• 治疗期间继续工作上班时这点尤为明显。

    This can be especially true if you continue to work or attend classes during treatment.


  • 觉得自己在家上班抱怨过多吗?能不能有意识地控制自己少发牢骚?

    Do you think you complain too much at home or at work, and could you see making a concerted effort over some period of time to cut back? Do you think you could go on a complaint fast?


  • 觉得自己在家上班抱怨过多吗?不能在间内有意识地控制自己少发牢骚

    Do you think you complain too much at home or at work, and could you see making a concerted effort over some period of time to cut back?


  • 上学上班带上午餐自家准备午饭要比外面快餐营养可以在前准备一餐;

    Bring lunch to school or work. The lunch you prepare at home is probably far more nutritious than the fast food you get at the counter, and you can prepare it night before.


  • 更重要的是穿衣服坐车上班可以

    What's more, you can sip them while you're getting dressed or on the commute.


  • 但是淋浴、在上班路上床上其他地方我们当然不会自觉地解决任何问题

    But consider how many problems or ideas we have in the shower, in the car heading to work, laying in bed or any other place that we're certainly not consciously trying to solve any problems.


  • 一些上班利用午休观看视频,还有些人把免费网络资源下载手机里,这样可以在乘公车间地点方便观看

    Others download free online resources to their cell phones to watch while taking buses or just watching whenever and wherever possible.


  • 不仅上班时可以穿,即便是在赴正餐其他正式场合它们不会引起别人的反感

    They can be worn not only to class, but also to dinners or semi-formal events without raising any eyebrows.


  • 很多这样经验,周一早晨上班常常乌云密布,而到周五回家圣诞节这样假日开日霁。

    For many of us, it might seem that a dark cloud descends on Monday morning and only lifts when it's going-home time on Friday - or a holiday such as Christmas.


  • 员工生病身体受伤而需要缺席休假不能够上班公司短期病假政策提供在此期间一个准则。

    The Company's Short Term Sick Leave policy provides a consistent basis for salary continuance during periods of temporary absence resulting from illness or injury.


  • 上班回家的路上人们经常可以看到身后跟着一溜烟雾

    As he walked between his house and his office at Princeton, one could often see him followed by a trail of smoke.


  • 不要感染者密切接触。出现轻微症状症状消失48之内家中,不要上学上班避免传染疾病

    Don't touch closely with infected people. the people who has got slight symptom should stay at home within 48 hours after disappeared, don't go to school or work for avoiding infecting disease.


  • 不要感染者密切接触。出现轻微症状症状消失48之内家中,不要上学上班避免传染疾病

    Don't touch closely with infected people. the people who has got slight symptom should stay at home within 48 hours after disappeared, don't go to school or work for avoiding infecting disease.


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