• 如果地球想象一部引擎,把水蒸气移动另一处,那么温暖的世界中的运行更加强劲

    If you think of the planet as an engine that moves water vapour around from one place to another, it does so a bit more vigorously in a warmer world.


  • 选择航空公司超过(13%)的旅行者会首先访问有比价功能的搜索引擎

    Meta search engines that compare fares are visited first by over one-out-of-ten travelers (13%) when selecting an airline.


  • 事实上为了搜索引擎优化网站一个相当艰巨任务但是其他问题一样,可以分解一系列简单步骤

    The truth is that optimising your website for the search engines is a fairly large and daunting task, but like any other, it can be broken down into a series of fairly simple steps.


  • 网站拥有者以及搜索引擎优化工作者带来新的挑战,因为他们需要将网站设计符合特定的搜索人群。

    This could present a challenge to website owners and those in the search engine optimization field, who tailor websites to attract more traffic from specific queries.


  • 推荐引擎并非设计我们所想

    Recommendation engines aren't designed to give us what we want.


  • 提供更好匹配关键在于TM引擎段分解很小切片,将数据库保存很大片段集合

    The key to providing better matches lies in the ability of the TM engine to break every segment into very small pieces and store them as a large collection of fragments in a database.


  • 伊留设计的伊尔- 103引擎下单翼教练机。伊留申设计局于1990年立于苏联,现在俄罗斯生产飞机

    The Ilyushin Il-103 is a single-engined, low-winged training aircraft, the Ilyushin Design Bureau started its development in 1990 in the Soviet Union and the aircraft is now produced in Russia.


  • 互联网搜索引擎主要精力都放在采集web页面文本信息但是google研究如何分析组织结构化数据方面小有所公司的一位科学家上周五表示。

    Internet search engines have focused largely on crawling text on Web pages, but Google is knee-deep in research about how to analyze and organize structured data, a company scientist said Friday.


  • 博客日志公开的(不论你是否这么认为,或者你是否把设置私有)。感谢伟大的搜索引擎人们可以轻易地找到关于自己的隐私信息

    Blogs are public and, thanks to search engines, it is very easy for people to find information on them.


  • EADS的子公司,专营民用航空的空中客车公司,11新闻焦点,原因是澳航超巨型空客380使用的劳斯莱斯引擎在飞行中途爆炸了。

    Airbus, EADS’s civil-aviation arm, hit the news in November after a Rolls-Royce engine on a Qantas A380 superjumbo exploded in mid-flight.


  • 可以想象身边一个随时把你关注新闻事件报告给你的搜索引擎

    Think of it as a standing search engine that will notify you of news and events you want to know about.


  • 理解这种搜索引擎里提高排名的渴望,在搜索引擎优化日主流的情况,我不禁觉得我们正在失去些什么东西

    I understand the desire to rank more highly in search engines, but as SEO goes mainstream, I can't help but feel we're losing something.


  • 依靠的推荐引擎风险在于它们墨守规、不变

    The risk you run with recommendation engines is that they'll keep you in a rut.


  • 机器昆虫机身设计能够搭载小型GM 14引擎以及曲轴铰链

    The "fuselage" of the robotic insect was designed to hold a small GM14 motor, crank and wing hinge.


  • DB 2代表一个DB2处理引擎

    Each DB2 member represents a DB2 processing engine.


  • XML允许访问这些设计元素文档,可以将想像为一体的应用服务器Web服务器和数据库引擎

    XML lets you access those design elements and documents. Think of it as your application server, Web server, and database engine rolled into one.


  • 中国最大搜索引擎百度昨日遭遇1999年以来严重攻击,4小时后才恢复正常。

    Baidu, China's largest Internet search engine, was the target of a four-hour cyber attack yesterday, the most severe since it was established in 1999.


  • 使用SIGQUITCtrl +Break一个Ctrl + Break或SIGQUIT(通常使用kill -3)发送IBM运行时,一个用户事件将在IBM转储引擎中生

    Using a SIGQUIT or Ctrl + Break: When a Ctrl + Break or SIGQUIT (usually generated using kill -3) is sent to the IBM runtime, a user event is generated in the IBM dump engine.


  • 关于外部美术软件所创建的资源,将导入虚幻引擎将其设计虚幻引擎能用资源一些信息

    Information on creating art content in external applications, importing it into Unreal engine, and setting it up for use in the engine.


  • 使引擎尽可能是可配置的,这样可以简化测试使得玩家更易于把游戏设置他们自己所喜爱方式

    Making your engine very configurable just makes it easier to test and allows users to set things up the way they like.


  • 那些搜索引擎配置具备搜索结果更佳关联性公司,将内部网搜索领域中的赢家

    The companies that can configure their search engines for better relevance in search results will be the winners in the Intranet search field.


  • 目前巴西一半以上汽车安装多重燃料引擎这个数字到了2017年会上升至九根据圣保罗甘蔗业公会的UNICAMarcos Jank表示。

    More than half the cars in Brazil now have flex-fuel engines, and that figure should rise to 90% by 2017, according to Marcos Jank of UNICA, the sugar-industry association in S?o Paulo.


  • 认为引擎车轮喷红色是个错误。铁制的的发动机应该它看起来更好些总的来说这是辆不错

    I think making the engine parts and wheels red were a mistake. Chrome or steel Mags would have looked a lot better, but over all a nice car.


  • 蒸汽引擎设计闭路循环系统。当气缸中排出的水蒸汽经过蒸汽阀门,这样的系统可以将它们截留然后送进压缩包里冷却。

    The steam engine is designed to be a "closed-loop" system, in which water escaping from the cylinders through the exhaust valves is captured and cooled in a condensing unit.


  • 再次替了引擎而且它以纺织业过课珠宝业等多样经济替特面。

    It's become an export engine once more, and now features a diverse economy of textiles, manufacturing, and jewelry.


  • 再次替了引擎而且它以纺织业过课珠宝业等多样经济替特面。

    It's become an export engine once more, and now features a diverse economy of textiles, manufacturing, and jewelry.


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