• 每个年龄段的读者都会将自己喜欢的书里的重要人物相匹配,并且问自己:我会那样吗?我会什么样的选择?

    I think readers of every age may match themselves with the important persons in the books they love and ask themselves: Would I have done that? What choice would I have made?


  • 对于卡尔先生具体问题:电脑我们大脑造成了什么样的影响,简单答案就是使我们以前不同了

    To the specific question that Mr Carr asks about what the Internet is doing to our brains, the simple answer is that it is making us think and behave differently.


  • 美国印度交易时,直接越过国际核不扩散公约组织。

    When America wanted a nuclear deal with India, it rode a coach and horses through the NPT.


  • 这些评估会影响到他们是否雇用约会或者朋友

    Those assessments can influence whether they want to hire you, date you, or be your friend.


  • 如果配偶依然努力这些,那么这他们用自己的方式告诉没有会让他们如此之共度的了。

    If your spouse still makes an effort to do this - it's their way of telling you, there's no one they'd rather be with.


  • 复合型任务不同的是,每次只件事情.这件事情的时候你要避免所有干扰,摆脱其他不相干的习惯(比如查查Email或者其他的习以为常的事情).坚持一个任务,直到你完成它.这样它不会给你很大压力,也不会影响你的精力.

    Remove all distractions, resist any urge to check email or do some other habitual task like that while you’re doing the task at hand. Stick to that one task, until you’re done.


  • 大家好!这个周末父亲点时间大家交流父亲的感觉得一个父亲的角色有时候困难,也最有意义。

    Hi, everybody. This Father's Day weekend, I'd like to spend a couple minutes talking about what's sometimes my hardest, but always my most rewarding job - being a dad.


  • 克里斯别人不同的——并不真正是朋友我们不属于同一个时间空间这些努力就是谈话的时间。

    Chris was different - I was not really his friend, and we were in different time zones, he made the effort to figure out when I was most likely to be able to talk.


  • 完美的论坛了解什么样一些时间之前,其实身体这样

    It is a perfect forum to understand the kind of person one would like to spend some time with before actually physically doing so.


  • 对于你们来说我们行动不会导致你们知情的情况,因为我们从未谣传来掌控你们的需求,虽然我们确实有着太多的能力可以这么

    There is no point in us going ahead without your knowledge and involvement, as we have never purported to handle your needs by ourselves, although we are quite capable of doing so.


  • 如果他们美国人民分享欢迎他们这样

    If they want to share it with the American people, they are welcome to do it.


  • 一个最好事情可以针头

    I think it's one of the best things you can do with needles.


  • 大脑决定怎样感觉怎样,怎样以及你怎样他人很好相处

    Your brain determines how you think, how you feel, how you act, and how well you get along with other people.


  • 不过,一直脚癣斗争所有知道一旦真菌沾上根除谈何容易

    However, as anyone who has wrestled with a persistent case of athlete's foot knows, it's not easy to root out a fungus once it's taken hold.


  • 已经过社会得到锻炼经验年龄,我只是告诉大家慈善行为帮助他人人人可行,时时应平常之事

    I am beyond the age of seeking exercise and experience from society, I just want to tell others that charity and helping other people are ordinary things to do, a part of our daily life.


  • 大家分享,我收入车站

    I would like to share with you is that I do before a station, I also do a revenue of the stations it.


  • 我们45分钟演讲然后接下来15分钟的提问回答环节。

    We'd like you to make a 45 minutes' speech followed by a 15 minutes' Q&A session.


  • 联系情人。

    I think we can stop here now.


  • 朋友,就是因为成为陌路人,不这样,让一切了无痕迹。

    Want to be friends with him because they do not want and he became a stranger, and do not want to do, so that no traces of everything.


  • 朋友,就是因为成为陌路人,不这样,让一切了无痕迹。

    Want to be friends with him because they do not want and he became a stranger, and do not want to do, so that no traces of everything.


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