• 毫无疑问,以及诸如此类东西圣人必须避免的,但是也是人类必须要避免的一事。

    No doubt alcohol, tobacco, and so forth, are things that a saint must avoid, but sainthood is also a thing that human beings must avoid.


  • 研究期间,将近50位试验者参与虚拟现实大考验,即在之后测试经历怎样大脑中储存记忆的。

    During the study, nearly 50 participants consumed either alcohol or a soft drink and then performed a virtual reality task designed to examine how an experienced event is stored within memory.


  • 厨房宴会厅全部都上冻了,糟糕,宽敞的舞会厅就这么摆设了。

    The wine would freeze on the way from the kitchen through — it is sadto the big dining hall.


  • 令人印象深刻他们释放橡木桶熟成的莳萝样的,几乎是美洲橡木的强烈气味拥抱着而不是仅仅覆盖上去低度威士忌

    More impressive still are their fledgling releases of lightly barrel-aged whiskey, with the dill-like, almost piney tang of new American oak embracing the grain, rather than masking it.


  • 配方杜松法式、一份意大利苦艾和1/21/3的树莓糖浆冰块

    The recipe calls for 3 parts gin, 1 part French and 1 part Italian vermouth, 1/2 or 1/3 raspberry syrup shaken with cracked ice.


  • 一些红葡萄中,葡萄、葡萄橡木桶所带来单宁会给人带来苦味收敛性的感觉。

    Tannins from the skins and sometimes stems of grapes and the oak barrels used for aging cause the bitter or astringent aftertaste in some red wines.


  • 严肃雪茄迷们也有一套像葡萄爱好者那样的语言,他们雪茄味道辛辣奶油味的”,一丝蜂蜜”、“可可”或“肉桂”味。

    Serious cigar smokers wax poetic with the language of wine aficionados, referring to a cigar's flavor as "spicy" or "creamy" with hints of "honey, " "cocoa" and "cinnamon.


  • 骑马努力簸箕中干糯米干粉糯米,然后粉末

    Riding on the effort steamed glutinous rice into large dustpan dry in preparation for dry glutinous rice, then wine song Daocheng powder.


  • 提高温度加入鳞片状填料均增加涂膜腐蚀的能力。

    Raising the temperature of the formation of thin coating or adding some scale stuffing will increase the corrosion-resistance.


  • 含有使淀粉糖化丝状(霉菌)化的酵母菌将谷物原料糖化发酵

    The distiller's yeast contains filamentous fungus (mildew) which can make the starch diastatic and yeast which can help to make wine to make the raw sugar diastatic to ferment into wine.


  • 摘要根据加州科学家研究,军事技术也许可以应用于葡萄生产,加快葡萄过程。

    ABSTRACT: Military technology might help speed up the aging of wine, according to a California scientist.


  • 生产货物朗姆为了利益公开市场进行努力交易升级使强大,升级护卫舰怎么样?

    Produce goods such as rum and horses, trade slaves on the open market for a profit and upgrade your ship to something a little more powerful, maybe a Frigate?


  • 除了高血压并发症说谎习的人可能因为揭捉导致相关疾病,好比癌症糖尿病心脏病

    Along with complications from high blood pressure, chronic liars may also develop the same diseases associated with chronic stress, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.


  • 体,单宁结合完美使之达到平衡。经过橡木时间该款具有特殊的回味。

    The taste is full-bodied, tannic and harmonious but with a particular back-taste because of the brief maturing in harmonious big oak casks.


  • 树是五颜六色艺术家调色板各种色彩散乱地搅和一起;低处树明亮的深红色中间鲜艳的黄色、桔黄色交相辉映;树顶上颜色逐渐过渡葡萄红色。

    Like the messy whirl of an artist's palette, the tree Blazed a Bright crimson on its lower Branches, Burned with vivid yellows and oranges in its center, and simmered to deep Burgundy at its top.


  • 卡蒙皇家起泡从属于法国吉赛福公司,该集团于1979年今天已经欧洲最大葡萄出口商起泡葡萄的生产商。

    Kraemer Brut sparkling is a label under Grand Chais DE France, founded in 1979, and today turns to be the biggest wine exporter and sparkling wine producer in Europe.


  • 我们过去75内销,当时必须开始外销

    We used to sell 75 percent of our wine locally so we had to export.


  • 口感具有醇厚李子蓝莓通过芳香微辣甘草味香精调和具有复杂层次感的香味结构,这可以保证这款存放多年仍有绝佳风味

    The palate is full with fleshy plum and blueberry balanced by savoury and spicy liquorice flavours with a complex layered structure ensuring many years of drinking pleasure.


  • 使用蛋白质解法葡萄中蛋白质水解,这样既可使得葡萄具有很好的稳定性,又可以提高葡萄营养价值

    Using proteolysis can hydrolyzes protein in to small peptides, which can make the wine stable and at the same time can improve the nutritive value.


  • 体浑厚强烈口味浓郁的肉类料理非常合搭。

    A full-bodied wine that goes well with strongly flavoured meat dishes and mature cheeses.


  • 商品简介此款呈现出明亮的紫罗兰歌海普兰洛葡萄酿造酿造过程中先葡萄汁进行单独分离处理然后混合一起进行瓶装

    This wine has a bright red violet, from Grenache and Tempranillo grapes into two, during the brewing process of the two kinds of grape juice for separate processing, and then mixed with bottle.


  • 商品简介此款呈现出明亮的紫罗兰歌海普兰洛葡萄酿造酿造过程中先葡萄汁进行单独分离处理然后混合一起进行瓶装

    This wine has a bright red violet, from Grenache and Tempranillo grapes into two, during the brewing process of the two kinds of grape juice for separate processing, and then mixed with bottle.


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