• 亲爱的开心快乐

    Dear you happy so I happy!


  • 唱起歌来快乐

    When singing songs, I feel so happy.


  • 看着你们快乐就快乐虽然心里好痛但是一切呢!

    Look at you, your happiness, I happiness. Though my heart painful, but who let you are everything to me!


  • 那时年级常常哥哥年级的作业拿来每一比赛时间快乐知道怎么形容。

    When I was at grade three, I tried to do my older brother's exercises at grade five. Each time when I won at the contest against time, you don't even know how happy I was.


  • 术家说:“虽然没有很多钱,但活得很快乐。但如果失去了诚实,我就永远都不会快乐了。”

    The artist said, "Although I don't have much money, I live happily. But if I lose honesty, I won't be happy forever."


  • 认为应该明天跳槽去寻找自己快乐

    Do I think you should run out and quit your job tomorrow just to be happy?


  • 目的是以平和愉悦的精神起床发现一种积极的态度开始的时候,那么保持一整天快乐显得顺理成章。

    My goal is to wake up with peace and joy in my spirit, and I find that when I start out with a great attitude, it’s easy to maintain one throughout the day.


  • 第一天开始这里感觉家里一样,感受到球迷,认识知道在这里快乐而且乐意安菲尔德踢球

    I felt at home here from the first day, I feel the fans love me and everyone knows I am really happy here and really happy to play at Anfield.


  • 威尔斯这般表达,对之,只是艺术觉得令人愉快,因此如果是个艺术家,你拥有,快乐生活全身心地投入艺术中去。

    Welles presented it. He'll say no. It's a work of art. I find it exhilarating. So if you are an artist, you can always have an happy life dedicating yourself to your art.


  • 扬起风吹向,带着祝福,寂寞不在乎,你快乐我就满足想你幸福

    I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you!


  • 不过小时完成了比赛很快感到了快乐男朋友也同样感到高兴,确信需要找个教练

    Still, I finished in one piece in six hours and quite enjoyed it. And so did my boyfriend, who convinced me it was time to sign up with a coach.


  • 因为生活感到快乐的香。

    I sleep well because I'm happy with my life.


  • 或许是琳达迷恋变得敏感交织在一起甜蜜快乐无望希望一下子抓住了

    Perhaps my infatuation with Linda Fowler made me vulnerable, and the mix of sweetness and joy and despair and hope in the poem took me by surprise.


  • 扬起风吹向,带着祝福,寂寞不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你幸福

    I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when Ithink of you!


  • 同时,记录想法抒发的感受,本身带来一定程度快乐满足

    In the meantime the mere fact of writing down my thoughts and expressing my feelings gives me a measure of pleasure and satisfaction.


  • 脑海里,只要的你的生活中还有75件事情,永远别快乐

    So with that in mind, here are 75 ways to stay unhappy forever.


  • 并且意识到,可能解释为什么经历短暂快乐总是感到很失望。 这种快乐是强烈的,美好的,惊人的—然后结束了。

    And I realize that this may explain why I am often left feeling disappointed after the rush of joy I experience.


  • 自从离开没有快乐的。

    Since you left, I have no one day is not happy.


  • 1704年写给他的儿子信中说到,“可能明天死了如果不能遵循的的脚步,你不会快乐的的。”

    He wrote his son in 1704, he said, "I may die tomorrow, but be sure that you have little pleasure if you fail to follow my example."


  • 快乐过著而立之年的日子——胜任份工作,有自己的房子,膝下养两个孩子——天,我就开始向妈妈寻求如何有效地用牙线建议了。

    One day I was happily in my mid-thirties, holding down3 a job while taking care of a house and two children, and the next, I was getting advice from my mother on how to effectively floss4 my teeth.


  • 越是别人都羡慕快乐觉得快乐有味道

    The more others envy my happiness, I would feel the happiness more flavor.


  • 这些知道,过了这么多年依然很爱你。娶你时候我就知道生活会快乐有悲伤。

    This is to let you know that I still love you after all these years.i knew that there would be ups and downs when I married you.but through it all, you've always been my valentine.


  • 这个问题而言真的希望可以打开信任别人朋友分享悲伤快乐别人分享他们所拥有的。

    In terms of this problem, I really hope we can open our heart and be trusted to others, sharing their sorrow and happiness with friends, and sharing what they have with others.


  • 那时起,感觉到一个很好的交谈真实的话使快乐生活

    Since that time, I have felt it like a nice person deep in my heart who can talk with me with true words and make me happy with life.


  • 感到很意外竟然早上甭提生日快乐了!

    To my surprise, she didn't even say good morning, let alone happy birthday!


  • 很小时候,他们强调应该快乐事情,但是别忘了需要完成的事情一定要努力做。

    Ever since I was little they have stressed that I should be doing what makes me happy without looking away from working hard on the things that are in need of doing.


  • 遇到一个布鲁斯女孩那得到快乐消息只是笑笑转身离开

    I met a girl who sang the blues and I asked her for some happy news, But she just smiled and turned away.


  • 遇到一个布鲁斯女孩那得到快乐消息只是笑笑转身离开

    I met a girl who sang the blues and I asked her for some happy news, But she just smiled and turned away.


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