• 而言球会历史上也是非常重要

    For me that is as well very important in the history of the Club.


  • 肯定他们卖掉俱乐部会来这些负债累累的球会

    I am sure they want to sell but who will buy clubs with so many debts?


  • 知道自己球队重要的引知道职业生涯中已经效力过几家伟大的球队,也知道现在加入的也是一支可以保持追求荣耀的球会

    I understand that I'm an important signing, I also understand that during my life I have played for great teams, but I also understand I wanted to join a team where I could keep on doing this.


  • 没有支队伍能在斯坦福打进切尔西五个,(但是做到了)那场胜利之后认为们的客场成绩越来越好!

    Not many teams have gone to Stamford Bridge and scored five goals and after that win I think our away form will go from strength to strength.


  • 小时候讨厌橄榄球必须沿线轮流攻击的男孩达到训练目的。

    As a child I loathed rugby, particularly a drill where you had to run along a line of crouched boys who would tackle you in turn.


  • 其二这个球有弹性所以放开瞬间可能震动

    Number two, this thing is very springy, so the moment that I let it go, it probably goes in some kind of oscillation.


  • 回答会令那些希望听到一个巧妙睿智策略以便掌控老板感到失望﹐因为下属自己。

    My response disappoints people who are looking for a subtle, clever interpersonal strategy for manipulating a manager. I put the onus right back on the employee.


  • 6月份获得自由只能选择兴趣欧洲球会,”名参加2006年世界杯球员补充道

    "I will be a free agent in June and I have no choice but to listen to the European clubs that have shown an interest in my services," the 2006 World Cup player added.


  • 他们说:‘快过来拥抱不然裁判这个球无效的。’” 马拉多纳说,那场球他是场上的队长。

    "I told them, 'Come hug me or the referee isn't going to allow it."'


  • l'ilc他们然后用球带来力量,不是出去人们觉得是个Krump移动,那Krump移动。

    L 'il c: I tell them to create a ball, and then you just use that ball of energy. And instead of throwing it out, people would think that's a krump move, that's a krump move.


  • 一个重要时刻因为如果他们那时了球,来说一切都会变得十分困难,们的压力会变得很大,也许他们还会进球

    It was an important moment because, if they score at that time, I think it would have been difficult for us because they would put us under pressure again and maybe score again.


  • 所效力是一支英超欧洲赛场颇具竞争力的欧洲顶尖球会,这里世界上最出色主教练杰出的球员

    I am at a big European club, who are a real player in the Premier League and in Europe, with a manager who is one of the best in the world, and with great players too.


  • 代表欧洲女子职业高尔夫巡回赛对亚龙湾高尔夫球会再次承办此次三亚女子公开赛表示最热烈欢迎

    On behalf of the members and staff of the Ladies European Tour: a very warm welcome to Yalong Bay Golf Club for the second edition of the Sanya Ladies Open.


  • 不会不进做出愚蠢的球,你却是会很沮丧

    I'm not saying it makes you do stupid tackles, but you do get frustrated.


  • 虽然乒乓球打的一塌糊涂绝对可能这个TTX中打出名次,但绝对设计一个对手更漂亮球拍时尚上面击败他们

    Even though I suck at table tennis and would never make it to the top in TTX, I'll just design a paddle prettier than my opponents and beat their sense of style.


  • 队友帮助进球。有的中场断有的传球,有的人射门得分。球队,是一个整体。

    I have colleagues who help me. Some win the ball, others give passes, others score goals. We are a team.


  • 加盟了一支世界上最好球会,它的球员也是世界级。

    I have joined the best club in the world with the best players in the world.


  • 如果继续收集比赛用球的话相信没人不高兴的。

    But if I keep earning match balls then I'm sure nobody will complain too much.


  • 寒假时候一些朋友见面,各自过去一年生活一起打乒乓球

    And I also meet some of my good friends during the vacation , we have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether .


  • 不过觉得来说重要的一点,球会一个豪门转型一支极其潜力而且比赛中能展现出认为重要的价值那么一支球队。

    But I feel what is very important for us is to transform this club from a top-level club into one that has a fantastic future potential and with values that we think are important in the game.


  • 那脚射门看上去进,但是射中横梁失望。

    It thought my shot was going to dip in but then when it hit the bar I was gutted.


  • 通常八号 球容易控制可以强劲旋转这样球会走出弧形,然后能在打 球时随心所欲的控制

    I usually bowl with an eight ball. I like the control of a light ball. I can spin it more, so that the ball hooks. Then I can put it just where I want it when I bowl.


  • 不想一个球会成为阵容一部分不是计划

    'I don't want to go to a club and just be part of the squad, that's not my plan.'


  • 决定保留意见直到第二战之后知道魔术投中他们首战中投失的球,而且不会再让湖人拉开比分。

    I decided to reserve judgment until after game two, when I knew the Magic would hit some of those shots they missed in game one and play the Lakers much closer.


  • 决定保留意见直到第二战之后知道魔术投中他们首战中投失的球,而且不会再让湖人拉开比分。

    I decided to reserve judgment until after game two, when I knew the Magic would hit some of those shots they missed in game one and play the Lakers much closer.


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