• 我们站在那儿尽情欣赏景色。

    We just stood there drinking in the scenery.


  • 我们径直沿着波士顿邮政大道走

    We just go straight up the Boston Post Road.


  • 客船抵达开普敦后,我们分手了。

    When the boat reached Cape Town, we said goodbye.


  • 十点我们动身伦敦去了。

    We set off for London just after ten.


  • 赛程未过半我们轻易领先了两圈。

    By half distance we held a comfortable two-lap lead.


  • 这么说我们一点办法没有了?

    So there's nothing we can do about it?


  • 要是的病情恶化我们医生

    If he gets any worse we'll call the doctor.


  • 要是道歉我们原谅你。

    If you say you're sorry we'll forgive you.


  • 时不时我们大吃大喝一场。

    Once in a while we had a major blowout.


  • 没有我们办不成了

    We couldn't have managed without you.


  • 引擎点火我们开走了。

    The engine fired and we moved off.


  • 要是下一场比赛我们占优势了。

    If we win the next game we'll be laughing.


  • 一开始我们识破

    We saw through him from the start.


  • 要是丢掉这份工作,我们新车

    If I lose this job, we can forget about buying a new car.


  • 防波堤我们开始展开所有风帆

    Once outside the inner breakwater, we began to unfurl all the sails.


  • 想想看,明天这个时候我们海滩上

    Just think —we'll be lying on the beach this time tomorrow.


  • 我们现代社会中的实利主义问题进行一次长谈

    We had a long talk about the problem of materialism in modern society.


  • 要是时间充裕,没准儿我们成功了,准呢?

    Who's to say we would not have succeeded if we'd had more time?


  • 朋友饿了,于是我们驱车来到一家购物商场的。

    My friend was hungry, so we drove to a shopping mall to get some food.


  • 如果你们有足够多的人兴趣,我们组织看一场

    If enough of you are interested, we'll organize a trip to the theatre.


  • 要是汽车了,我们糟了

    We'll be sunk if the car breaks down.


  • 放学以后,我们自由了。

    We are free after school.


  • 我们争论了。

    Well, we won't argue.


  • 明天我们开始

    Tomorrow we shall begin to read it.


  • 我们没有空间

    We won't have room for the more.


  • 我们还有四

    We'd get four years away.


  • 警察来了于是我们溜走了

    The police arrived, so we scarpered.


  • 信封我们分手了

    He gave me the envelope and we parted.


  • 要是没有那个合同我们完蛋了。

    Without that contract, we're done for.


  • 是个想法听起来我们喜欢

    Here's a new idea we liked the sound of.


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