• 现在我们可以看到DNA看到铅笔写字的地方程度上一个全新世界

    Now that we're actually able to look at the DNA and see where the pencil writings are, it's sort of a whole new world.


  • 加州大蒜种植者克里斯托弗公司经理:“一个完美的世界我们希望看到中国征收关税。”

    Christopher, a garlic grower in California, is manager of his company and he said, "In a perfect world, we would love to see the tariffs on China."


  • 150多年,查尔斯·达尔文设想了另一个世界我们所能看到听到世界更忙碌更嘈杂、也亲密

    Charles Darwin, over 150 years ago, imagined a world far busier, noisier and more intimate than the world we can see and hear.


  • 我们每个人都应该制订一个我们自己的愿望清单,愿望清单要能反映出我们行将朽木希望看到世界

    Each of us should draw up a wish list of our own - to reflect on what kind of world we would like to see when we retire.


  • 这个世界我们已经看到极端例子了。那就是智能炸弹一个心怀不满美国人,尤其计算机科学家为目标,向他们寄送邮件炸弹。

    The world has already seen one extreme example: the Unabomber, a disaffected American who targeted, among others, computer scientists with mail bombs.


  • 9年前今天我们看到一个静止世界

    Nine years ago today, we saw the world stand still.


  • 你可以看到他们的思想活动:“的天啊,今晚刚在世界新闻看到了类似的报道,没想到我们自己居然真的碰到一个这样家庭

    World News Tonight, but I didn’t think we’d ever meet one of these families ourselves.


  • 我们如今看到的是一个全新世界是个美好的世界

    What we see today, it’s a new world. And not a good one.


  • 重要的是你们帮助下我们保证这些妇女活着看到他们孩子健康成长我们可以创建一个多么美好的世界!

    More importantly, with your help, we can assure that these women live to see their children grow in good health – what a wonderful world we can create!


  • 祈祷”,因为我们可以愉快地向前看,看到另外一个世界生命我们赞美我们上帝:因为你的慈爱生命更美好,我的嘴唇咬赞美你。

    PRAYER Because we can joyfully look ahead to a new life in another world, we praise our God: Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You.


  • 你们将会看到我们共处一个世界

    You will see that we are all people of One World.


  • 所以只想就是世界现在需要这样状态下能够看到我们自己一个如此得多的家园感觉

    So I'd like to just say that what the world needs now is a sense of being able to look at ourselves in this much larger condition now and a much larger sense of what home is.


  • 认为这个世界能力解决我们所面临这些挑战。我对此感到乐观充满信心一个重要原因就是看到你们这样年轻人

    I'm optimistic and confident the world is equipped to deal with the challenges we face — and a big part of the reason is seeing young people like you.


  • 假设突然间我们使用画板我们看到一个全新计算机艺术世界每个人都有权使用它。

    If we're suddenly all using tablets, we could be looking at a whole new world of computer art that's accessible to everyone.


  • 医生一个真正优势我们可以知道这个治疗是否有效安全因为我们真实世界看到使用它、研究它。

    Doctors have one real advantage: we can tell if a treatment works and if it's safe because we've seen it, used it and studied it in the real, analog world.


  • 当然这个信息爆炸的世界我们可以看到大量数据都是可以自由获取的——或者可以通过支付边际成本获得——又是一个商业上的挑战

    Of course, in the world of abundant data, where we see significant amounts being made freely availableor available at marginal costthere is a clear business challenge.


  • 今天你们看到可能称为我们周围世界飞速变化例子

    That it is possible for you to see me today is just another example of the speed at which things are changing all around us.


  • 老实说世界某些地方不是夸大其词我们看到一个妖魔化美国你是否对此非常担忧

    How concerned are you — because, let me tell you, honestly, when I see certain things about America — in some parts, I don't want to exaggerate — there is a demonization of America.


  • 虽然我们喜欢看到这个世界变成一个广告乱飘地方,我们没有办法,一点明确无疑对于广告者来说,草毯他们的画布

    And, although we're not in favour of blanketing the world with ads, we can't help but notice that a grass carpet would be a great canvas for advertisers.


  • 金融不稳周里我们从各个头版头条中看到一个繁荣安宁得出乎意料的世界

    In a week of financial uncertainty we look behind the headlines to a world that is unexpectedly prosperous and peaceful.


  • 我们收音机听到,在电视看到音乐只不过我们去感受的整个精彩音乐世界一个小部分

    What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that's waiting for us.


  • 我们添加了一个随机世界预览工具看到改装部分下面更多细节

    We added a Random Gen Wolrd Previewer tool see the moding section below for more details.


  • 撒哈拉沙漠看到公牛一个入口然后永远我们世界消失

    In the Sahara desert I saw a herd of oxen fly into a portal and disappear from our world forever.


  • ,以那样方式划上句号一个非常的方式,而且人们似乎愿意看到我们世界一天天变得更好

    I thought it was a pretty good note to end the year on, and people seemed to like reading about some of the ways the world is becoming a better place.


  • ,以那样方式划上句号一个非常的方式,而且人们似乎愿意看到我们世界一天天变得更好

    I thought it was a pretty good note to end the year on, and people seemed to like reading about some of the ways the world is becoming a better place.


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