• 试验表明模型有效控制螺旋转子成型质量成型效率

    The molding test shows that the mathematic model can control effectively the quality and efficiency of helix rotor molding.


  • PEEK树脂易于挤出注射成型加工性能优异成型效率较高

    PEEK resin easily extrusion and injection molding, processing the outstanding performance, molding with higher efficiency.


  • 采用热流道系统、气注射成型提高了塑料件表面质量成型效率

    The surface quality and molding efficiency of plastic parts are improved by hot-runner system and gas-assistance injection molding.


  • 这种快速成型方法制备简单更换方便成型效率成本适于规模化生产

    This rapid prototyping method, preparation of punch is simple, easy to change, shape, high efficiency, low cost, suitable for large-scale production.


  • 树脂传递模塑(rtm)工艺不仅成型效率表面质量而且用于复杂形状构件制备

    The Resin Transfer Modeling (RTM) technique has high manufacture efficiency, good surface quality, and can be employed to fabricate the components with complex shapes.


  • 大型汽车构件产业化生产过程中的突出问题进行了研究,旨在提高大面积构件成型效率产品质量

    In this article the main problems in the industrialization of large auto parts are studied at the aim of improving production efficiency and product quality.


  • 本文大型汽车构件产业化生产过程中的突出问题进行了研究,旨在提高大面积构件成型效率产品质量

    In this article the main problems in the industrialization of large auto parts are stud - led at the aim of improving production efficiency and product quality.


  • 生产验证,该叠层式注射模具结构设计合理可靠,制品尺寸一致性好,模具费用降低30%,成型效率提高一倍

    The mould had proved to be reasonable in structure, reliable in operation, coherence in dimension, could double the efficiency, and the cost of the mould could be reduced by 30%.


  • 因此优化切割(扫描)路径提高成型效率重要意义,而分层实体制造技术激光切割路径优化实质空行程路径的优化。

    So it is most important to optimize the cutting path in order to improve the manufacturing efficiency. In LOM technology, laser cutting path optimization is in fact vacancy course path optimization.


  • 球面磨削成型作为大型非球面加工一个不可或缺阶段,其加工精度表面质量直接影响到非球面加工总体效率

    As an indispensable stage of the manufacture of large aspherical mirrors, the shape error and surface quality of aspherical grinding forming affect the total efficiency of the whole process.


  • 本机具有参数先进,调节容易,自动化程度,生产效率高的优点,中高项目理想的压制成型设备

    The machine has some Advantages with advanced parameter, easy-adjustment, high automation, high efficiency. Which is an ideal shape equipment for middle and high alumina porcelain ball project.


  • 提高生产效率缩短成型周期

    Improve production efficiency and shorten the molding cycle.


  • 卧式离心铸造作为一种效率成本低特种铸造方法材料成型方法中占有举足轻重地位

    As a highly efficient and low-cost special casting method, horizontal centrifugal casting occupies a decisive position in material molding methods.


  • 两端同时同步快速成型效率同类设备两倍以上

    Two ends forming at one time with high precision and speed, Twice efficiency than equivalent equipment.


  • 本机具有搅拌混合加压成型一整套流水生线效率

    This machine has stirring, mixing, forcing molding of a whole suit of washing product line, the production efficiency is very high.


  • 压力铸造一种生产效率,产品质量高、精度高的金属成型铸造方法

    Die casting is a metal forming method with high production efficiency, high production quality and high precision.


  • 连续挤压成型实现石膏墙板生产自动化减少用水量,减少废料提高生产效率保证品质

    But continuum extrusion molding can reduce the mete of using water, reduce flotsam, carry out automatism, improve production and ensure the quality.


  • 有利于减少成型周期时间提高生产效率

    D, helps to reduce molding cycle time, improve production efficiency.


  • 试验表明热流道注射成型注射压力成型周期生产效率

    The injection molding test has been carried out - the test shows that the injection pressure is low, the forming cycle is short and the production efficiency is high.


  • 方法采用成型砂轮磨削齿型,型砂磨削生产效率

    The working efficiency by this method is higher than that by the method of double small dish emery wheel grinding.


  • 本文分析长线扫描选择性激光烧结快速成型工艺扫描工艺质量效率优势。

    This paper analysed the quality and efficiency of alterable laser thread length scanning in SLS RP processing as compared with the spot scanning processing.


  • 本机具有搅拌混合加压成型一整套流水生产线,生产效率

    The machine has a stirring, mixing, compression molding a set of assembly line and production efficiency.


  • 算法高效简单提高后续数据处理效率成型件的加工质量改善零件成型的加工性能

    This algorithm is simple and effective, it advances the efficiency of later data process and machine quality of part and improving the machine capability.


  • 注射冷却系统设计不但关系到质量而且也关系到注射成型生产效率

    The cooling system greatly influences both the quality of plastic production and efficiency of the injection molding.


  • 影响点扫描长线扫描成型系统加工效率各种因素进行了分析从理论上对两系统的加工效率进行了比较

    All factors which effect the processing efficiency of point-scanning and line-scanning system is analyzed, and processing efficiency of the kinds of systems are compared theoretically.


  • 压铸常用汽车零件成型方法,具有生产效率产品表面质量优点。

    Die casting, characteristics of high production efficiency, good product quality and etc. is the most widely used method for the fabrication of components in automobiles.


  • 结果:①采用挤出成型法制备棒状缓释具有生产效率药芯精度符合要求特点

    Controlled release drug core with rod-shape can be manufactured by injection process which has the feature of high production efficiency and high precision for drug core.


  • 复合材料网格结构成型共固化工艺具有成本效率质量特点

    The soft-mold aided co-curing process of composite grids structures is an advanced techniques with the characters of low cost, high efficient and high quality.


  • 复合材料网格结构成型共固化工艺具有成本效率质量特点

    The soft-mold aided co-curing process of composite grids structures is an advanced techniques with the characters of low cost, high efficient and high quality.


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