• 这种设备将会发出脉冲刺激其他部位皮肤发出例如触到了一些东西’这样的信号。

    The device would generate a pulse that would stimulate other parts of the skin, giving the kind of signal 'my (artificial) hand is touching something', for instance.


  • 有一双万能的,样样事情都会作可以说人类进化开始第一勇敢猴子树上下来。 但科学家早就说过,制造工具,才是让人类真正有别于其他动物的关键。

    You could say human evolution started when the first brave ape came down from the trees.


  • 其他地方没有什么不同发现如果竖起一个指头给别人无论什么文化礼节打断

    No different from anywhere else. I find if you give money with one finger up, whatever the cultural etiquette, it will be snapped out of your hands.


  • 其他女孩儿们包括妹妹告诉如何摆放,如何能量聚集到占卜板上。

    All the girls, including my sister, told me how to place my hands and how to concentrate my energy onto the board.


  • 于是看看琳达表演艺术中心小小办公室里其他,硬着头皮挥一下,“需要散一小会儿创造性思绪流淌一下

    So I looked at Linda and the other staff in the performing arts center's small office and bravely waved, "I need a little walk to get my creative juices flowing.


  • 不能忍受房间里······相信沾满了儿子鲜血占满其他命丧男女女的鲜血。

    I can't bear to be in the same room as him... I believe he's got the blood of my son and all of the other men and women who died out there on his hands.


  • 显然并不是艺术方面的专家其他作品包括沙德·罕默德的一个立意不明的作品——似乎包含了一作出一个奇特姿势

    Clearly, I am no art expert. Other works include a vague piece by Sadeq Mohamed, consisting of a hand, I suppose, making a strange gesture.


  • 见过很多四五十岁心脏病病例,他们除了幼时曾暴露烟雾不到其他导致心脏病的危险因素。”斯里马杰教授说。

    "I see a lot of people with heart attacks in their 40s and 50s, who have no risk factors at all except having exposure to passive smoke in childhood," Prof Celermajer says.


  • 粘住了,其他女孩子拉开可是了。

    'I'm stuck!' the other girls tried to pull her off but they could not.


  • 其他吉他一直说音色出非常干净尽管事实上根本不用指甲拇指套来演奏。

    Guitar players often tell me that my tone is clear in spite of the fact that I don't use nails or a thumb pick.


  • ,意思是说其他某个部位也小咯。

    And he referred to my hands — if they are small, something else must be small.


  • 知道自己有有阻挠方面一次其他的也玛士撒拉

    I know that Amelek has himself had a hand in thwarting me once, and other Methuselahs as well.


  • 问题从没对主动接触身体,他没试着握住或者尝试任何其他类似的事。

    The problem is that he has not made any sort of physical move; he has not tried to kiss me, hold my hand, etc.


  • 开学第一爸妈没能来,是牵着走进校门,你同其他骄傲父母一样脸上挂着掩饰不住的笑容----每次一起时那样。

    You took me to school on my first day along with mom and dad, and you wore a contented smile on your face like a proud parentjust like you do each time we're together.


  • 保证其他考生都会这一的,光明正大竞争人人都不会放弃宝贵的机会

    I'm almost positive all the other candidates will write them; this is competition pure and simple, and no one will pass up such a golden opportunity.


  • 伸开确保掌贴在一起,然后你的大拇指扣在上,同时其他轻轻地握紧很快地上下摇动下后就松

    Extend your hand, make sure the web of your hand makes contact with the web of my hand, close your thumb over the back of his hand; give a slight squeeze with your fingers; two quick pumps and let go.


  • 不要追随其他神只事奉朝拜你们的东西来激怒你们不致遭遇灾祸。

    And go not after strange gods to serve them, and adore them: nor provoke me to wrath by the works of your hands, and I will not afflict you.


  • 风格迥异之处可能在于其实很少时间其他吉他独奏

    Perhaps one of the reasons why my style is different is because I have actually spent very little time listening to the music of other solo guitarists.


  • 风格迥异之处可能在于其实很少时间其他吉他独奏

    Perhaps one of the reasons why my style is different is because I have actually spent very little time listening to the music of other solo guitarists.


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