• 呃,比如说,我们肠道里有一种叫做thetaiotamicron的杆类菌,专我们摄入的食物为生,之后通过将食物分解为维生素反过来帮助人体消化

    Intestines that lives off the food we eat. In return, it helps us digest certain foods by breaking them down into sugars and vitamins.


  • 表明饥饿食物摄入之间关系我们想象的要复杂

    This shows that the relationship between hunger and food intake is more complex than we thought.


  • 我们找到地方种植谷物糖料作物、种子油料作物之前,那些食物我们提供目前摄入卡路里中的大部分

    That is before we look for the space to grow the grains, sugars, seeds and oils that provide us with the vast bulk of our current calorie intake.


  • 近年来,越来越研究表明我们食欲食物摄入除了能量生理需求影响外,还受到许多其他因素的影响。

    In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that our appetite and food intake are influenced by a large number of other factors besides our biological need for energy.


  • 近年来,越来越研究表明我们食欲食物摄入除了能量生理需求影响外,还受到许多其他因素的影响。

    In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that our appetite and food intake are influenced by a large number of other factors besides our biological need for energy


  • 消费者研究杂志》最近的一项研究显示,我们同餐伙伴的身形和饮食习惯都会影响我们食物摄入量。

    According to a recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research, both the size and consumption habits of our eating companions can influence our food intake.


  • 没有水来作为我们日常摄入部分我们就不能消化吸收食物

    Without water as a routine part of our intake, we cannot digest or absorb food.


  • 人体所有功能离不开它们我们必须摄入含有维生素食物因为人体自身不能产生这些元素。

    Vitamins are critical to all sorts of bodily functions, and we have to get them through diet because our bodies can't make them on their own.


  • 我们总自以为知道些什么:减少牛羊肉这些红色肉类以及饱和脂肪摄入吃高纤食物水果蔬菜

    We think we know what to eat: less red meat and more fibre, less saturated fat and more fruit and veg, right?


  • 我们单独摄入以为有效合成物时,效果并不真正食物那么

    When we isolate the compound we think works, it's not as good as the real foods.


  • 足够拥有比生存所需更多的食物 - 食物我们带来快乐过多食物会使我们过度摄入到自己

    Enough would also mean food beyond just survival food — food that makes us happy, but not so much food that we are being excessive and gorging ourselves.


  • 膳食纤维我们身体发挥着各种各样的作用对于体重过重者有好处因为产生感觉,促使人们减少食物摄入

    Dietary fiber has different functions in our body; it would benefit overweight people as it gives the sense of satiety, and in turn lower their food intakes.


  • 一些最近研究农药残留儿童发育问题联系起来,尽管我们不清楚通过食物摄入的这些农药是否真的发育产生影响。

    Some recent studies have also linked certain pesticides with developmental problems in children, though it's still unclear if exposure through food actually contributes much to the problem.


  • 有时仅仅因为就可以使我们很高兴新的研究表明摄入正确食物能够减轻忧郁

    Sometimes the mere act of eating can make us happy, but new research suggests that consuming the right foods is enough to relieve depression.


  • 我们目的减少几样食物摄入增加其他食物摄入——尤其是植物类原汁原味越好。

    Rather, the goal is to eat less of certain foods and more of othersspecifically, plants, as close to their natural state as possible.


  • 我们要传递给消费者信息就是平衡膳食摄入各种食物适度摄入

    The message for consumers is to eat a diet with a balance of all of the food groups and foods such as red meat in moderation.


  • 好在我们开发一款能够,糖尿病人回顾他们摄入的食物,注射的胰岛素以及血糖状况的程序。

    And fortunately what we are trying to do in making kind of an ultimate app is that let diabetics look back and see what they ate, the insulin they took and what their blood sugars were.


  • 要进行一次压力新陈代谢需要迅速单一能量,因而我们摄入精炼的,含易消化食物

    A stress metabolism requires fast and simple energy, which we give it in refined, sugary, quickly digested foods.


  • 我们需要摄取的卡路里中获取尽可能充满意义愉悦感并不意味着摄入尽可能多的食物)。”

    What we need to do, he says, is "derive as much meaningful gratification as possible from our calories (which is not to be confused with consuming as much food as possible)."


  • 只要摄入食物,而且是临近睡前吃,不管吃的是什么身体要超时工作消化,不能彻底放松来帮助我们入眠

    Eating too much food, no matter what it is, close to bed time makes it hard to sleep since our body is working overtime to digest the big meal, instead of focusing on relaxing into sleep.


  • 通常我们食用食物摄入的水分通过千焦耳测算的。

    Often, the energy we get from what we eat and drink is measured in kilojoules.


  • 是什么原因导致胃灼热很可能回答很多事情大部分我们食物摄入

    What causes heartburn may well be answered by many things and most of it is our food intake.


  • 较小的膳食零食整天因为增加食物摄入我们身体

    Go for smaller meals and snacks throughout the day since it increases the food intake of our body.


  • 现在我们很少摄入能够降低血压弱化影响减低肾结石骨质流失的富食物

    Now, we consume far too few of the potassium-rich foods, which can help to lower blood pressure, blunt the effects of salt and reduce the risk of kidney stones and bone loss.


  • 相对于用10英寸盘子使用12英寸的盘子进餐时,我们摄入百分之22的食物

    We eat about 22 percent more when using a 12-inch plate instead of a 10-inch plate.


  • 相对于用10英寸盘子使用12英寸的盘子进餐时,我们摄入百分之22的食物

    We eat about 22 percent more when using a 12-inch plate instead of a 10-inch plate.


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