• 尽管错觉不能事实上确定脑型”还是右脑型”,但我们兴趣的是,在观察这张错觉图时事实上影响人们对这张图感知因素什么

    While the illusion can't actually determine whether you're "right-brained" or "left-brained," we were curious about what actually affects people's perception of the illusion.


  • 研究发现学历职业状态个人旅游业依赖程度影响居民旅游感知态度主要因素

    This paper also finds that education, employment state and personal dependence on tourism are main factors which effect residents' perceptions and attitudes toward tourism.


  • 计算机自我效能感知风险主观规范法律支持四个影响因素研究没有得到验证

    The influence of four factors that computer self-efficacy, subjective norm, perceived risk, legal support on internet banking adoption were not confirmed in the paper.


  • 验证哪些因素影响居民感知态度

    The other is to test which factors effect resident 'perceptions and attitudes toward tourism.


  • 旅游目的地环境感知入境游客消费决策主要影响因素之一

    The environmental perception for the tourist destination is the one main effect factor for the consumer behavior in tourism of the entry tourist.


  • 驾驶员事故由于驾驶员感知判断操作时发生失误造成分析驾驶员事故影响因素主要分析驾驶员发生感知、判断及操作失误原因

    Driver's accident is because of driver action error at the feeling, judgment or operation, analyzing driver 's accident influence factor is mainly to analyze the reason of the error.


  • 视觉影响因素作用下,旅游者实地感知城市旅游景观视觉辨别鉴赏形成了视觉形象感知

    Tourists through visual identification and appreciation of the city tourism landscape on the spot perception, formed the visual image perception under the various visual impact factors.


  • 研究构建消费者感知风险影响因素一般模式分别为消费者因素产品因素商家因素及与购买相关的其他因素

    This study presents a general mode of influences on the perceived risk, these factors are consumer, product, the vendor and other factors.


  • 资源需求者共享资源信息感知能力是影响资源发现效率重要因素

    It's an important factor of resource discovery efficiency that how the resource requester apperceives the Shared resource information.


  • 分析性别身份专业因素电子图书感知有用感知易用影响

    It also analyses gender, identity and major factors effect on Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use of Electronic book.


  • 文章重点放在感知价值影响因素上,分为雇主功能性影响因素、雇主象征性影响因素以及社会性影响因素三个部分

    The article focused on perceived value factors which will be divided into functional attract employers. Attract employers symbolic and social factors influencing factors in three parts.


  • 数据分析结果表明员工感知组织公平性影响宾客感知的服务公平性一个重要因素

    The results show that employee perceived organizational justice is an important antecedent of guest perceived service fairness.


  • 服务质量传递系统中,有诸多因素影响服务质量传递效率最终使顾客感知服务质量效果有所损失。

    Many factors would affect the efficiency of transmitting service quality and customers could perceive the losses in transmitting service quality.


  • 实证结果表明朋友推荐法律保障、价格、产品种类因素消费者在线购买的感知风险显著影响零售商声誉规模、产品信息的影响作用明显;

    The results show that, friends'recommendation, law protection, and product category have significant influences on perceived risk, while Internet vendor's reputation and size, product information not.


  • 影响运动员投篮命中率因素很多其中关键运动员各种能力心理状态

    There are many factors which influence the shooting, in which the most critical is the ability of consciousness and the state of the mind of the players.


  • 尽管错觉不能事实上确定脑型”还是右脑型”,但我们兴趣的是,在观察这张错觉图时事实上影响人们对这张图感知因素什么

    While the illusion can't actually determine whether you're "right-brained" or "left-brained, " we were curious about what actually affects people's perception of the illusion.


  • 接着在理论研究基础上把感知利得感知风险一并纳入研究框架,从感知风险面、感知风险影响因素减少风险行为三个方面进行研究。

    The influence factors of the perceived risk, the composing of the consumer perceived risk and the reducing risk behavior are analyzed after theory analyzing.


  • 神经病变疼痛进展不是简单代谢因素导致,尽管它们重要还有很多个体因素影响,例如我们对疼痛的感知

    The evolution of neuropathy and pain is not simply driven by metabolic factors, although they are very important, but there are many individual factors which impact on how we feel pain.


  • 客户满意度感知价值顾客忠诚度作为此次研究变量这些变量被认为影响费者选择他们光顾咖啡馆石的几点因素

    Customer satisfaction, perceived value and customer loyalty will be measured in the research as these variables are believe to affect consumers' choice of cafes that they patronise.


  • 观点引领下,本文聚焦历史因素城市感知形成过程中的影响论述形成重要的城市感知巨大意义

    With such perspectives, this paper will concentrate on evaluating the effect that history has to the form of city sense and why it is important in terms of forming a valuable city sense.


  • 研究发现绝大部分受访者大部分情况下正确感知气候变化,但感知及其影响因素较复杂

    It is found that at the most cases, the majority of respondents could perceive the trend of local climate change correctly.


  • 电极接触不良干扰仪器感知功能不良是影响心率心律显示准确性主要因素

    The electrode connection and interference, poor perception of equipments affect the heart rate and rhythm demonstrated a major factor of accuracy for heart rate and rhythm;


  • 因素最终形成预期角色”,“内部潜能报酬感知三个因子影响农民工职业适应水平

    They form 3 big factors, which named internal potentials, expected role and sensibility of reward, to affect the vocational adaptation level of peasant workers.


  • 研究发现卖方声誉待售商品价格以及买方风险态度因素买方的感知风险重要影响感知风险又影响买方是否采用第三方担保服务的决定

    This study also finds that sellers 'reputation, product price, and buyer's risk attitude has a significant effect on buyer's risk perception, which influences his OES adoption decision.


  • 在校学生模型态度主观规范感知到的行为控制持续购买意向的显著影响因素

    In the student model, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control are all significant predict factors.


  • 在校学生模型态度主观规范感知到的行为控制持续购买意向的显著影响因素

    In the student model, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control are all significant predict factors.


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