• 我们通常立即性地支持家庭成员尖锐评论而没有想想我们自己回应

    We instantly react to a family member's familiar stinging criticism with defensiveness, without thinking about our response.


  • 我们想想上帝赐予我们的福分。多想想我们每天做了哪些有益于自己思想身体感情精神的事。

    Let's think about what God has blessed us with, and what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally.


  • 我们永远不分离如果一句话使今后难过想想在地下也感到一样的难过,看自己份上饶恕吧!

    I only wish us never to be parted: and should a word of mine distress you hereafter, think I feel the same distress underground, and for my own sake, forgive me!


  • 待定想想我们分享所有知识使自己人生有意义

    TBD: Just think of all the knowledge we share to make your life more meaningful!


  • 我们极少停下来检视我们路径看清楚所有事情为什幺会发生,去想想我们所走的路径究竟我们自己的决定,还是眼睛随波上的。

    How rarely do we stop to examine that path, to see the reasons why all things happen, to consider whether the path we take in life is our own making or simply one into which we drift with eyes closed.


  • 因为缺乏耐性,我们将为达成目标要做事填满自己时间表却没有想想我们肩负其他责任

    Because are impatient to succeed, we overload our schedules with duties related to our goals without taking into consideration all of the other objectives for which we are responsible.


  • 想想我们每天做了哪些有益于自己思想身体感情精神的事。

    And what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually.


  • 想想我们每天做了哪些有益于自己思想身体感情精神的事。

    And what we are doing each day to (t) promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually.


  • 想想我们昨天亲历那一桩惨剧,不要说出自己感觉被人跟踪的烦躁疑心,来破坏我们之间的这份温存甜蜜?

    Given what we had witnessed the day before, could I have destroyed our tenderness with fretful suspicions of being followed?


  • 咱们想想上帝我们的福分。多想想我们天天做哪些有利于自己思维、身材、感情跟精力的事。

    Let's anticipate abender what God has adored us with, and what we are doing anniversary day to advance ourselves brainyly, dre beats, concretely, affectingly.


  • 我们想想上帝赐予我们的福分。多想想我们每天做了哪些有益于自己思想身体感情和精神的事。

    Let's think about what God has bleed us with, and what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally.


  • 我们不能只是教练问题,必须想想我们每个人自身是否履行自己的职责,一个集体是很值得我们考虑的。

    We've spoken about it with the coach and we must understand why there have been performances like the one on Sunday, which aren't worthy of a big team.


  • 思考而后下笔,基本写作准则,无论怎么讲都过分。这倒不是说我们需要在如何表达自己的层面上大伤脑筋,而是我们最起码想想我们要说的话能否正确表达我们希望表达的意思,是否有辞不达意的现象。

    One general message which cannot be overstated is that we must think before we write - not just think of how we are to express ourselves, but think first of what exactly it is that we wish to express.


  • 我们想想上帝赐予我们的福分,多想想我们天天做了哪些有益于自己思想身体感情精神的事。

    Let's think in what God has blessed us with and what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually.


  • 我们想想上帝赐予我们的福分,多想想我们每天做了哪些有益于自己思想身体感情精神的事。

    Let "s think about what God has blessed us with and what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually."


  • 我们想想上帝赐予我们的福分,多想想我们每天做了哪些有益于自己思想身体感情精神的事。

    Let "s think about what God has blessed us with and what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually."


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