• 自己的电影可是家常便饭。

    This is what I'm doing all the time in my own films.


  • 在看一部有趣的电影时,突然笑了起来,无法控制自己

    When I was watching a funny movie, I suddenly started laughing and couldn't stop myself.


  • 还是觉得他们结婚只是为了他们电影自己做宣传而已

    I still think that they only got married to get more publicity for their movies and themselves.


  • 人们留出时间责骂烹饪电影读书关系他们自己个人未来的时候,他们从没有留下任何时间,惊奇

    It amazes me how people set aside time for taxes, cooking, watching movies, reading, but when it comes to their own personal future, they NEVER set aside any time.


  • 胡尔知道想什么:没想到自己迪士尼电影解释猫的

    And Rahul knows what she's thinking: I can't believe I'm referencing a Disney film to explain his death.


  • 除了电影发生这种事外,现实过。 在现实生活中,这并不是个问题,所以在说什么话上不要太大的压力自己

    I've never once heard of that happening to anyone besides in the movies.


  • 想想受人尊敬罗德尼·丹泽菲尔德就知道了(喜剧演员,电影中常说口头禅“觉得自己没有受到尊重”-译者注)。

    Think of Rodney Dangerfield getting no respect.


  • 知道有什么事情发生在他们身上或是电影走向何处但是知道自己发现一个令人惊喜家庭现代愤怒的葡萄的约德一家。

    I had no idea what would happen to them or where the film would go, but I knew that I had found an amazing family; a modern-day version of the Joads from the Grapes of Wrath.


  • 然后到了南加州大学的电影学校开始从事产品设计工作,一份感觉自己能力有兴趣的工作,但是不久后就转动画

    Then I went to the USC film school, where I first worked on production design, which is something I felt I was able and wanted to do, but soon was doing animation.


  • 在那做了交易表现的像教堂一样——百视达然后自己一部电影或者一个电视游戏

    We have a deal where if he behaves well at church, I take him to Blockbuster and let him pick out a movie or a video game.


  • 上周美国秘书长希拉里·克林顿记者招待会上对于这个争论解释到:“觉得自己就像是走进一个几年持续播放的电影当中。”

    Asked about the dispute at a press conference last week Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said "I feel like I have walked into a movie that has been going on for years".


  • 觉得自己法国电影界真的幸运他们带来很多相当出色女性角色

    I think I have a lot of luck in French cinema and they give me great female roles.


  • 《被嫌弃松子的一生》值得欣赏地方很多但是如果一个女性1800日元为了告知需要知道自己这个世界上位置的话,这部电影生气。

    There is much to enjoy about Memories of Matsuko. But if I were a female moviegoer who had paid 1800 yen to be told that I need to know my place in this world, I would be mightily pissed off.


  • 觉得自己令人讨厌,渺小恐怖电影描述那些致命细菌那样。

    I feel as repulsive and small as one of those deadly germs often portrayed in the horror movie genre.


  • 知道自己的作品是否这部电影一样杰出确确实实激发的创作灵感,影响作品的风格。

    I don't know whether I'll ever make a movie as great as this film, but it has definitely inspired and shaped my work.


  • 通过这次经历,肯定自己以后电影时候注意别人是怎么做的了。

    But having gone through this, I'm sure I'll be noticing this kind of thing when I see movies from now on.


  • 不过说到电影喜欢除了自己以外所有人

    In terms of the films, I enjoy watching everyone but myself very, very much.


  • 以后,就像发生在电影故事一样,,麦德,还有班上同学们开始保护自己权利寻找依据。

    After that, the plot seemed to be straight out of a movie. The other students in the class, Matt, and I started to work together in protecting ourselves.


  • 很多真实发生事情自己想象结合一起,这部电影之前,已经根据事件改编的舞台剧出现了。

    BJ: I combined a lot of actual things that happened, as well as my imagination, and for this film there was a stage play that was created about the incident.


  • 一个关于愚蠢电影,同时也让感觉自己很蠢

    Burn After Reading is a movie about stupidity that left me feeling stupid.


  • 不是认为梦空间一个糟糕电影相反认为它夏天电影最好的。但是,盗梦空间莱昂纳多表演并不需要像在禁闭中淋漓尽致的发挥自己演技

    I didn't think Inception was a bad movie; on the contrary, it was the best of the summer in my eyes, but Leo's performance didn't really require all the facets of acting he used during Shutter Island.


  • 山洞里漫步感觉自己像是科幻电影神奇旅程”中的显微外科医生,在严重硬化动脉血管里行走,要不就是那些。罗布拉快车乘客的血管?

    Walking through the caves, I feel like a microscopic nano-surgeon from the film Fantastic Voyage, coursing through heavily calcified arteries - perhaps those of a passenger on el Expreso DE la Robla?


  • 看过自己电影

    I've seen a few of my films.


  • 说实话一直期待一刻但是身处其中时却又感觉电影不是自己故事。

    To be honest, I looked forward for this moment but when you are in, you don't realize that the movie speak about you.


  • 很少回头看看自己以前电影因此不能真的了。

    I very rarely look back at my old movies, so I can't really say how I've changed, "he says."


  • 不仅仅考虑自己电影还是伦敦电影学校校长

    I'm not only concerned for my own films, but as chairman of the governors of the London film School.


  • 当时试图寻找一部关于有趣生活电影但是清楚自己的生活却很无趣。

    It became very clear to me that I was intent on trying to find a movie about an interesting life, but I wasn't living an interesting life myself.


  • 当时试图寻找一部关于有趣生活电影但是清楚自己的生活却很无趣。

    It became very clear to me that I was intent on trying to find a movie about an interesting life, but I wasn't living an interesting life myself.


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