place of them.


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