• 希望已经有他们了。

    And I wish I had them already.


  • 其它事例中已经客户出钱购买关于他们网站深入分析完整建议

    In other instances, I've had clients pay for an in-depth analysis of their site complete with recommendations.


  • 已经有不止一个朋友抱怨说他们态度不好

    More than one of my friends have complained to me that when they come over to my apartment, I just scream out come in.


  • 相信利物浦周六获胜因为他们已经压力作战技巧,也获胜愿望经验

    I think Liverpool will win on Saturday, because they have the knack of playing under pressure, the desire and the experience.


  • 认为大多数观察家无论他们黑人白人欧洲人其他地方因为民权法案,由于法理上的隔离产生变化,黑人已经了很多进步

    I think most observers, whether they are black or white or European or whatever, would say that a lot of black progress has been due to the Civil Rights Act, because of changes in DE jure segregation.


  • 回来时候,谈谈们刚离开的这些性格,以此来开导开导照顾人;可是已经有成见,反倒他们偏见了。

    As we walked home, I would fain have enlightened my charge on the characters of the people we had quitted; but she got it into her head that I was prejudiced against them.


  • 通过明智使用他们已经资格取得较低利率最终需要买一个房子时候可以利用它。

    By using them wisely, I've already qualified for lower rates that I can take advantage of when I eventually buy a house.


  • 她说道,“解释为什么不想小孩某事的问题上,已经很大的改进而且他们做对了事情时候会给予称赞。

    I've got much better at explaining why I don't want my children to do something, and at praising them when they do something right.


  • 相当困难如果他们版本罗里吧,行话连连自相矛盾或者语法错误,非常困难了。不过至少已经东西可用,尤其是紧急关头。

    It’s very difficult if their version is wordy, jargony, inconsistent, or gramatically unsound–but at least I’ve got something to work with that could, if push came to shove, be used.


  • 但是2008年时候,遗传学说服他们告诉遗传学领域已经有十足的进步,运用相关技术手段会获得很多用的结果

    But in 2008 several geneticists convinced me that the field had advanced far enough to give us a good chance of getting useful results.


  • 以为他们他们奥斯卡奖,而典当行歇业已经一阵子了。

    I thought they might want their Oscars back and the pawn shop has been out of business for awhile. (at the 2002 Oscars).


  • 车上本来已经他们还是设法带上。

    There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.


  • 尽管IvarJacobson这样人关键提示,他们注意到多少敏捷原理XP出现很久之前就已经有了,看起来这个社团得到多少进展

    Despite keynotes by the likes of Ivar Jacobson, who noted how many agile principles were around long before XP emerged, it seemed to me that the community was making little headway.


  • 一点自己的发现已经足够多的鹰他们在别处购买这方面进行评论,指出成为一个严重的问题

    This is not something I have noticed in my own birds but enough falconers have commented on this with regard to birds bought elsewhere for it to be an issue.


  • 觉得继父继母”这个词那些已经孩子然后又家庭联姻的男女们所标签,这么叫原因简单总得他们叫个什么

    I've often felt that "step-parent" is a label we attach to men and women who marry into families where children already exist, for the simple reason that we need to call them something.


  • 这个科室但是见习轮转已经安排了必须轮转一个科室,希望他们过得好

    How I wish I could extend my stay in the department, but as it has already been scheduled, I have to move on to another department, I wish them all well in their endeavors.


  • 很久了。其他人已经很多面试了呢是不是他们优秀呢?

    I've been waiting for a long time. Others have already got a lot of interviews. Am I not as good as them?


  • 如果已经孩子非常高兴不论他们年龄

    If you already have children, I would be very happy with them regardless of age.


  • 位内人(亲戚啊什么的)已经遥感未来交通领域方面浸淫很久他们已经了很好的观点并且文章已经得到认可。

    Two of my people who have already devoted themselves in this industry of remote sensing and futuristic transportation for a handful years, and they have came up with some brilliant perspective.


  • 父母并不知道他们仍然定时一些零花钱这些下来已经时间了。

    My parents don't know, they still give me the pocket money in time, I save the pocket money for a long time.


  • 回到球队中的感觉很棒,已经几个月他们一起了,再次相聚气氛真的很好。

    I haven't been with them for a couple of months now and it's good to feel the atmosphere again.


  • 告诉他们规划这次旅行,萦绕头脑中的问题已经清晰答案

    I told them that the question I had had in mind when I planned this journey was now clearly answered.


  • 脆饼已经有十年的时间了,多年改良方法,使得他们益健康,丰富坚果口味

    I've been making sesame crackers for decades, tweaking my recipe over the years. They have a wholesome, rich, nutty flavor.


  • 多亏互联网肯定已经有许多美国游民中国游民加入到了他们好友名单里

    I'm sure many gamers in the U. s has friended a Chinese gamer to their friends list thanks to Internet capability.


  • 已经许多来告诉他们忽然感觉到他们生命中即将一些新的改变临到

    I have had dozens of people tell me that suddenly they feel that they are about to make a change to something new in their lives.


  • 加上很多用户交过朋友不过博客上或者的首页上留言他们估计总共已经有了800位用户他们

    Add in users who are not my friends but have left messages in my blog or on my homepage asking for help and I estimate in total 800 people have asked me for help!


  • 加上很多用户交过朋友不过博客上或者的首页上留言他们估计总共已经有了800位用户他们

    Add in users who are not my friends but have left messages in my blog or on my homepage asking for help and I estimate in total 800 people have asked me for help!


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