• 第一空指经常讲故事第二空指已经成为过去的今天晚上

    The old man often (tells) the children a story in the evening. This evening he (told) two stories .


  • 知道米洛舍维奇成为过去历史只不过是个时间问题。

    I knew it was just a matter of time before Milosevic was history, too.


  • 即便曾经拥有遗失彼此生命中的成为过去美好

    Though we once owned it, it is lost in each other's life and becomes the beautiful memories of the past.


  • 我们认为这个诺贝尔只是为了表扬已经发生成为过去事情

    We do not believe that this Nobel Peace Prize is intended as a commendation for matters that have happened and passed.


  • 新的地图扩展以前地图东部南部区域结果让整个大地图成为过去的大。

    The map is also expanded to include regions further to the east and south of that in previous games, resulting in a map which is around three times larger.


  • 空间消失虚无之中,时间淹没永恒之中因果关系也成为过去,当下只有存在的觉知。

    Space disappears into nothingness, time is swallowed in eternity, and causation becomes a dream of the past. Only Existence is.


  • 明白现在看来足以压垮痛苦随着人生阅历的增长终会成为过去一部分,在你的记忆中逐渐淡化

    What you need to understand is that an overwhelmingly painful event in your life right now will one day be part of your much larger past and not nearly as significant as it seems.


  • 无论怎样一发现具有很大的意义:尽管只是可以使形成疤痕成为过去15-1的治疗,图戈特尔得出的结论

    Nevertheless, the discovery is significanteven just one treatment by peptide 15-1 may make scarring a thing of the past, Tölg and Turley conclude


  • 如果客户品牌忠诚确实已经成为过去,那么他们为什么改变心意意思是是什么原因导致他们和自己喜欢品牌挥手告别?或者这种情绪是随著时间的推移与日俱增的?

    And if customer fidelity is indeed a thing of the past, why the change of heart? I mean, what caused the separation of consumers from their favorite brands, or did they just grow apart over time?


  • 为了成为这样项目分子,过去一直埋头苦干

    I had worked hard to be included in a project like this.


  • 夜间那些恐怖事情都已经成为过去

    The terrors of the night were past.


  • 过去几年里,梅雷迪恩先生采取的一些立场使成为被批评对象

    Over the past few years, some of the positions Mr. Meredith has adopted have made him the subject of criticism.


  • 的担心受怕成为过去

    Fears for the Eggs became things of the past.


  • 过去也有一些时候雨季雨水浸透了片“空白之地”,沙漠变成点缀湖泊草原成为各种动物家园

    But there've been times in the past when monsoon rains soaked the Empty Quarter and turned it from a desert into grassland that was dotted with lakes and home to various animals.


  • 百思三星这样的电子产品巨头过去年中展开了电子垃圾回收项目旨在翻新电子元件零部件,令其成为新的产品。

    Electronics giants like Best Buy and Samsung have provided e-waste take-back programs over the past few years, which aim to refurbish old electronic components and parts into new products.


  • 面对面交流绝不沟通唯一形式过去两百年里大众传播艺术已经成为当代社会主导因素之一。

    Face-to-face contact is by no means the only form of communication and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of contemporary society.


  • 如果考虑技术变化预期速度那么技能变得很多余或者你的行业成为过去

    If you factor in the projected rates of technological change, either your skills will become unnecessary, or your industry outdated.


  • 科技改变广告牌行业性质使成为过去有效媒介

    Technology has changed the nature of the billboard business, making it a more effective medium than in the past.


  • 讲述了一个想念去世的母亲的女孩回到过去,并和她的母亲成为朋友的故事。

    It tells a girl who misses her dead mother and then goes back to the past and becomes a friend with her mother.


  • 过去了,我的父亲已经成为一个50岁的男人。

    Ten years has passed and my father has become a 50-year-old man.


  • 因此,无论我们如何看待过去,我们绝不成为俘虏

    So whatever we think of the past, we must not be prisoners to it.


  • 等到影片呈现给观众时,早已成为过去重现当时情形和状态

    But by the time the image reaches the eyes of the viewer, it belongs to the past, taking on the status of something retrieved.


  • 学会现实和解,过去已经成为过去今天才是唯一拥有的。我坚强并且足够强大能够在在即将到来并且可以抓住挑战创造未来快乐

    Having reconciled with the fact that the past has no power and today is the only day I have, I am strong, powerful enough to create the future and delight in its coming and tackle challenges.


  • 这个不断更新城市里,变化节奏如此以至于过去成为未来的,崭新面貌重新出现

    In this city of constant renewal, the beat pounds so fast that the past can be turned into the future. The old can be made new again.


  • 不知何故过去始终没有成为我们谈话内容

    But somehow, his past never became part of our conversation.


  • 经过多年雨量稀缺,场持续暴风雪使得过去这个季节成为近期记忆潮湿的个。

    After years of very little rain, a relentless series of storms had made this past season one of the wettest in recent memory.


  • 首先我来说BPMN 1.0(1.1)是什么了不起东西使成为过去年内采用率最高规范之一,姑且不论其他建模标准为了这一目标奋斗了更长的时间

    First let me identify the cool things in BPMN 1.0 (1.1) which made it one of the most popularly adopted spec in the last few years despite other modeling standards being around for a longer time.


  • 首先我来说BPMN 1.0(1.1)是什么了不起东西使成为过去年内采用率最高规范之一,姑且不论其他建模标准为了这一目标奋斗了更长的时间

    First let me identify the cool things in BPMN 1.0 (1.1) which made it one of the most popularly adopted spec in the last few years despite other modeling standards being around for a longer time.


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