• 表示研究没有证明消极情绪不信任是否导致健康缩短人寿命

    She also says the study does not prove that negative emotions or distrust lead to bad health effects and shorter life.


  • 慢慢晃动,表示没有信心不信任;把伞表示不想见到

    Slowly shaking the umbrella, that there is no confidence or no confidence; the umbrella against the right shoulder that did not want to see you again.


  • 他们检测各种情感痛苦恐惧不信任不仅仅撒谎行为本身

    What they detect are emotions, such as distress, fear or distrust, and not the act of lying itself.


  • 如果显式信任不信任解决方案,则用户看到一条提示,提示用户做出信任决定

    If a solution is not explicitly trusted or untrusted, the user will see a prompt to make a trust decision.


  • 我们可能自己钱财物品交给某个了解不信任手中,有人把自己交了出去?

    We WOULDN't give our money or possessions to someone we don't know or trust. Why then do some people give themselves?


  • 总结盲目忠诚品牌不信任适得其反每家公司都会制作各式各样性能穿着合适模型

    Bottom Line: Blind brand loyalty or distrust is counterproductive. Every shoe company makes a variety of models that differ in performance and fit.


  • 虚拟沙盒安全软件系统旨在使不明不信任程序运行孤立环境中获得个人档案本地网络系统设置

    Virtual Sandbox is a secure software system designed to allow unknown or untrusted programs to be run in an isolated environment without access to personal files, local networks, and system Settings.


  • 这样远远地伸出胳膊会使得面试人不得不远远地伸出胳膊,这样一来有一段距离,从而使面试人认为喜欢不信任他们

    The FAR AWAY handshake expresses that you are too anxious and afraid. By extending your arm out, you keep the interview away, making him/her think you do not like or trust them.


  • 因为公司不信任他们的供应商承包商客户,所以会保存大量记录

    Companies keep large volumes of records because they don't trust their suppliers, their contractors or their customers.


  • 人们新闻媒体有着令人震惊不信任,其根源不是报道不准确报道技巧低下,而是记者读者的世界观每天都发生冲突

    The astonishing distrust of the news media isn't rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.


  • 金姆现在除了父亲尼娜以外,不信任,她挂断了电话没有把她的地址告知托尼

    Mistrustful of anyone except for her father or Nina Kim hangs up on Tony without revealing her location.


  • 金姆现在除了父亲尼娜以外,不信任,她挂断了电话没有把她的地址告知托尼

    Mistrustful of anyone except for her father or Nina, Kim hangs up on Tony without revealing her location.


  • 利差增加可能加重市场银行不信任,对那些没有转换资金提取存款的银行客户带来损失

    Increased spreads may spur distrust and bring about a loss of costumers that do not roll over funds or withdraw deposits.


  • 可能和你完全不信任某些方面弱的人高速公路上开车

    You wouldn't consent to being driven on the freeway by someone you didn't trust, or who was impaired in one way or another.


  • 有些国家担心空中围剿时间过长过于激烈可能造成平民伤亡并且担心出于西方国家意图有着根深蒂固不信任愤怒民众可能会强烈反对。

    Others worry that a prolonged or fiercer aerial siege could cause civilian casualties, and an angry popular backlash, building on deeply ingrained distrust of Western intentions.


  • B可能人类同伴万分不信任过于苛责,可能会认为不能解决自己问题一种软弱想法

    You might have a deep distrust or excessive cynicism in your fellow humans and might see that not being able to fix their problems is a sign of weak thinking.


  • 说实话别人真的可以感觉到说谎,这会他人他们自己产生不信任感。说实话超赞事情。

    Tell the truth. People really do sense it when you lie to them, and it makes them distrust you or themselves. It's the darndest thing.


  • 宁可信任个人,不管是朋友陌生人而且我宁可999个人辜负,我也愿对人不信任

    I would rather believe in a thousand people, friends and strangers, and have 999 fail me than not believe.


  • 如果持戒者共同生活发现这些交往不会不信任恐惧的因缘。

    If you are living with people who observe the precepts, you find that your dealings with them are not a cause for mistrust or fear.


  • 如果有人涉嫌人们便不信任认为可靠

    If there is suspicion of someone, people do not trust him or consider him to be reliable.


  • 当时已经是一个富有,我不信任,怕他可能会勒索媒体曝光。

    I was a wealthy man by then, and I didn't trust him not to try to blackmail me or go to the press about it.


  • 避免将手背后背面向听众——这些动作会增加不信任

    Also avoid showing the back of your hand or the back of the body - those all increases distrust.


  • 避免将手背后背面向听众——这些举止会增加信任

    Do avoid showing your back or the back of your hand to the audience, which increases a feeling of mistrust.


  • 不信任不是指对某人缺乏信仰信念而是可质疑未知的事产生一种警告感觉

    Distrust is not a lack of faith or belief in someone, but a feeling of warning towards someone or something questionable or unknown.


  • 说实话别人真的可以感觉到说谎,这会他人他们自己产生不信任感。说实话超赞事情。 。

    Tell the truth. People really do sense it when you lie to them, and it makes them distrust you or themselves. It's the darndest thing.


  • 说实话别人真的可以感觉到说谎,这会他人他们自己产生不信任感。说实话超赞事情。 。

    Tell the truth. People really do sense it when you lie to them, and it makes them distrust you or themselves. It's the darndest thing.


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