• 条巨蟒认为恐龙消失时在陆地上行走至少滑行顶级捕食者。

    A titanic snake has been identified as the top predator to walk, or at least slither, the land when the dinosaurs disappeared.


  • 问题,人们通常不能直接观察竞争必须物种扩展增加同时物种减少消失来推断

    The problem is that competition ordinarily cannot be observed directly but must be inferred from the spread or increase of one species and the concurrent reduction or disappearance of another species.


  • 如果只是这些组件只是消失段时间里可以安装简单Dashquit组件使用这些终止命令完成这项工作。

    If you just want to make the widgets go away for one session, you can install the simple Dashquit widget or use these terminal commands for the job.


  • 这样围网不仅用于舞台剧而且许多现代魔术师都会他们的表演和特技中利用这特效,这是让物体出现消失个好方法。

    This netting not only is used in stage plays, but many of the modern


  • 这些气泡个都宇宙,就沸水气泡存在爆破消失

    These bubbles, each being a universe, pop in and out of existence like bubbles in boiling water.


  • ……采取些许行动,完全不采取行动,将会造成亏空更多工作岗位消失,更大的收入损失信心步下降。

    But... doing a little or nothing at all will result in greater deficits, even greater job loss, even greater loss of income and even greater loss of confidence.


  • 夸张点儿说,如果纽约突然消失股市可以照常运作,我们可能会因此不到好看的衣服穿买不到出色的艺术品装点墙面

    To exaggerate a bit, if New York suddenly disappeared, stock markets could keep functioning, but we would not be able to dress ourselves or find art to put on the wall.


  • 动态用户界面(UI)组件化的用户界面此界面上,组件根据动态行为显示消失

    A dynamic user interface (UI) is a componentized UI in which components display and disappear based on some dynamic behavior.


  • 太阳黑子是太阳表层形成黑斑,并会生成的数数周月内消失对于这些,数个世纪以来的文学家都记录了下来

    For centuries, astronomers have recorded when these dark blemishes on the solar surface emerge, only for them to fade away again after a few days, weeks or months.


  • 例如个叫做“联合超自然研究”的小组这样说道:“艾伯特·爱因斯坦能量不能凭空创造消失只能形式转变形式。”

    For example, a group called Tri County Paranormal states, "Albert Einstein said that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change from one form to another."


  • 不会凋零消失同样地,切都不会诞生创造更新

    Nothing would age, wither or disappear but by the same token, nothing would be born, created or renewed.


  • 全息图秒钟几分钟之后逐渐地自然消失通过记录新的3d影像将其储存屏幕上擦除之前的图像。

    The hologram fades away naturally after a couple of seconds or minutes, or it can be erased by recording a new 3d image and storing it on the screen.


  • 如果离开症状减轻消失了,到家症状又出现了,那么人们就应当确定可能引起症状的室内空气污染源

    If the symptoms fade or go away when a person is away from the home and return when the person returns, an effort should be made to identify indoor air sources that may be possible causes.


  • 尽管它了,行动不便,可是晚上消失沙漠地里周围山上

    But when night fell, old and stiff as he was, he disappeared into the desert and surrounding hills.


  • 农田鸭子夜间消失位游泳者失踪,通常归咎于鳄鱼短吻鳄。

    When a farm duck was taken at night, or a swimmer disappeared, a crocodile or alligator would usually be blamed.


  • 斯奇普说:“通常为了农业伐木,人类森林,使得动物栖息地由此消失。 人类只留给动物们土地生活

    Often, there is habitat loss from deforestation, either for farming or timber, and that leaves the animals living on small patches of land.


  • 辩称精神力量不可测试由于怀疑论者科学家在场而莫名消失

    Some have argued that psychic powers cannot be tested, or for some reason diminish in the presence of skeptics or scientists.


  • 甘德森小组检查了老化肌肉中的细胞个体发现虽然的确有细胞死亡,细胞没有完全死去,肌肉纤维增加的细胞核也没有消失

    Gunderson's team examined individual cells in the wasting muscles and found that there is apoptosis going on, but that other cells are dying, not the muscle fibers or their extra nuclei.


  • 我们接触其中感情层,即调整,不管,它都能涟漪我们生命中其他部分,有如滴水消失池子中

    When we reach one layer, such as the emotionallayer, and make a change, no matter how small or big, it ripples into everyother aspect of our being like a droplet of water losing itself into a pond.


  • 专家口吃者来说,婴儿动物说话,模仿外国口音上台表演,口吃消失

    And experts say that for some people, stuttering disappears when they speak to infants or animals, imitate a foreign dialect, or perform a role onstage.


  • 两个窗口弹出然后消失

    A window or two pops up, and then may disappear.


  • 这些约束消失了,我们就会缺乏构建简单分布式应用程序所需带宽工具技能

    Once those constraints were gone, we lacked the bandwidth, tools, or skill to build simple distributed applications.


  • 正在消失美国”这系列作品的主要摄影对象是废弃/衰败的建筑物城镇

    WebUrbanist: Your seriesVanishing America” features images of abandoned and/or decaying buildings and towns.


  • 他们渴望持续致性最终成功眼前触手可及”,但次又次地眼前消失

    It seems as if the consistency or ultimate success they desire is "at hand," or "within their grasp," just before it slips away or evaporates before their eyes, time and time again.


  • 看着儿子女儿消失街头走进校园那种失落吗?

    Is it the ache you feel when you watch your son or daughter disappear down the street, walking to school alone for the very first time?


  • 无论存在什么,只存在(尽管这个由句子也是不可能)而且没有这么闪光灯很快就消失片片黑色红色的云中

    Whatever exists, exists (though even this sentence is impossible) once, and without so much as a flash, will soon disappear among patches of black or ruddy clouds.


  • 无论存在什么,只存在(尽管这个由句子也是不可能)而且没有这么闪光灯很快就消失片片黑色红色的云中

    Whatever exists, exists (though even this sentence is impossible) once, and without so much as a flash, will soon disappear among patches of black or ruddy clouds.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定