• 维生素D钙醇另一种溶性类固醇维生素,功能促进肠道吸收沉积骨头中。

    Vitamin D, or calciferol, is another fat soluble steroid vitamin which functions to stimulate calcium uptake from the gut and its deposition in bone.


  • 测序技术具有明确特征基因组提取的一个多个基因序列通过DNA分析识别一个物种。

    Barcoding is a technique in which one or more short gene sequences, taken from a well-characterized portion of the genome, are used to identify a species through DNA analysis.


  • 每个扩展站点可以各种资产存储中继承一些全部数据添加其它站点服务目标客户指定的数据。

    Each extended site can inherit some or all of the data from the various asset stores, and can add other data specific to the target customer audience served by this site.


  • 如果死人坟墓里窜起攻击活人,人们将会——应该——做怎样思考才能人类起而应对给予指导呢?

    If the dead begin to rise from the grave and attack the living, what thinking wouldor shouldguide the human response?


  • 可以模板创建启动一个流程任务实例对其加以利用。

    From a template, you can create and start a process or task instance and work with it.


  • 可以想象一下,可以数据任何企业数据库文件企业系统中取出,可以被用户离线编辑然后同步企业。

    How about being able to take data from any of your enterprise databases, file or enterprise systems and make it available offline for users to modify and sync back up to the enterprise.


  • 博客页面中,如图20所示可以浏览博客、阅读最新的博客条目看看其他人正在查看推荐的内容,申请自己的博客

    From the blogs page, shown in Figure 20, you can browse for blogs, read recent entries, see what others are viewing or recommending, and request your own blog.


  • 因此ODR集群管理控制台通过脚本显式创建管理的:创建管理单独ODR

    Therefore, an ODR cluster is not explicitly created or administered from the admin console or through scripting: you will create and administer individual ODRs.


  • 希望开发数据库模式切换测试生产数据库和模式,继续使用直接的SQL检验

    Want to switch from development to test or production databases and schemas, and continue to get instant SQL validation?


  • 我们大脑一部分似乎记得找出(往往是无意识的)那个我们家族情感上能和我们产生共鸣的(通常父母双方)。

    It seems to be that part of our brain remembers and seeks out, usually unconsciously, someone who will emotionally resonate to a person (usually one or both parents) in our family.


  • 不过ODR不断作为路由目标的所有服务器集群成员获取运行状况信息最终动态地分配这些权重

    However, the ODR continuously fetches health information from all the servers or cluster members it routes to, and finally assigns these weights dynamically.


  • 转换抽象具体相当直接通向最终级别描述模型一个可交付产品服务实际实施

    This transformation is from the abstract to the concrete and leads fairly directly to the final level, which describes the actual implementation of the model into a deliverable product or service.


  • 这些应用程序发送CBECEI服务器之前它们JNDI 中获取发射器利用系统业务信息创建组装 CBE。

    These applications obtain emitters from JNDI to create and populate CBEs with system or business information before sending them on to the CEI server.


  • 寻找一个数据库选项搜索函数选项,以允许查询直接索引检索结果避免任何种类结果有效性过滤。

    Look for a database option or search-function option that allows your search to retrieve its results directly from the indexes and that avoids any kind of validation-filtering of the results.


  • 长期来看,我们寻找卓越的工具“以模板为导向”的重整浏览器,它承认设计模板程序中的使用(潜在使用)应用它们

    Long range, we should look for even more sophisticated tools, such as "pattern savvy" refactoring browsers that recognize USES (or potential USES) of design patterns in a program and apply them.


  • 本质上讲可以创建可能凭据(公钥)列表,以便这里传入负载匹配拒绝任何匹配的负载。

    Essentially, you can create a list of possible credentials (or public keys) to match with the incoming payload here and reject any that don't match.


  • 一种不错做法512MB开始,然后逐步向上向下确定最优测定吞吐量响应时间分析gc日志,以了解进行清除操作的频率时间。

    A good starting point would be 512mb, then move up or down to determine optimal value, measure throughput or response times, and analyze GC logs to understand frequency and length of scavenges.


  • 瑞奇博士沃夫博士100只生于西非野生曾今野生黑猩猩身上收集疟原虫测定其DNA序列得到这个结论

    To reach their conclusion, Dr Rich and Dr Wolfe studied the DNA sequences of malarial parasites collected from nearly 100 wild or formerly wild chimpanzees born in central and west Africa.


  • 公司基本来说个人价值评估过程应该他来上班第一开始一直进行提升他,他本人要求横向调动的那一天。

    This process of rating one's worth in terms of the company's bottom line should begin the very first day on a new job and continue until a promotion is offered or a lateral move requested.


  • 为了教程获取最大收益,应该具有PHP语言基础知识熟悉CICS管理 CICS 程序的开发

    To get the most out of this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of the PHP language and some familiarity with CICS administration or CICS program development.


  • 道路发电厂许多基础建设项目处于停滞依赖公共部门的客户——他们名存实亡多多少受到国家支持

    Many infrastructure projects, from roads to power plants, are stalled or reliant on public-sector customers which are bust in all but name and which enjoy uncertain backing from the state.


  • 他们想法挑选了一个几个潜力股,期待一起调整这些想法。

    They have picked out oneor several potential winners from among your ideas and are keen to walkthrough tweaks and changes with you.


  • 最后得到的固体就是凝,将牛奶中滤出压制轮状方形,陈化、加以提高其风味

    The resulting solid, called curds, is strained out of the remaining fluid and pressed into wheels or cubes, which are then aged and salted to taste.


  • 可能他们将来会游戏开发商处分成(早已如此),扩张进入手机游戏机领域。

    Perhaps they'll take a cut from the developers (or perhaps do already), and expand into mobile and console games.


  • 甚至自己想象成电影电视剧里角色自己世界里解脱出来,你换种思维方式,开眼看看你到底神奇

    Even choosing to see yourself as a character in a movie or TV show the actor plays, will get you out of your box, help you think differently, and open your eyes to how magical you truly can be.


  • 根据SAP文档HANA放在内存中的数据记录事务具有创建数据库映像保存点的持久化提供支持,这让它能够停电其它的中断中恢复。

    Data held in memory by HANA is backed by a persistence layer that logs transactions and incorporates savepoints that create images of the database, according to an SAP document.


  • 技术的角度而言,人工活动工作人员登录工作应用程序选择任务(搜索流程实例)时开始的。

    Technically, human activities are started as a worker logs in to a work application and selects a task (or searches for the process instance).


  • 技术的角度而言,人工活动工作人员登录工作应用程序选择任务(搜索流程实例)时开始的。

    Technically, human activities are started as a worker logs in to a work application and selects a task (or searches for the process instance).


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