• 通过比较研究公路货运企业短期成本长期成本性质,得出了公路货运企业成本的垄断性

    Through comparing the characters between the short-term cost and the long-term cost of road freight enterprise cost, the weak monopoly of the road freight enterprise cost is discussed.


  • 只要明白许可费性质并且开始计算总体拥有成本时就考虑进去,那么许可费不一定过高

    Licensing costs need not be too onerous, as long as you understand what they are and work them into your total cost of ownership calculations from the beginning.


  • 大豆蛋白营养价值、资源丰富、原料成本低,并且还与食品嗜好性、加工性等各种功能性质相关联

    Soybean protein are extensively used for processed food and traditional Chinese foods because of their functional properties and high nutritional value.


  • 进行两种不同性质矿石分开处理直接生产混合精矿技术方案降低生产成本619。

    The technologies that treating the two different kinds of ores separately and producing mixed concentrate directly lower the cost of production 619.


  • 解释成本会计性质目的

    Explain the nature and purpose of cost accounting.


  • 企业性质考察上,过分依赖交易成本解释不能完全洞察企业的本质

    As to the nature of firm, the explanations excessively relying on transaction costs can not put insight into its nature.


  • 系统全面地分析比较网上零售传统零售模式交易成本构成性质数量

    This paper analyzes and compares the transaction costs of online retail model with traditional retail model in composition, nature and quantity systematically and completely.


  • 信息应用当前未来相似项目产品质量寿命可靠性耐久性可维修性适时性以及成本目标

    The information shall use for for current and future projects of a similar nature, targets for product quality, life, reliability, durability, maintainability , timing and cost.


  • 逃课成本取决于课程性质特点考核方式制度约束的软硬程度

    The cost of playing truant depends on the characteristic nature of courses, examining way and system-restriction degree.


  • 虽然论著不多,但是《企业性质社会成本问题论文建立了用经济学的术语分析法律权利和责任的方法

    In spite of his few papers, his two articles -the Nature of the Firm and the Problem of Social Cost initiated the economic approaches to law rights and liabilities.


  • 坝区岩土体工程地质性质很大程度决定水电工程的造价成本,对水工建筑物安全施工和运营有着重要影响

    The properties of the rock-mass and soil-body in the dam area decide the price and cost of the project and have got the important influence to the safe construction of the hydraulic structures.


  • 系列化合物具有毒副作用化学生物学性质稳定生产成本低廉等优点,具有广泛适用性

    The compound possesses the low side effect, steady chemical biology nature, low cost of manufacture, and broad adaptability.


  • PM7346 - BI模块化性质规定未来产品集成度更高成本效益迁移路径

    The modular nature of the PM7346-BI also provides for cost-effective migration paths to higher levels of integration in future products.


  • 权益筹资负债筹资区别在于筹取资金支付成本以及占用资金所付费用上,风险的大小性质是各不相同的。

    The differences between raising funds with right and interest and in debt lie in the costs of raising funds and occupying funds, the varying risks and the qualities.


  • 通过D - S模型赋予空间解释经济地理学规模经济运输成本要素流动投入产出联系性质及其相互作用进行了深入的探讨

    New economic geography discusses the nature of economies of scale, transportation costs, factor mobility, input-output linkages and their interactions through the space explanation of DS model.


  • 吸湿能力优秀化学性质稳定、绿色环保无毒无害成本低廉而受到越来越用户青睐

    Because of its excellent hygroscopic capacity, stable chemical property, environmental protection, non-toxic, harmlessness and low cost, it is more and more popular in users.


  • 影响成本投入因素主要纠纷解决途径选择再则医疗纠纷的性质

    The factor influencing the cost to be invested is mainly the choice of the way to solves the dispute, moreover the nature of the medical dispute.


  • 纳米二氧化钛新型半导体材料,其化学性质比较稳定成本低廉、无毒,是一种最有应用潜力光催化剂

    Titanium dioxide is a new semiconductor material, with stable chemical nature, low cost and be non-toxic characters, it is the most potential applications as a photocatalyst.


  • 另外,基于刚性管道自身性质连接到井场时,需要许多长度的管道,这危及到了可靠性安全性系统成本

    The rigid nature of the pipe would also require many short lengths of pipe to be connected on site, which would compromise reliability, safety, and system cost.


  • 通过矿山机修系统工作性质工艺特点成本构成等的分析,揭示了目标成本管理矿山机修成本管理中推广应用的重要意义

    Through analysis of work nature, process features and cost composition, the important significance of target cost management to maintenance system of iron mine is narrated.


  • 根据微观经济学原理,讨论公路服务的产品性质生产特点,生产消费成本变化规律,以及公路服务的垄断市场结构与形成原因。

    According to microeconomics, this paper discussed the road service and operation, including its natures, production characteristics, cost of production and consumption, monopolistic market.


  • 为了减少间接费用分配数量相应简化作业成本计算的过程,各种作业可以根据如下的两个特点相同相近性质的作业并为一组。

    To reduce the number of overhead rates, and to simplify the process of ABC, activities may be grouped together in homogeneous set based on similar characteristics.


  • 成本分摊理化性质出发,建立了共同配送成本分摊模型——基于权重群体不满意度函数

    The model of cost allocationgroup unsatisfaction function based on weight—is formulated from axiomatic principles.


  • 帮助成本艺术电影摆脱困境同时国内曾经创办过的具有实验性质艺术院线自身面临成长的困惑。

    In ahead of helping low-cost art films, the domestic ex-art-film line was faced to their own growing perplexity by the same time.


  • 识别了系统性质以及成本各种能够形成价值益处影响因素

    The nature of the systems and the factors influencing the costs and various benefits that contribute value are identified.


  • 识别了系统性质以及成本各种能够形成价值益处影响因素

    The nature of the systems and the factors influencing the costs and various benefits that contribute value are identified.


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