• 中国。自从1996年引进中国以来,市场成功有赖于我们员工的共同努力,有赖于我们企业文化充份发挥团队精神的结果。

    In China, ZADAXIN Introduced in China since 1996, Success in the market depends on the support of our staff, rely on our enterprise culture and the maximum utilization of the team spirit.


  • 我们团队今年年初开始一个大型项目中为了创建企业安装程序必须满足一些非常特别的需求

    For a large project my team began working on earlier this year, we had to meet several highly specific requirements for creating enterprise-grade installers.


  • 也是我们为什么加强道德建设建立一种倡导精确职业精神团队合作企业文化

    That’s why we put so much emphasis on ethics and developing a corporate culture that values precision, professionalism, and teamwork.


  • 企业营销我们战略品牌通信营销服务团队向总部报告

    Corporate marketing: Our strategic brand, communications and marketing services teams will remain centralized and report into HQ.


  • 去年我们举行中国合资企业盛大开幕典礼今年初我们中国建立了自己销售市场推广售后服务分销团队

    After the grand opening of our joint venture in China last year, we established as of the beginning of this year our own sales, marketing, after-sales services and distribution organization in China.


  • 我们所在集体敏捷空间大大影响团队现代种族企业文化地方

    We in the collective Agile space are in a spot to greatly influence culture inside teams as well as modern "tribes" and corporations.


  • 我们建立了伟大的企业真正理解个人行为之上团队重要性企业

    We built a great organization, one that really understood the importance of team over individual play.


  • 我们团队急于提供协助,遂立即提出了一个很直接的问题:你们想要企业应用程序环境中实现什么?

    Our team, eager to assist, immediately asked the obvious: What do you want in your enterprise application environment?


  • 除非我们用户不再自己安装指望企业部署团队,否则无法想象为何需要关注在乎这些环境。

    Until we run out of people who don't have sysadmins and enterprise deployment teams looking out for them, I can't imagine why we'd focus at all on the kinds of environments you care so much about.


  • IBM合作我们进一步帮助那些不同环境中工作企业开发团队简化应用程序开发过程。

    Working with IBM, we will further simplify application development for enterprise teams working in heterogeneous environments.


  • 我们团队营销专家认为这种财富尖端中心河流所有知道建立一个企业知道如何

    Our team of marketing experts maintain that this wealth of cutting-edge Center rivers, and all you want to know the establishment of a business, but do not know how to ask.


  • 我们设计团队企业内部的。这种情况下页可以作品显示制造商名称标识吗?

    Our design team is in-house. Is it still ok for the manufacturer's name and logo to appear in the entry?


  • 我们顾问团队中国市场深入认识有数十年的经验,帮助企业克服各种本土障碍挑战

    Our team of consultants have an in-depth knowledge of the Chinese market and have decades of experience helping businesses to overcome a variety of local barriers and challenges.


  • 作为一个团队工作的企业我们员工唯一重要资产

    As a team-work corporation, its staff is the only and most important asset.


  • 我们一个企业团队我们负责多种工作职能

    We are a small, entrepreneurial team that works across multiple job functions.


  • 凭借着稳定的产品质量安全使用性能合理销售价格专业的售后团队我们服务国内外众多企业

    With stable product quality and safety performance, reasonable price and professional after-sales team, we serve the foreign and domestic enterprises.


  • 我们坚信建立相互尊重信任团队合作,能为企业创造更大的价值

    We believe strongly in collaboration and teamwork, based on respect for roles and mutual trust, which create value for and engagement with the organisation.


  • 我们团队拥有丰富实务经验,善于为中小企仔细分析问题提出针对性务实企业解决方案协助中小企茁壮成长,成为业界翘楚

    We have very rich practical experience to help SMEs analyze their problems and propose specific and practical business solutions to help your business grow and become a leader in the industry.


  • 稳定产品质量安全使用性能合理的销售价格专业的售后团队我们服务于国内外众多企业

    We serve numerous enterprises at home and abroad with our stable product quality, safe using performance, reasonable price and professional after-sale sales teams.


  • 对于项目选择瑞星思达寻求这样的商业机会:有强健增长前景稳定现金强有力的高层管理团队处于我们能够企业增加价值的商业领域。

    In selecting projects, RSH looks for opportunities that feature robust growth prospects, stable cash flows, and strong top management that are engaged in businesses in which we can add value.


  • 凭借着稳定产品质量安全使用性能合理销售价格专业售后团队我们服务于国内外众多企业

    Rely on the stable product quality, safety performance, reasonable price and professional after-sales team, we serve countless enterprises both domestic and overseas.


  • 我们拥有专业年轻富有活力团队数百个人企业学员提供课程

    We have a team of professional, young and dynamic teachers and have provided English courses for hundreds of individual and corporate students.


  • 我们可以看到,领导的力量团队至关重要的,不仅代表管理方式甚至代表着企业文化请问你们有什么感想呢?

    Therefore leadership in a company is quite important, it represents the management style or culture of a company, so what do you think of this?


  • 这种认知非常重要我们这种注重团队精神的企业文化来说必不可少因为这样知道什么人请教。

    'the recognition is very important. It's needed in our team-oriented culture because then you know where to ask for help.


  • 我们重点利用我们强大的品牌优秀的团队以此推动企业长期盈利增长提高我们股值

    Our focus is on leveraging our strong brands and talented team in order to deliver long-term profitable growth and enhanced value for our shareholders.


  • 我们经营团队资深高级经济师、会计师、律师以及多位商务精英所组成具有丰富企业经营管理经验资本运作经验。

    The operation team of the company consists of business elites in the domains of economics, accounting and law, with rich experience in corporate management and capital operation.


  • 通过团队合作我们努力使企业资产最大程度地增值,努力使自己跻身业界佼佼者行列。

    Through teamwork, we strive to maximize shareholder value, to be among the leading companies in our industry.


  • 我们希望团队的球员,帮助我们创造一个多元文化企业成功的独特的

    We want team-players that will help us create a multi-cultural business that is successful and unique.


  • 我们希望团队的球员,帮助我们创造一个多元文化企业成功的独特的

    We want team-players that will help us create a multi-cultural business that is successful and unique.


- 来自原声例句

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