• 因为接连成功而信心倍增的印加开始将视野投向更远的地方,他们瞄提提卡卡周围的富饶土地

    Flush with success, Inca Kings set their sights farther afield, on the wealthy lands surrounding Lake Titicaca.


  • 紫色细菌成功弗里克塞尔硫细菌可能由于南极的极不寻常季节性

    The success of purple non-sulfur bacteria in lake Fryxell may be due to the highly unusual seasonal nature of Antarctic lakes.


  • 段难忘开场白开始,兰德散文相机成功抓拍了霍华德·罗克一位年轻建筑学生身立悬崖准备纵深跳入下面的一幕。

    From its memorable opening line, Rand's prose camera pans out to reveal Howard Roark, a young student of architecture, poised nude on a cliff's edge and preparing to dive into the lake below.


  • 目前依然取得成功感到意外

    It doesn't surprise me that he's still successful with the Lakers.


  • “耐力”机器人成功绘制地图,探索了冰下面

    The ENDURANCE successfully mapped and explored the water beneath the frozen lake.


  • 休斯顿成功地将到了第七巨人第三退赛之后

    Houston managed to push the Lakers to seven following the big man's departure in Game 3.


  • 控制网络应用自主研发水下机器人,成功完成检验。

    This control network was used in underwater vehicle which was developed by us and completes the lake trial successfully.


  • 普·切克从来不在乎公众感觉只是一直韦斯特保持电话联系。韦斯特依然成功做过不少事情。

    Kupchak shrugs off any public perception that he was constantly on the phone with West and that West still deserved much of the credit for the Lakers' success.


  • 交通混乱,空气轻度污染肺有些受不了,我们还是成功地骑到了滇池,就是昆明城南座风光美丽的

    Chaotic traffic and a little pollution in our lungs, but we made it to Dianchi Lake, the wonderful lake south of kunming.


  • 上赛季成功卫冕带着冠军的荣誉进入甜蜜的赛期,并不意味着总冠军之师就十全十美,漏洞需要填补。

    The Lakers came into this past off-season as the two time defending champions but not without holes that needed to be filled.


  • 为了成功夺得他们需要细节加以更多注意比赛专注力加以最大注意。

    In order for the Lakers to be successful in their goal of winning two consecutive championships, more attention must be paid to the minor details, and maximum concentration must be the focus.


  • 应该利用这次比赛来进行反击如果成功了,他们洛杉矶人队,小组冠军NBA14最佳记录。

    The Lakers should use that game as a soap-box game, if you will, and state to the league that they are still the LA Lakers, the team with 14 titles and the most wins in NBA history.


  • l成功掘金的得分限制他们常规赛场均得分以下,他们掘金平均每场拿到101.5

    The Lakers' successfully held the Nuggets below their season average in scoring, allowing only 101.5 points per game. While the number is still high, L.


  • 勒布朗-詹姆斯领衔的骑士队曾上次客场之旅中击败人,那场比赛赛后很多媒体盛赞詹姆斯科比成功防守。

    LeBron James' Cavaliers won a close game in Cleveland on the Lakers last road trip, with many media outlets heralding James' stellar defensive job on Bryant down the stretch.


  • 2009年6月26公司策划执行的迁安名流——黄台别墅开盘仪式黄台一号别墅区取得圆满成功

    June 26, 2009 by my company to plan the implementation of the Qian 'an celebrities Night - Huangtai opening ceremony was held at the Lake Villa Lake Villa District Huangtai success.


  • 年来季后赛首次成功晋级第二轮,这代表着他们勇敢,最自信赛季。整个常规赛,都一直稳步前进

    Their first playoff series win in four years represented their boldest, most confident stride in a season that's been marked by a number of small steps.


  • 历史上74主场0-2落后情况下能够成功翻盘球队仅有支,分别是1971年的、1995年的火箭以及2005年的小牛

    History of 4 wins in 7 games at home 0-2 system successfully overturned the case of only three teams, they were the Lakers in 1971, the Rocket in 1995 and Mavericks in 2005.


  • 系统研制成功城市污染治理开辟途径

    The successful development of the system has broken a new path for the pollution control of rivers and lakes in urban areas.


  • 如果核心能够球场成功作出贡献的话,他们最大程度决定赛季走向

    If the point guard core can successfully contribute on both ends of the court, they will go a long way toward determining how far the Lakers go this season.


  • 保罗加索尔拿下20乔什-鲍威尔拿到17分,成功填补了拉尔因为被禁赛而留下坑,同时也终止客场三连败。

    Pau Gasol scored 20 points and Josh Powell added 17 for the Lakers, who overcame the absence of Lamar Odom to snap a three-game road losing streak.


  • 布朗表示,“能够成为支球队主帅,这一个梦幻机会一直过去所取得的成功感到非常敬佩。”

    Brown also said, "to become coach of this team, this is a fantastic opportunity, I have been very impressive on the success of the Lakers in the past."


  • 作为西区最受欢迎的球员更上一层楼的重要球员,法成功地将主力位置老迈费舍尔手中抢了过来。

    For the Lakers to take the next step and be the perennial favorite in the West, Farmar has to take the starting point guard position from aging Derek Fisher and make it his.


  • 而接下来杰弗森三分投命中,查理-维拉纽瓦跳投球进,在比赛还剩下2:39的时候将领先优势缩小只有5分,杰弗森随后抢断成功但是塞申思错失了跳投。

    A 3-pointer by Jefferson and a jumper by Charlie Villanueva cut the Lakers' lead to five with 2:39 left. Jefferson came up with a steal, but Sessions missed a jumper.


  • 而接下来杰弗森三分投命中,查理-维拉纽瓦跳投球进,在比赛还剩下2:39的时候将领先优势缩小只有5分,杰弗森随后抢断成功但是塞申思错失了跳投。

    A 3-pointer by Jefferson and a jumper by Charlie Villanueva cut the Lakers' lead to five with 2:39 left. Jefferson came up with a steal, but Sessions missed a jumper.


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