• 知道没有参与那场争论。

    I don't know. I wasn't in on that particular argument.


  • 没有参与这让终生遗憾,”

    "I didn't participate, which I've regretted my entire life," he said.


  • 过去没有参与,你的将来一定不会错过》!

    I did not participate in your past, your future, I will not miss!


  • 没有参与世界杯只是一个平球员认为什么应该得到,”开玩笑说

    "I've not been involved at the World Cup, only as a commentator and I don't think that deserves anything," he joked.


  • 看来(完全没有科学依据),没有参与过来参加这些会议所属的公司的合作项目。

    My (completely unscientific) observation is that I have not been to engagements at companies who are sending their folks to these conferences.


  • 个欧洲国家,在法国德国意大利之间没有参与世界大战因为旅游银行和手表而被世人知晓,首都伯尔尼

    I'm European country that's between France, Germany and Italy, I didn't get involved in either world war, I'm known for tourism, banking and watches and my capital is Bern.


  • 相当闷闷不乐所以没有怎么参与

    I was quite sulky, so I didn't take part in much.


  • 清楚地记得巴不得自己没有参与进去。

    I distinctly remember wishing I had not got involved.


  • 参与会议看到,某个没有参会共享桌面人发送了一条即时信息,其中某个参加会议人有不敬之词。

    I was once in a meeting where somebody not in the meeting sent an IM to the person sharing his desktop, that disparaged one of the other meeting participants.


  • 没有闲坐着浪费时间,而是开始参与当地的社区服务项目。

    Instead of sitting around and wasting my days, I began to work with local community service projects.


  • 认为研究结果非常激动人心,”并没有参与这一研究耶鲁大学物理学家Steve Lamoreaux

    "I find this result quite exciting," said Steve Lamoreaux, a physicist at Yale University who was not involved in the study.


  • 例如有一个实验参与就曾告诉说“签字认罪简单,因为没有什么好隐瞒的。”

    One participant, for example, told him, "it made it easier [to sign the confession] because I had nothing to hide."


  • 事实上许许多多的参与到了制造之中没有人会他人知道很多哪怕仅仅只是一点点

    Actually, millions of human beings have had a hand in my creation, no one of whom even knows more than a very few of the others.


  • 职业生涯中编写各种各样代码奇怪的是没有直接参与过编写数据库相关的程序。

    I've done a lot of varied coding over my career, but somehow I've never been directly involved in the guts of database coding.


  • 很好,刚看到你们中的一些那里,这样,没有真正参与进来,如果在台上,想一想

    Okay. Good. Now I see some of you out there from-- like this, not really participating, and if I can get up here--Think about this.


  • 没有胡斯尼的帮助不到的,此前,一直认为愿意深入参与和平进程那天晚上,他显得坚定有条理讲求实效。

    I couldn’t have done it without Hosni. I had thought he was often too resistant to getting deeply involved in the peace process, but that night he was strong, clear, and effective.


  • 掌声日本参与努力中来感到欣慰,因为地球没有任何国家比这两个国家懂得这些武器的后果,因此必须共同寻求一个核武的未来

    (Applause.) I am pleased that Japan has joined us in this effort, for no two nations on Earth know better what these weapons can do, and together we must seek a future without them.


  • 这么认为但是如果们度过这个周末没有看到一个让人信服方案(即不仅包括美国而且包括所以主要参与新的金融救援方案),情况相当危急了。

    I don’t think so, but it will be very alarming if this weekend rolls by without a credible announcement of a new financial rescue plan, involving not just the United States but all the major players.


  • 不是第一次选举但是由于过去10一直大学读书所以没有机会参与选举。

    This isn't my first election, but I haven't had the chance to vote in a poll since I was still at university, almost 10 years ago.


  • 没有寻求没有选择这个角色不论是否想要扮演这个角色,是否参与其事还是仅仅处于完全被动的地步,没有选择。

    I had neither sought nor chosen this new role, but it was mine whether I wanted it or not, whether I did anything or just remained completely passive.


  • 没有任何错事只是在玩一个纵火者参与的小游戏而已。

    I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm just playing a little game which involves incendiaries.


  • 科技训营活动唯一一点不满在于:评选委员会没有女性成员,参与活动的61位导师中也只有5女性

    My one complaint about the Teens In Tech program, however, is that none of the selection committee members were women and only 5 of the 61 mentors focused on the program are female.


  • 希望引发真正轰动,”克莱夫·尼尔一位没有参与这项研究圣母大学行星地质学家。

    "I hope it's going to cause a real stir," said Clive Neal, a planetary geologist at the University of Notre Dame who was not involved in the study.


  • 知道没有参与传播这些照片, ”告诉CNN独家专访记者。

    I knew that I had nothing to do with the spreading of these photos," he told CNN in the exclusive interview.


  • 要是没有体会过别人一起开发乐趣记住的话潜在混淆数据损失参与的人数成正比

    And if you haven't had the pleasure of developing software with others, take my word for it that all the potential for confusion and data loss is multiplied by the presence of more than one person.


  • 如果没有参与进来,不敢肯定一个过来人含金量有多大

    If you haven't played the game, I'm not sure of the value being a coach is really gonna do.


  • 如果没有参与进来,不敢肯定一个过来人含金量有多大

    If you haven't played the game, I'm not sure of the value being a coach is really gonna do.


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