• 抽象一点,当时想到我们渺小短暂生命要如何生存广大浩瀚的时间洪流之中?

    I suppose, in the abstract, I was thinking about the vast expanse of time in which we live our terribly short human lives.


  • 但是口地锅实在庞大了对于我们渺小人类而言几乎无法察觉只能依靠气压敏感地觉察气压稍许不同。

    But this is really too huge, to our infinitesimal mankind, almost can not realize, can depend on the barometer sensitive ground detection air pressure of slightly allow a dissimilarity.


  • 人们难以想象的广袤古老宇宙中,我们有点孤寂我们思考我们渺小精美蓝色星球最终意义假如意义的话。

    In a cosmic setting vast and old beyond ordinary human understanding, we are a little lonely, and we ponder the ultimate significance, if any, of our tiny but exquisite blue planet.


  • 我们提醒我们多么渺小我们的生命又是多么短暂

    We are reminded just how small and how impermanent we are.


  • 我们认识到在大千世界我们极其渺小

    We realize that we are infinitely small within the scheme of things.


  • 你登上山顶时,你看到的滚滚云海会提醒你,我们人类是多么渺小

    The rolling sea of clouds you see once you are at the top will remind you how tiny we humans are.


  • 只是关注像疾病和贫穷这样的问题,从来没有看到这些问题与我们生活中所拥有的其他一切相比是十分渺小的。

    We just pay attention to problems like illnesses and poverty, and never see that these problems are very small compared to everything else we have in our life.


  • 毕竟作为一个现实面前我们渺小的,我们只能这样做

    After all, in reality there is very little any one of us, as individuals, can do about this.


  • 某些担心探索别处生命尤其是结果发现其拥有难以置信技术,那将会使我们感到非常渺小无足轻重

    Some people worry that discovering life elsewhere, especially if it turns out to be in possession of incredible technology, will make us feel small and insignificant.


  • 自然面前我们噤若寒蝉如同太阳底下渺小蚂蚁

    In front of nature we are powerless, we are like little ants in the sun.


  • 生活难题看起来似乎艰巨又吓人,而我们经常认为自己渺小脆弱,但事情不是这样

    The problems of life seem so big and scary and we often think of ourselves as so small and fragile.


  • 神学上,深深感到上帝的强大我们渺小,有如浮游于天地,沧海之一粟。

    Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful, and that we are a small and insignificant part of the universe.


  • 我们是从不起眼开始,因此不要去鄙视渺小的开端。

    We all start small, do not despise small beginnings.


  • 它们就是昆虫,虽然渺小却是我们地球生态系统重要居民

    They are insects, tiny yet very important inhabitants of our planet ecosystem.


  • 哪些数以万计支持我们我们祈祷和为我们获释斗争人们面前,我们感到渺小

    We are humbled by the tens of thousands of people who supported us, prayed for us and fought for our release.


  • 这个艰难时刻日本人民表现出坚韧力量我们感到自身的渺小

    We are humbled by the resilience and strength the Japanese people are showing in these difficult times.


  • 我们容易忘记这个事实人生白马过渺小无足轻重想你的曾祖父母吧。

    We so easily lose sight of the fact that our lives as human beings are fleeting, microscopic and meaningless. Think about your great grandparents.


  • 这个故事告诉我我们所有人,生命就是生命,无论多么渺小

    So let that be a lesson to one and to all; a person is a person, no matter how small.


  • 对于我们普通人来说,蓝色可以反映大千世界里显得极其渺小凡夫俗子忧郁

    For us common folk, blue may mirror the melancholy of mortals dwarfed by the infinite.


  • 物理学20世纪力量更加精妙恩惠我们知道宇宙浩瀚人类渺小

    But physics gave the 20th century a more subtle boon than mere power. It also brought an understanding of the vastness of the universe and humanity's insignificant place in it.


  • 我们是在渺小了。

    We’re too small, we’re nobody.


  • 我们看来世界大部分事物似乎什么不是.但是我们不能这样因为这样一来我们自己拥有东西就显得贫乏和渺小了.假如我们拥有了整个世界 我们所有的力量就有了最终的意义 因为我们相信这些力量会帮助我们拥有祖先留下的遗产.

    The greater part of this world is to us as if it were nothing. But we cannot allow it to remain so, for thus it belittles our own self.


  • 也许我们之中很多机会重新来过,但是这样机会多么渺小

    Some of us maybe still have the chance to get back but how small the chance is.


  • 古巴能找到工作机会渺小,他知道我们一家来说最大希望美国重新再来。

    With little chance of getting a job, he knew that the best hope for his family was to start over in America.


  • 银河系其他生物碰面,可以我们想到自己无比渺小、只属于某种巨大惊人物体一部分。

    Meeting folk from across the galaxy will remind us that we're terribly small while a part of something huge and amazing.


  • 巴马说:“今天我站在这里,我们面临重任而感到渺小,为你们给予信任充满感激,更缅怀我们祖先所作出的牺牲。”

    "I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors," President Obama began.


  • 外部空间遥望地球画面,从一个特殊视角展示了我们宇宙中的角色地位,是如此渺小而又美丽

    This view of our planet shows how Earth looks from the outside, illustrating a special perspective of our role and place in the universe.We see a humbling yet beautiful view of ourselves.


  • 外部空间遥望地球画面,从一个特殊视角展示了我们宇宙中的角色地位,是如此渺小而又美丽

    This view of our planet shows how Earth looks from the outside, illustrating a special perspective of our role and place in the universe.We see a humbling yet beautiful view of ourselves.


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