• 弟子荣利回复之前问题,针对“难分”这个主题又想法

    Disciple Yong Lee had added some more thoughts on the topic, Dreams and Waking State, after he read my replies to his earlier questions.


  • 最好丈夫邮箱——整天都坐在电脑这样就可以东西打印出来,回复更快一些

    I think it's best if I give you my husband's emailhe's sitting in front of a computer all day so he can print stuff off and get it back to you sooner than I could.


  • 发了几条短信,但还没有回复,因为不知道该说什么。

    He sent me a few messages, but I haven't replied yet as I don't know what to say.


  • 当天下午回复了。

    He responded that very afternoon.


  • 按照罗伯茨的说法,弗里德曼充满鼻音单调语气发表简短而尖刻的评语,这种语调恐怕数十年后回复拨打的对方付费长途电话的语调一一样。

    According to Roberts, Friedman delivered a brief, cutting critiqueprobably in the same nasal monotone I remember when, decades later, he returned my long-distance calls collect.


  • 与此同时了解到,资深金融家、富时指数(FTSE)成份股公司的前董事长,仍旧秘书把发给邮件打印出来阅读——然后秘书口述回复邮件的内容。

    Meanwhile, I know a senior financier, an ex-chair of a FTSE company, who still has his secretary print out his e-mails for him to read so he can then dictate replies for her to e-mail back.


  • 整整以后,收到了自动回复,说感谢关注

    After almost a year, I got an information-free reply, thanking me for my interest.


  • 说:“门口看到好像是说‘怎么不回复’。”

    He caught me at the door, and he was like, ‘Hey, you never responded to me,’ ” she says.


  • 真正感到困扰没有回复的话

    What really bothered me was that no one had addressed his comment.


  • 记得听说一个收件箱回复原则,凡记得写信给过那些认识惴惴不安地写信给寻求帮助,无一例外的都意外收到了的回信

    I even remember hearing that he manages a "zero inbox" policy and people that I know have written Brad with questions asking for help have been surprised that he has written back and offered advice.


  • 回复:“了罗达镇,遭遇了所有正在面对挑战亲历解决问题的艰难。”知道您的经历,深受鼓舞。

    He replies: "I am moved by the fact that you visited Vrede and saw all the challenges we are still facing and the way we a trying to resolve them."


  • 不幸的是,巴斯比或是的合著者并没有回复,当然还有随后封邮件

    Unfortunately Busby did not respond and neither he nor his coauthors responded to three subsequent emails.


  • 但是提问时,说,如果企业战略消亡几乎是被的提问激怒了似的,“企业战略当然不会消亡,”回复道。

    But when I asked if, for him, strategy was dead, he was close to being offended. "of course not," he replied.


  • 很快回复邮件,并告诉洛杉矶机场经历

    I quickly emailed him back about my experience at LAX.


  • 那个合著者联系回复说是研究生材料没有很好的辨认。

    I contacted the co-author and he wrote back to me something about graduate student researchers who had given him material that was not properly identified.


  • 写道非常抱歉能及时回复身体欠佳一封很长的

    He said, my apologies for not answering your letter but my health is poor and — but it was a long letter.


  • 交流最多的人就是Chris,”说,“问问Chris碰到这些问题,竞选经费啊,象作为志愿者组织活动筹款规则等等,半官方回复应该怎么说。”

    I would ask Chris for a semiofficial response to things like campaign finance, like what are the rules for setting up events as a volunteer and getting money.


  • “这个双向的过程,”在一份电子邮件中写到,“在正式研究几年里旁边最好教科书,但经历过一段困难时间说新系统给了机会能够时刻回复编辑需要。”

    “I, for one, have experienced difficulty during my formal study years with the best of textbooks around.” He said the new systemgives me opportunity to respond to the editing needs all the time.”


  • 比如有人邮件告诉Blog涉及到的技巧,回复谢谢的邮件地址就会出现在通讯录里。

    For example, if somebody sends me a tip for this blog and I reply to thank him, my contact list includes that person.


  • 电子邮件回复解释个形象“通过的设计多方面表现美学与哲学的思考。”

    In response to e-mailed questions, he explained that the characters "in many ways represent the aesthetic philosophy behind my work."


  • 很快回复很想见

    He responded later that night and said, ‘I’d love to meet her.’


  • 认为如果拨通那个号码会在铃声第五次的时候接听电话。”Kobe回复说,很自然关联拥有只总冠军戒指上。

    "I said, 'If he calls that number, I'll be sure to pick up after the fifth ring, '" Bryant quipped back -- referring, naturally, to the five championship rings he has.


  • 后来收到了泰德Boda回复评论Duarte设计公司的名设计师,曾经这个项目戈尔共事过。

    Then I received this comment from Ted Boda, a Duarte designer who worked with Al Gore on the project


  • 曾经以为肯定Zed遇到了一些难以解决麻烦需要帮助从其人处获知事情并不是这样的(Zed也从来没有回复邮件)。

    I actually thought he might be in real trouble and in need of real help, but was assured by third party that he wasn't (Zed never replied to my emails after publishing).


  • 曾经以为肯定Zed遇到了一些难以解决麻烦需要帮助从其人处获知事情并不是这样的(Zed也从来没有回复邮件)。

    I actually thought he might be in real trouble and in need of real help, but was assured by third party that he wasn't (Zed never replied to my emails after publishing).


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