• 这种关系一直很重要失去感到难过空虚

    The relationship had been important to me and its loss left me feeling sad and empty.


  • 相信这是一个完美的教训,对于一个孩子来说,失去重要的东西……失去它,感受到失去的全部重量,然后奇迹般地找回

    I believe this was a perfect lesson for a child in losing something important...to lose it and feel the full weight of that loss, and then to miraculously get it back.


  • 虽然年龄相仿女性失去兴趣了,仍然觉得第一一样令人兴奋

    While some women my age have lost interest, I still find it just as exciting as the very first time.


  • 甚至后悔失去

    I went so far as to regret the loss of the animal.


  • 失去午餐得到了的午餐。

    The cat lost its lunch. I got my lunch.


  • 曾有一部苹果手机,但是欣慰失去因为毫无意义地吞噬了太多时间

    I had an iPhone but I was relieved to lose it because it swallowed so much of my time in pointless ways.


  • 不过无法给与一切而且失去永恒时间

    But it cannot give me everything, and, deprived of the eternal, I want to ally myself with time.


  • 要买,买!以前了选择失去许多时间就让过去吧当时无知只能觉得最好东西

    I have lost much time, and chosen badly heretofore, but let that pass; I was ignorant then, and could but take for best what seemed so.


  • 现在真的失去

    I really was losing it.


  • 突然感觉后来试图通过酒精来寻找这种感觉,最终,在碰到克莱尔找到,确切讲,那是一种被结合在一起的,顿时失去知觉和意识感觉。

    It would fill me with a feeling, a feeling I later tried to dupicate with alcohol and finally found again with Clare, a feeling of unity, oblivion, mindlessness in the best sense of the word.


  • 这个小小的世界里,生怕使再缩小一丁点儿。把抬举到您的世界里去,让高高兴兴失去一切自由

    I live in this little world of mine and am afraid to make it the least less.Life me into thy world and let me have the freedom gladly to lose my all.


  • 也使更难以接受这种想法完成生命图画之前失去这种生物

    It makes it all the harder for me to accept the thought that we may lose this creature before its life picture can be completed.


  • 却是照彻生命温暖阳光失去的生命黑暗凄冷中枯萎

    Your true love is the sunshine warming my life. My life will wither away in the coldness and darkness if I lose your love.


  • 喜欢这样因为意味着过后信息没有失去价值

    I liked that, because it meant the information didn't lose it's value after the first week of reading.


  • 始终不畏惧死亡,不过还是有点害怕死亡过程变得虚弱体验到了疲倦疼痛渐渐失去知觉

    As I did all along, I remained somewhat afraid of the process of dying, of increasing weakness and fatigue, of pain, of becoming less and less of myself as I got there.


  • 如果眼里一滴泪为了失去你;永不哭泣;如果金色阳光停止了耀眼的光芒;你的一个微笑;将照亮的整个世界

    If you were a teardrop; in my eye, For fear of losing you, I would never cry. And if the golden sun, Should cease to shine its light, Just one smile from you, would make my whole world bright.


  • 稳定女朋友最终背叛了尽管关系已经失去早期爱情纯洁性很快永远结束了。

    My steady girlfriend eventually took me back – though our relationship had lost the lovely purity of its earlier years and would soon end forever.


  • 然而一个主义超级粉丝,认为应该生活体验失去色彩。

    However, while I'm a big proponent of minimalism, I don't believe it should detract from my experience of life.


  • 这件事来说没有珍惜好的能用液晶显示屏知道我失去

    In my case, I didn't appreciate having a good, working LCD screen until I lost it.


  • 突然想起了那条午餐失去

    Suddenly I realized that I wanted the fish for lunch and I had lost it.


  • 此时已经完全疯狂失去控制了,从没听过叫成这样

    At this moment the dog went totally crazy, totally ballistic; I have never ever heard a dog bark like this!


  • 要对她讲的话,仿佛秋天行云,无止无息地四处追寻,又仿佛变成了黄昏盛开花儿落霞寻找失去的时光。

    It seems to sail in the autumn clouds on an end- less quest and to bloom into evening flowers, seeking its lost moment in the sunset.


  • 看做得到一张开快车得到罚单如果遵守那条规则必须罚款甚至失去驾驶权利

    I look at it more like getting a speeding ticket. There's a rule there and if I don't follow it, I have to pay a fine and may even lose my privilege to drive.


  • 保本定律“,你不会失去能量。”

    And I'm going to call this the you can break even law; you can break even law.


  • 烦恼念头心中生起呼吸马上失去常态开始呼喊:“毛病出现了!”

    As soon as a negativity arises in the mind, the breath will lose its normality; it will start Shouting, "Look, something has gone wrong!"


  • 如果能用语言向道出涵义失去了用舞蹈意义

    If I could tell you what it meant, there would be no point dancing it.


  • 失去联系生活做出一种选择非对做出反应时,时常想起迈克尔。

    We lost touch, but I often though about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.


  • 失去联系生活做出一种选择非对做出反应时,时常想起迈克尔。

    We lost touch, but I often though about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.


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