• 就是为什么吸烟关键要求被动吸烟:他们有权鼻子两端吸烟自由派则全面这种错误打得措手不及。

    That is why the crucial claim of the anti-smokers is that of passive smoking: your right to smoke ends at my nose, they say, and liberals have been comprehensively wrong-footed by this.


  • 保证到年末时候你可以回顾自己对自己因为完成了每日设计,你成为一个更加优秀全面设计师

    I guarantee that at the end of the year, you'll be able to look back and say that, because of the daily design project that you completed, you're a better and more well-rounded designer.


  • 那位亿万富翁父亲,“担心孩子得不到道德教育,无法成为全面。”

    The billionaire father confided, "I worry my child is not getting taught morality and the whole human person."


  • 沃尔福威茨:"通过访问可能全面了解访问国家人民面临所有挑战但是计划未来数年会去许多次,渴望马上开始

    No single trip could ever hope to encompass all the challenges facing the people of the countries I will be visiting, but I plan to return many times in coming years and I am eager to get started.


  • :“确信警官那天经历件事,没有全面探讨的事。”

    He said: "I am quite convinced the officer had an experience that day and one that we have not fully explored."


  • 探索新闻》:“非常高兴有人在方面进行深入研究,他们的分析全面记录衰老的过程中,环境人类灵长类死亡率影响。”

    "I am glad to see an expanded analysis which more fully documents the environmental influence on human and primate mortality during aging," he told Discovery News.


  • 1998年,科技全面爆发,巴菲特股东们:“不想别人占据优势的游戏。”

    As the technology boom got into full swing in 1998, Buffett told shareholders: "I don't want to play in a game where the other guy has an advantage."


  • 需要一些全面后卫阵容中,”穆里尼奥“这些能够遇到麻烦时使免遭失败。”

    'We need some multifunctional defenders in the squad,' said Mourinho. 'People that can save my skin when I am in trouble.


  • 之所以这么,是为了看上去能力全面些。

    I said so because I want to make myself look more well-rounded.


  • 克林顿先生:“高兴俄罗斯国家杜马今天通过全面禁止核试验条约。”

    State Duma "I am pleased the Russian State Duma today approved the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty," Mr Clinton said, describing it as "an important step towards a safer future".


  • 许多方面有着全面了解负责班级培养一个少有的优秀学员

    I have full understanding of him in many aspects and I can say responsibly that he is a rare excellent student our school has produced.


  • 遇到一些深刻的概念时,会非常努力的跟讲解,看到事情的全面。”丹尼尔。 “对整个世界的认知帮助。”

    So far, Daniel has not commented publicly on the issue, but he has thought about it extensively, and is not convinced that it is a government set-up, as has been suggested in some circles.


  • 今天上午,高兴经过激烈辩论意见分歧全面健康已经交付不动产有形美国人民进展

    This morning, I'm pleased to say that after a lively debate full of healthy differences of opinion, we have delivered real and tangible progress for the American people.


  • 全面调查了这件事,确实做了深入探访。 不想坐在这里随随便便地没有做错,而是其他人误解了他。事实真相逃跑努力,但无法翻过院墙,祖父试了几次终于翻了过去,他墙外他们两个小时

    But the fact of the matter was they tried, they couldn't get over the wall, he went and had one more go, and waited for them for two hours on the other side of the fence.


  • 如果要求辞职的声音成为主流那么尊重呼声,但是通过全面解释此事来尽量避免一幕发生

    'I should respect it if calls for resignation rise to an overwhelming extent, ' he said. 'But I will do my best not to let that happen by explaining fully. '


  • 如果要求辞职的声音成为主流那么尊重呼声,但是通过全面解释此事来尽量避免一幕发生

    'I should respect it if calls for resignation rise to an overwhelming extent, ' he said. 'But I will do my best not to let that happen by explaining fully. '


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定