• 裸体瑜伽目的产生无罪无压的精神状态里面找到意欲感觉

    The purpose of Nude Yoga is to produce a guilt-free and stress-free state of mind in which you find a new sense of purpose.


  • 它们使我们预测出将要发生的事,能使我们生活上帝意欲道德世界中。

    They enable us to predict what will happen, to enable us to live our moral lives as God intended.


  • PG系列色粉混入透光不透明基础中以获得意欲的成色釉。

    PG Series Colour Stains can be used to color transparent or opaque base glazes.


  • 部分中,一是通过意欲试图、意欲愿望进行分析比较以便清晰地理解意欲概念

    In this section, firstly, it analyzes and compares wollen, versuchen and desire in order to more clearly understand the concept of wollen;


  • 那些有限事物以及主观事物客观事物固定性不可克服性的人来说,每一个意欲活动可以提供相反例证

    Those who talk of the permanence and immutability of the finite, as well subjective as objective, may see the reverse illustrated in the operations of every appetite.


  • 这些原本意欲表达的要尖刻

    The words were more tart than she had intended.


  • 提出了一些问题意欲引起陪审员疑心

    He raised questions meant to plant seeds of doubts in the minds of jurors.


  • 敌人意欲滥用职权罪名判处他入狱

    His enemies want him to serve two years in jail for his conviction on abuse of power.


  • 而俄国已经降低了企业所得税率同时新加坡意欲如此

    Russia has also reduced its corporate taxes, and Singapore intends to do so.


  • 封信法国德国意欲欧盟春季理事会准备工作作出贡献整个欧洲G20 集团峰会上同声共气。

    Through this letter, France and Germany intend to contribute to the preparation of the spring European Council and enable the Europeans to speak with a single voice in the run-up to the G20.


  • 但是大多数情况下他们意欲提升他们价值链,将来自于全球技术优势融合在一起。

    But mostly they want to move up the value chain, mixing and matching skills and advantages from all over the world.


  • 怀疑对于很多人来说,这份目录像是个表明立场标语横幅,而不是一个原本意欲成为实用工具

    I suspect that, for many, it was more the banner of a cause than the real tool it was meant to be.


  • 意欲紧缩35小时工作制,旨在消除雇员产生负面影响

    She wants to tighten the 35-hour rules to "reduce the negative effect for employees".


  • 为了预防这些情况,意欲购买房屋的人尝试采取种方法,诊断花园,在目标屋顶(阳台)淋浴小时

    To defend against that, potential homebuyers can attempt to run an inspection diagnostic where you take a garden house and water your target roof (or balcony) for an hour.


  • BPMN能够用于不同目的草拟高水平业务流程详述意欲自动执行的业务流程。

    BPMN can be used for different purposes, from sketching high-level business processes to specifying business processes intended for automatic execution.


  • 意欲从小到大英雄偶像共事只不过种一闪而念头,而且当时也不知道这部电影会拍成什么样子,但我还是给史蒂文了电话,”艾布拉姆斯承认说

    "When I called Steven, it was an instinct to work with someone who was a hero of mine since I was a kid, and I had no idea what the movie was, " admits Abrams.


  • 监管者意欲阻止这点,现在他们可选工具似乎银根更紧的资本充足率规定

    Regulators want to prevent this, and their tool of choice now seems to be tighter capital-adequacy rules.


  • 从没看过意欲伤害什么人尤其是自己的女儿

    I don't see him ever trying to hurt someone, especially his own daughter.


  • 对新人意欲征服罗马但是他们联合舰队却公元前31年的阿克提姆战役罗马的另一位统帅屋大维击败。

    The couple planned to conquer Rome. But in 31 B.C. the Roman general Octavian destroyed the combined forces of Antony and Cleopatra in the battle of Actium.


  • 虽然最近禽流感爆发,但市民购买活鸡意欲未有减退。

    The recent bird flu outbreak had not deterred consumers from buying live chickens.


  • 此时,盖茨已开始不断冲撞母亲意欲控制本能,不断引爆意志较量。

    The son pushed against his mother's instinct to control him, sparking a battle of wills.


  • 他们意欲地方税率降低10%,削减工资推举合适官员取消那些重叠的公众服务项目

    They plan to cut local taxes by 10%, slash salaries for elected officials, and shed overlapping public services.


  • 这份报道所反映百度一系列的行动之一,百度意欲搜索之外领域寻求突破发展包括电子商务、在线视频社交网站,甚至是浏览器

    The report comes amid other Baidu moves to break into new areas as it seeks growth outside of search, such as e-commerce, online video, social networking, and even browsers.


  • 若是女人意欲取悦一个男人,最好谈点儿年少梦想什么的,男人通常都吃一套。

    If a woman wants to enchant a man, she is wise to play his pupil. Men fall for this.


  • 简单例子就是关系企业意欲聘用人才要想获得雇主聘用工作签证到底会有容易(多困难)。

    The simplest example of this relates to how easy (or difficult) it is for talented people whom a business wishes to hire to get a working visa for the country where the business wishes to employ them.


  • 目前所有电子书销售商试图尽可能扩张他们的电子书以及电子书阅读器产品阵容意欲亚马逊展开竞争

    All the major eBook vendors are currently trying to expand their eBook and eReader line-ups as fast as possible in order to compete with Amazon.


  • 这种静态的、模糊的、非专用性系统使得意欲襄助安全保护民众产生了不确定性冷漠情绪

    This static, ambiguous and nonspecific system creates uncertainty or indifference among the population that it is meant to help protect.


  • 这种静态的、模糊的、非专用性系统使得意欲襄助安全保护民众产生了不确定性冷漠情绪

    This static, ambiguous and nonspecific system creates uncertainty or indifference among the population that it is meant to help protect.


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