• 戒毒治疗药品医疗器械和治疗方法不得广告。

    Medicines, medical apparatus and instruments and methods used for treatment of drug addiction shall not be advertised.


  • 监狱可以有效犯罪预防上,例如用来改善警力戒毒治疗缓刑

    Money spent on prisons cannot be spent on more cost-effective methods of crime-prevention, such as better policing, drug treatment or probation.


  • 目前临床主要采用的三种戒毒治疗方法,包括自然戒断法、药物脱毒治疗非药物戒断法。

    Three main programs have been made such as cold turkey, drug detoxification and non-drug treatment.


  • 吸毒得到戒毒治疗瑞典语言需要填补资格预审形式提交一个戒毒康复中心

    Drug addicts, who want to get the drug rehabilitation treatment, Swedish language, need to fill up a pre-qualification form and submit it to a drug rehabilitation center.


  • 这种声明站不住脚的:强制劳动作为戒毒治疗既是非法的,也是违反越南法律的。这些组织应该进行直接清楚明晰记录

    That claim is false: forced labor is both illegitimate as drug treatment and illegal under Vietnamese law. These organizations should set the record straight, clearly and unequivocally.


  • 方法吸毒行为及相关因素调查表对143例接受戒毒治疗的吸毒人员进行调查将吸毒前后各项心理社会指标进行比较。

    Methods: 143 drug users in detoxification have been investigated with drug use behavior questionnaire and many psycho-social indexes were compared before and after drug use.


  • 通过检测年内不能享受任何福利待遇,如果他们能够证明自己已经成功戒掉毒瘾(接受戒毒治疗付费)的话,一期限将缩减个月

    People who fail the test become ineligible for welfare for a year, though this is dropped to six months if they prove that they have successfully completed drug treatment (which they must pay for).


  • 反复的戒毒治疗没有产生作用接连监禁不能铭记悔改,他因此次陷入困境。其中他被关进监狱,其间必须通过拳脚为自己赢得一块立足之地。

    There were rehabs that did not work, followed by jails that did not impress, ending in hard time, twice, including a one-year stint in a state lockup where he had to fight to find a place to stand.


  • SAMHSA限定专业治疗医院有效的模式,戒毒戒酒的设施或者精神病中心

    SAMHSA defines specialty treatment as the type made available at hospitals, drug or alcohol rehabilitation facilities, or mental health centers.


  • 喀布尔只有不多几诊所能帮助人们戒毒远远不能满足需要治疗人数

    Kabul contains a tiny handful of clinics that treat drug abuse, but they have nowhere near the capacity to treat the number of people in need.


  • 由于戒毒项目很少而且资金不足等原因,瘾君子中十分之一的人接受药品治疗

    Only one in ten addictsreceives any drug treatment, because programs are rare and underfunded.


  • 美国,40%戒毒将针刺疗法用作治疗组成部分

    40% of the drug courts in the United States use acupuncture as part of their therapy.


  • 九月自愿戒毒林赛-罗汉上周五法院判处,明年一月日前都必须在康复中心接受治疗

    Lindsay - who voluntarily entered the facility last month - was told by a court last week that she must stay in rehab until January 3.


  • 毒品酒精康复中心训练有素工作人员患者戒毒治疗程序重要性简短

    The trained staff of most drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers would give their patients a brief on the importance of drug rehabilitation and the treatment procedures.


  • 主要保护因素治疗戒毒次数

    The main protection factors exist: the times of rehabilitation being more before treatment;


  • 基于研究湖南省新开铺劳教所采用团体心理辅导形式男性强制隔离戒毒者进行系统心理干预治疗

    Based on this, in this study, I adopted group counseling as the form of systematic psychological intervention and treatment on the male coercive drug addicts at Xinkaipu labor camp in Hunan Province.


  • 咨询心理学专家可能会从事学校辅导员婚姻家庭治疗戒毒诊所辅导员,或或开设私家诊所。

    Specialists in counseling psychology may apply their skills as school counselors, marriage and family therapists, therapists in drug rehabilitation clinics, or private practitioners.


  • 目的研究强制戒毒人员生理脱毒心理状况康复治疗措施

    Objective: to study the psychological condition of the addicts after compulsory detoxification and corresponding healing countermeasure.


  • 目的提高自愿戒毒脱毒成功率选择疗程时间短控制戒断症状完全患者乐意接受的治疗方法。

    Objective: to improve the success ratio of voluntary detoxification and choose an ideal therapy which can completely control withdrawal symptoms in short course and more acceptable by the patients.


  • 目的强制戒毒合并躯体疾病海洛因依赖者采用不同药物脱毒治疗完成率进行回顾性对照研究

    Objective: To study retrospectively the completion rate of different pharmacotherapies in the management of heroin dependent patients with somatic mal in compulsory detoxification settings.


  • 要想有效地减少吸,必须时间里戒毒进行心理康复治疗

    To effectively reduce the relapse, there must be a long time for psychological rehabilitation of drug addicts.


  • 此外,一些地方医疗单位开办戒毒脱瘾治疗业务

    Some local medical institutions also offer services for the rehabilitation and treatment of volunteer addicts.


  • 根据中药治疗特长临床所需建议将稽延戒断症状的改善作为戒毒中药新药研究目标适应证

    According to the treatment characteristics and the clinical needs, it is recommended that the protracted abstinent symptoms can be used as target indications of new tr...


  • 方法总结了耳针体针体针结合治疗方法临床运用中的疗效,简要阐述针刺戒毒可能机制。

    Method The author concluded different methods such as auricular acupuncture, body acupuncture, and the combination of auricular and body acupuncture which was applied in the effect observation.


  • 去年阿海正式接受戒毒同时疾控中心医生帮助下开始接受治疗

    Last year, a Hai formally accepted the drug at the same time in the city of CDC help of a doctor and began treatment.


  • 组织市政议会要求拔更多的款戒毒中心那里有很多年轻人接受治疗

    The organization has asked the city council for more money for the drug treatment centre, where so many young people are dropping in.


  • 组织市政议会要求拔更多的款戒毒中心那里有很多年轻人接受治疗

    The organization has asked the city council for more money for the drug treatment centre, where so many young people are dropping in.


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