• 太阳能采集器可以成为艺术品

    Solar energy collectors can also be art.


  • 一个蛋糕也能成为艺术品

    Pat a cake can be art.


  • 绝不可能要所有电子游戏成为艺术品,”Harvey

    "By no means will all video games ever be works of art," Harvey says.


  • 参与艺术成为艺术品一部分可以说非常具有号召力主题

    Participating in the art and becoming a part of an artistic work is indeed a very attractive theme.


  • 刘海金蟾”的题材成为艺术品市场常见的题材,件竹雕物品例外

    DISPOROPSIS 'FIGURE' DECORATION "Bang", JinChan drama art market has become a common theme, launched this item is not exceptional also.


  • 为了获得乐趣我们达到预想结果也许更多结果可能好得多,甚至可能成为艺术品

    For shear fun we may do much more than is needed to produce the originally envisioned product; and the product, as a result, may be far better. It may even become an artistic creation.


  • 其次作品并非放在街上就可以成为艺术品但是任何东西只要进入美术馆都会成为艺术作品。

    Secondly, it is really not that put one art works on the street that is truly art works, but everything which will becomes art works is came into art gallery.


  • 正是这样身份被质疑的,很难看到作品怎样成为艺术品,那可能自身性质让它卖得个高价罢了。

    As such, its status is problematic, for it is difficult to see what about the work makes it a work of art, let alone one whose quality might justify its high price.


  • 由于中国经济蓬勃发展,中国的艺术品收藏者已经成为艺术品市场上一支日益强大的力量,他们西方亚洲艺术品表现越来越大兴趣

    With China's economy booming, art collectors have become an increasingly powerful force in the market, demonstrating a growing interest in both Western and Asian art.


  • 因此占主导地位批判成为艺术史学家们所使用的方法一种专业性学术方法,致力于艺术品所创作时代文化背景下发现艺术品意义”。

    Consequently, the dominant critical approach becomes that of the art historian, a specialized academic approach devoted to "discovering the meaning" of art within the cultural context of its time.


  • 使扇子不仅成为日常生活中有用的工具,而且成为杰出的艺术品

    This made fans not only useful tools in daily life but also great artworks.


  • 术家比普尔的一幅数字艺术品以近7000万美元的价格售出,成为有史以来最昂贵的数字艺术品

    A digital artwork by an artist, Beeple, was sold for nearly $70 million, becoming the most expensive digital artwork ever sold.


  • 曾经是一名艺术品推销员,后来成为了一名牧师。

    He once worked as an art salesman and later he became a preacher.


  • 现在,成为每年的例行活动旨在筹集资金编制重建皇家艺术品收藏室维护宫殿本身

    This is now an annual event, raising money to catalogue and restore the royal art collection and to maintain the palace itself.


  • 去年中国取代法国成为了继美国英国世界第三艺术品市场

    LAST year China overtook France as the world's third-biggest art market after America and Britain.


  • 另外一些地方,废弃材料则以创造性实用性的方式获得了新生,比如,一个塑料瓶可以摇身一变成为精美的艺术品暖和毯子或者燃油

    In others, artists, governments, andbusinesses have found creative and useful ways to reuse materials -- a plasticbottle may find itself reborn as artwork, a warm blanket, or fuel oil.


  • 圣达菲对于艺术而言,有着特殊地位,圣达菲有250艺术馆经销商使成为美国最大艺术品市场之一

    Santa Fe is known especially for art. More than two hundred fifty galleries and dealers make it one of the largest art markets in the country.


  • 这些丢失艺术品如何从一开始就成为Oewerdieck财产仍旧没有定论

    How the lost art came into Oewerdieck's possession in the first place still isn't clear.


  • 2008年,中国超过了法国成为世界第三艺术品拍卖市场仅次于美国英国

    In 2008 China overtook France to become the third-biggest art market in the world, after America and Britain.


  • 值得一提雨伞握柄尤为精美,使得把雨伞都俨然成为了一艺术品

    Above all, it is the incredible handles created for the umbrellas that almost make them a work of art.


  • 马文·盖伊不要揠苗助长,不要试图去给他们定型,更不要批评他们,或者成为自己艺术品

    Stop trying to shape them, criticize them, make them your own piece of clay, as Marvin Gaye said.


  • 什么样当代艺术品成为名作应该满足什么标准

    What contemporary works of art will become masterpieces? What criteria should be met?


  • 一些老师可以让我之谈论对艺术的哲学思考,设计成为一名创业者因此年内,我进行艺术品销售

    I had some teachers with who I could philosophize about arts, design and being an entrepreneur, so within 2 years, I was sold by arts.


  • 想到作为主题重要因素设计的建筑必须成为一个地标可以人们在其中欣赏艺术品,而不仅仅一个紧挨着千住博博物馆设施而已

    Another important factor I kept in mind as a theme was that my architecture had to work as a landmark where people might encounter artworks, not only as a facility next to the museum.


  • 收藏家通常都是从收集本国艺术品开始进而扩大区域最终成为国际性艺术品的收藏家。”Spiegler先生解释道

    "Collectors often start by acquiring art from their own nation, then their own region, then finally internationally," explains Mr Spiegler.


  • 后来,剪纸不单形似神似,而且构图合理主题突出成为一件件精致艺术品村民生活增添许多乐趣

    Still later, he is not only the shape and quite similar to paper-cuts, and the composition is reasonable, prominent theme, as an exquisite works of art, life for the villagers to add a lot of fun.


  • 如今进入院校的并不容易,位住拉合尔的叫UmerButt年轻工作室负责人将 GreyNoise画廊作品借给这次展览,并希望通过此成为有影响力艺术品商人

    Now competition to get into such colleges is fierce. A young art entrepreneur, Umer Butt, whose gallery Grey Noise in Lahore lent works to the show, aspires to be an influential dealer.


  • 另一个作为主题脑海因素建筑必定成为人们可能遇到的建筑艺术品的里程碑,而不仅仅是作为博物馆旁边个设施。

    Another important factor I kept in mind as a theme was that my architecture had to work as a landmark where people might encounter artworks, not only as a facility next to the museum.


  • 另一个作为主题脑海因素建筑必定成为人们可能遇到的建筑艺术品的里程碑,而不仅仅是作为博物馆旁边个设施。

    Another important factor I kept in mind as a theme was that my architecture had to work as a landmark where people might encounter artworks, not only as a facility next to the museum.


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