• 房子

    That is the house which I lived in. That is the house where I lived.


  • 住的房子窗户出去看到大海,还有群山

    From our Windows we can look out at the sea and the mountains.


  • 房子

    That is the house where I lived.


  • 房子

    House I stay at.


  • 住的房子紧密的联系尽管如此你们可以毁坏房子却安然无恙。

    Look, I have a particularly close connection to the house I live in. But for all that, you can destroy my house without destroying me.


  • 只是继续生活下去的手段因为房子免费的,所以需要很多钱,只需要一些路费

    The money I earn is means to live on, because the house I live is free, so I don't need much money. Just living by food and traveling.


  • 现在开始的一百年后当年账户有多少存款重要了,的房子有多大不重要了,什么牌子的也不重要了。

    One hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, how big my house was, or what kind of car I drove.


  • 回忆童年时那座房子

    I can still picture the house I grew up in.


  • 学校密友一座房子

    I shared a house with a close friend from school.


  • 祖父母那种房子怎么样?

    How about the kind of house my grandparents live in?


  • 主意,”沃尔特:“不过帕蒂准备去妈妈房子一阵。”

    "That would be great," Walter said, "but I think Patty's going up to my mom's old house for a while."


  • 请注意房子过的人中唯一生病的,同时也是唯一一个能够闻到那股令人作呕气味的

    Note that I was the only one who got sick in that room and I was the only one who could smell the horrible odor.


  • 牧羊犬洼地面积相当于两个现在房子,如果那里使用太阳能电池板取暖的话,可能就要覆盖英亩的面积获取足够的电力了。

    At Sheep Dog, which is twice the size of our current home, to use solar panels to effectively heat the whole house, we'd probably have to cover an acre or two to get enough electricity.


  • 父亲曾经房子

    This is the house where my father once lived.


  • 男人是的其实老板来自卢旺达昨天在这儿看了他房子里面具尸体

    Man: Yeah, in fact my, my boss from Rwanda was here yesterdays he showed us a house where he used to live, and there were five bodies inside the well.


  • 孩子房子春天夜晚的活力四射气味窗户里飘进来,他们自己种在花园的树木全都轻而易举面前浮现出来

    The house the children had lived in, the buoyant smell of spring evenings seeping through the Windows, the trees in the garden that they had planted themselves all rose up easily before me.


  • 常常梦见几乎摇摇欲坠房子东西或是小时候家里发现废弃房间

    I often dream I'm searching for something in an old, crumbling house, or discovering abandoned rooms in my childhood home.


  • 同一幢房子汤米凯普兰肯尼迪办公室工作因此知道那里的情况。

    My housemate Tommy Caplan was working in Kennedy's office, so I knew what was going on there.


  • 知道很多英国觉得小孩需要花园乡下房子

    I know many English people think children need gardens, country houses to escape to.


  • 网站看到了那个房子一条街的房子描述好奇他们是不是那个房子

    I saw that there was another account of a house on this same street on your site and I'm curious to know if they lived in the same house as we did.


  • 人们看到房间不完的漂亮房子最新电器,富足生活禁不变成家伙

    People saw his nice house with more bedrooms than inhabitants, his luxury car, his new gadgets, and his life of opulence and thought, I want to be like that guy.


  • 因为这座房子里,所以丈夫离开决定非常下。

    Because we lived in this house, a decision to ask my husband to leave was very difficult, ” she said.


  • 房子并不豪华没有贵重东西从没在意过这些知道她爱也爱她。

    She didn't live in a fancy house or have expensive things, but I never noticed; I just knew she loved me and I loved her back.


  • 有土豆棕色肉汤可以吃,房子可以丈夫很好很稳定工作--一切的一切同样也很匹配

    Potatoes and brown gravy, a roof over our heads, my man with a good steady job -- these things matched, too.


  • 关于们承包的一房子的回复,因为卖空交易,所以要很长很长很长的时间于是一家暂时岳母岳父一起。

    My family is temporarily living with my in-laws while we are waiting on an answer about a house that we've put a bid on (it's a short sale, so it takes a looooooong time to hear an answer).


  • 幸运,总是房子,有吃,周围中国人相处得很

    We always had a roof over our head and food on our table, and we got along with the Chinese around us very well.


  • 幸运,总是房子,有吃,周围中国人相处得很

    We always had a roof over our head and food on our table, and we got along with the Chinese around us very well.


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