• 汤显祖晚明戏剧宗师,也是杰出的戏剧理论

    Tang Xianzu was a great master of drama in late Ming dynasty. He was also an excellent drama theorist.


  • 调元,罗江文星镇清代著名文学家戏剧理论诗人

    Li Tiaoyuan, people of Wenxing Town of Luojiang, is a famous litterateur, a drama theoretician, and a poet of Qing Dynasty.


  • 新月派的戏剧理论中国新文学戏剧美学建设方面是独树一帜的。

    New Crescent dramatic theory has its own peculiarities in the dramatic aesthetics construction of China's new literature.


  • 陌生化理论来自俄国形式主义莱希戏剧理论代名词

    "The Alienation theory" came from Russian Formalism, which is the synonym of Brecht's theatre theory.


  • 本文拟从戏剧理论创作实践出发艺术观做一个认真的探讨

    The paper probes into yu Shangyuan's concept of art based on his theory of drama and creative practice.


  • 莱辛戏剧表演艺术思考,集中体现戏剧理论著作汉堡剧评》一书中。

    Lessing fully expressed his thought on performance of drama in his famous book drama critic Hamburg.


  • 本文认为,布莱希陌生化作为戏剧理论包含陌生化效果陌生化技巧大基本部分

    The article holds that as a kind of theatre theory, brecht's Alienation Theory includes two parts:alienation effect and alienation technique.


  • 本文研究的现代派戏剧理论,贯穿了从18801930年整整半个世纪的西方剧坛

    The article deals with the modern drama theory between 1880 to 1930 in the western dramas's history.


  • 汉代戏剧理论主要体现戏剧现实关系戏剧讽谏惩戒功能以及戏剧娱乐功能之上。

    Drama theory reflect in drama and realistic relation, drama is it remonstrate with with discipline function and amusement function of the drama to mocking mainly Han Dynasty.


  • 莱希运用叙事戏剧理论旗帜鲜明地反对传统悲剧中的净化共鸣思想,并不反对戏剧的悲剧性。

    By using his theory of narrative drama, Brecht was unequivocally opposed to the traditional tragedy of the purification and resonance of thought, but not opposed to the tragic of drama.


  • 问题在于,戏曲研究无法不借重西方学术的一些观念方法,但戏曲艺术本身却又与西方的戏剧理论不尽吻合。

    The problem is that although opera studies have to borrow western ideas and research methods, the local operas themselves cannot be entirely measured up to western theories.


  • 第二分别郑元勋文学观点戏剧理论诗文创作其他文学交流活动对郑元勋进行了比较深入研究

    Chapter II were from Zheng Yuanxun literary point of view, selecting text, drama theory, writing poetry and other literary exchange activities conducted on the Zheng Yuanxun more in-depth research.


  • 莱希戏剧理论基本特征:主张演员角色之间观众和演员之间、观众和角色之间必须保持一定距离

    The most fundamental thing in Brecht s theory of drama was his conviction that a certain distance must be maintained between actors and characters, audience and actors, audience and characters.


  • 从事文艺编导方向学习电视节目制作技术策划研究文学戏剧理论视听语言戏曲舞蹈音乐影视精品赏析

    The direction of art director in television production techniques to learn, planning and research, literary theory of drama, visual language, drama, dance, music, film quality appreciation.


  • 一个紧密相关理论认为戏剧主要哑剧的、有节奏体操舞蹈演变而来,或者模仿动物噪音声音演变而来。

    A closely related theory sees theater as evolving out of dances that are primarily pantomimic, rhythmical or gymnastic, or from imitations of animal noises and sounds.


  • 19世纪末20世纪初人类学家们拥护广为接受理论认为,戏剧起源于神话宗教仪式

    The most widely accepted theory, championed by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, envisions theater as emerging out of myth and ritual.


  • 除了探索戏剧可能起源,学者理论探讨了人们发展戏剧动机

    In addition to exploring the possible antecedents of theater, scholars have also theorized about the motives that led people to develop theater.


  • 共和党母性理论引入戏剧性地改变了史学

    Introduction of the republican motherhood thesis dramatically changed historiography.


  • 这项工作就像理论讨论戏剧真实性”、“bienseance”悲剧喜剧本质强调需要道德效用

    This work (much like theoretical discussions on theatrical " vraisemblance ", "bienséance" and the nature of tragedy and comedy) stressed the need for moral utility.


  • 另一个追溯戏剧起源理论认为它来自人们对叙述故事兴趣

    Another theory traces the theater's origin from the human interest in storytelling.


  • 新兴市场今年戏剧般的复苏,令“脱钩论”卷土重来。理论认为尽管发达国家陷入衰退,新兴市场照样实现增长

    The theory of decoupling – the idea that emerging markets can grow in spite of a downturn in the developed world – has been revived after their dramatic resurgence this year.


  • 一个与之紧密相关理论戏剧的起源追溯舞蹈这些舞蹈大体上有节奏感的体操式的一类,或者动物动作和声音的模仿

    A closely related theory traces theater to those dances that are primarily rhythmical and gymnastic or that are imitations of animal movements and sounds.


  • 关于古希腊戏剧起源存在多种理论其中一个普遍为人接受理论假设认为戏剧仪式演化而来

    There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The one most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual.


  • 实验性理论戏剧机器可能达到最佳翻译

    My experimental theory is this play is the best translation which the machine possibly achieves.


  • 第一古代诗学悲剧理论阶段诗学理论框架戏剧悲剧是其研究对象

    The ancient poetic tragedy theory arose at the first phase. Poetics is its theoretic framework, and drama tragedy its object studied.


  • 理论认为戏剧源于说书弹词,并认为讲述聆听故事人类基本乐趣

    Storytelling has been proposed as one alternative. Under this theory, relating and listening to stories are seen as fundamental human pleasures.


  • 本文试运用存在主义哲学理论世界、人与他人人与自我三个方面来解读这部荒诞派戏剧的经典剧作。

    By applying existentialist theories from three aspects: man and the world, man and others, as well as man and self.


  • 随着语言学长足发展特别是语用学话语分析兴起戏剧文体学研究获得新的理论依据研究方法

    With the rapid development of linguistics, especially the springing up of Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis, study on dramatic stylistics gains new theoretical basis and methods.


  • 私人辅导员教师私人培训机构教授学生诸如艺术舞蹈戏剧音乐等科目实践理论表演

    Private TUTORS and TEACHERS teach students in the practice, theory and performance of subjects, such as art, dance, drama and music, in private training establishments.


  • 编译的中国文学选集摘译并编选了中国几千年以来的经典著作,其中包括诗歌散文唐传奇、信件、中国传统文学理论戏剧

    In his anthology, representative Chinese classics from various genres, such as poetry, prose, T'ang tales, letters, traditional literary theories, and dramas are translated into English.


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