• 一些研究人员这些结果构成了令人信服证据证明心灵感应真实存在的

    Some researchers say the results constitute compelling evidence that telepathy is genuine.


  • 绍这种新型隐形眼镜时,哈佛大学研究员郭士奇博士:“过去,感应器是放在隐形眼镜层之间的。”

    When introducing the new contact lens, Dr. Guo Shiqi, a researcher at Harvard, said, "In the past, the sensor was put between the layers of the lens."


  • 卡拉里斯:“某些情况下由于共振带来效率提升,是无共振系统感应10万。”

    "In some cases, the improvement in the efficiency due to resonance can be more than 100, 000 times that of non-resonant induction, " says Karalis.


  • 他们开始实验感应装置。

    Stmark said they will initially be testing three types of sensors.


  • 如果丰田转向使用感应发动机,“全球需求发生很大变化,”Lifton

    "It would be a big change in demand for neodymium" if Toyota switched to an induction motor, said Mr. Lifton.


  • 位通灵者迷失灵魂通常那些敏感或者在精神上感应的人。

    One of them mentioned that lost souls often seek out those who are sensitive and spiritually aware.


  • 虽然感应细胞感应饱和碳酸的酸性实际品尝过程中会品尝很多元素比方苏打

    Even if the sour-sensing cells signal that the carbonation is sour, there are more elements to the process of actually tasting, say, soda water.


  • 研究人员们这项工作试图创建多种模式界面”,这种“多种模式的界面”能够使机器感应使用者情绪

    The academics said the work would build upon attempts to create "multi-modal interfaces" which allow machines to sense and respond to the moods of the user.


  • 这项研究的研究者亚历山大·巴奇马诺夫:“相同味觉细胞拥有这些机能:二氧化碳转化为质子刺激的时候能感应这些质子。”

    "The same taste cell has all the machinery to turn carbon dioxide into protons and then detect the protons as sour taste stimuli," said Alexander Bachmanov, who was not involved in the study.


  • 顺便一下,见过舌头品位么?意在舌头的不同部位不同味道有特殊的感应,真的吗?

    By the way, have you seen the taste map of the tongue, the diagram showing that different regions are sensitive to salty, sweet, sour or bitter flavors?


  • :“可以想象一个安装电话上的感应能够立刻诊断病毒因素,并且将其传送社区数据库中

    Imagine a sensor attached to your telephone, that instantly diagnoses viral agents and transmits that to a central community database, ” he said.


  • 卡特彼勒正在不断壮大,在伊利诺伊州供应商“也感应到了滴流效应”,

    Caterpillar is booming, and its ecosystem of suppliers across Illinois is "seeing a real trickle-down effect," he says.


  • 比如能够检测汽车保险杠前方汽车距离感应器,可以防止可能造成交通停滞的紧急刹车

    Car sensors that detect the distance between your bumper and the car in front of you can prevent a sweep of brake-slamming that can tie up traffic, for example.


  • 觉得群体感应抑制剂并不是指日可待还有更多研究工作。”

    "I don't think it's just around the corner - there's got to be a lot more research," he says.


  • 大脚猎人可能令人惊奇组织贝德他们违背了所有关于超自然探索者的陈词滥调,如穿着光滑的衣服,并用心灵感应沟通

    Bigfoot hunters were perhaps the most surprising group, Bader said. They defied all stereotypes of paranormal pursuers who wear flowing clothes and commune with spirits.


  • 他们是有一个小型的感应闪光功能过于孱弱(可以根本没有)。长此以往,便渐渐忘了真正照相机拥有强大光学变焦防抖技术的。

    They have tiny image sensors but feeble (or nonexistent) flashes, and you can forget about "real" camera features like powerful optical zoom lenses or image-stabilization systems.


  • 陷阱阀门感应碰时,就触发了诱捕行为”,:“由于内部受压,已经处于内向状态。”

    "The firing starts when sensitive trigger hairs located on the (trap) door are touched," he said.


  • Gibler随着照明设备模拟在现在的二极管灯,灯开始成为感应环境作出调整的消费者电子设备

    As lighting moves from old analog bulbs to LEDs, Gibler says lamps are suddenly becoming consumer electronic devices that can sense and react to their environment.


  • Strangas 教授关于丰田研发先进感应发动机传言没有见到这方面研究发布出来。

    Prof. Strangas said he had heard rumors of Toyota working on an advanced induction motor, but hasn't seen a published study on the work.


  • iPhone里使用的那种机制用来在通话感应比如,当一个物体上,通常,它通知显示屏关闭

    That mechanism in the iPhone is used to detect when, say, it's pressed against an object, usually your head, to tell the display to turn off during a call.


  • 令人惊叹是,这个感应电动机转速能达到分钟6000转并且能产生最高295磅英尺(400牛顿米)的扭矩,也就是传统变速器的作用将减少。

    More impressively, the motor’s 295lb-ft (400 newton-metres) of torque is available from rest to nearly 6, 000 revolutions per minute, which eliminates the need for a conventional gearbox.


  • 令人惊叹是,这个感应电动机转速能达到分钟6000转并且能产生最高295磅英尺(400牛顿米)的扭矩,也就是传统变速器的作用将减少。

    More impressively, the motor's 295lb-ft (400 newton-metres) of torque is available from rest to nearly 6,000 revolutions per minute, which eliminates the need for a conventional gearbox.


  • 或者,有没有可能我们身体开启每一种感应功能接纳快乐,无需期望幻想记忆与此享乐状态相连

    That is, can one's body turn on all of its senses only to receive pleasures in the absence of expectations, imaginations and memories associated with such a state of pleasure?


  • 固然很尊敬个人挑选,但是顾客们一个男人女人卫生间感应非常舒畅

    He told me that while he respected my personal choices, his patrons didn't feel comfortable with someone who used to be a man using the women's restroom.


  • 如果对方没有感应只有出来才知道的话不如不要想念

    If it did not say that only the sensors would rather not know the words to miss.


  • 所以总和有着那么一点心灵感应

    So I have to say I was always kind of channeling him.


  • 拜访一小我之后注重你的感受若是感应欢快,能力满满的话,那就是你有一些火伴。

    Note how you feel after visiting with a certain person; if you feel energized and happy, then you're in good company.


  • 拜访一小我之后注重你的感受若是感应欢快,能力满满的话,那就是你有一些火伴。

    Note how you feel after visiting with a certain person; if you feel energized and happy, then you're in good company.


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